Lloyd Estates Elementary School
Principal: Mrs. Shawn Allen
Assistant Principal: Ms. Josianne Gourdet
SAC Chair Mrs. Luisa Hanfling
November 15, 2016
8:15 am
Media Center
I. Welcome
II. October Minutes Approval – Ms. Hanfling read the minutes, motion to approve the minutes made by Ms. Hoddy, seconded by Ms. Reina, the motion carries.
III. ASP Syrus no longer with us Kay will be the new partner Rep Motioned by Ms. Cruz and seconded b Ms. Hoddy
IV. School Improvement Plan discussed all the things and initiatives the school is doing to improve grade– Ms. Hanfling
V. A+ Funds – Ms. Holdren presented the teachers proposals (80% for staff shared evenly, 20% for school supplies; other proposals – 95%-5%, 90%-10%, 75%-25%)
Ms. Harrison proposed one of the options on the ballot 80% for the staff, 20% for the school, Ms. Gordon seconded, the motion carries. The school supplies include: laminator, laminating and poster paper. Members of the SAC Committee took a vote to approve the first option on the ballot; the option has been accepted.
Option two – 90% for the staff, 10% for the school with the same options for the school supplies, motion made by Ms. Gordon, 75%-25% made by Ms. Rivas; the SAC voted and decided 5 to 4 that the second option on the ballot to be the 90% for staff and 10% for school supplies
Order of buying the supplies: 1. Laminating machine, 2. Poster maker supplies, 3. Die cut, 4. laminating supplies
Motion to approve the option two made by Ms. Gordon, seconded Ms. Rivas, motion approved
Amending the option one by adding the purchase of the die cut – motion by Ms. Gordon, seconded by Ms. Kay, approved.
Motion to accept the ballot made by Ms. Hoddy, seconded by Ms. Mayedeene, approved. It will be voted on by the staff.
VI. Title I Update – Ms. Palonka
VII. Principal Report
Teachers Training – science and small group math; Oct 28 teachers were trained on Family Life Training
Digital 5 – students whose parents attended the meeting will be allowed to take the computers home
Assessments – students are assessed, data huddles are being held with teachers
ESOL - $5,000 for supplemental materials
Vocabulary Parade – Nov 29 (K-2), Nov 30 (Grades 3-5)
Title 1 Night – Dec 7 at 6:00pm “Lights, Camera, Vocabulary City”
Handouts – Exceptional Student Education Support Services, ESOL Leadership Council Meeting, Parent Engagement Conference, harvest Feast
STEM Challenge
Holiday Store – week before last week before Christmas break
VIII. Upcoming Events
a. November 23rd – 25th – No School, Thanksgiving Break
b. November 29 Vocabulary Parade (Grades K-2)
c. November 30th – Vocabulary Parade (Grades 3-5)
IX. Next Meeting Date and Time
a. December 20th @ 8:15am