Advisory Council Meeting Minutes
February 22nd 2011
1:00 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Brigham CitySeniorCenter
Present-Mary Bennett, Erlene Hedrick, Lynn Lemon, Ken Brown, Brian Schaffer, Don Albrecht, Norm Weston, Brian Shaffer
Other – Michelle Benson, Nancy Green, Marion Layne, Lisa Freund, Roger Jones, Bill Cox, Melissa Lewis, Kristine Johnson, Carol Albrecht, Paula Toledo, Shanna Bylund
Excused –Deb Harvey, Adrian Gale, Robin Troxell, Melanie Stoddard
Welcome– Mary Bennett
Approval of minutes- Motion to approve minutes by Ken Brown, seconded by Norm Weston.
Mary brought an article from The Herald Journal aboutan Adult Day Care Center in Lewiston called the SunrisePark.It is operated by GayLynn and Jerry Jorgensen. They have also broken ground for an assisted living center. In the same issue of this paper, there wasalso a notice on a meeting that is being held tomorrow night about establishing an adult day center in CacheValley. Mary asked all to attend this important meeting.
State Board Report-Michelle Benson gave this report on behalf of Adrian Gale.
Senior Day at the Legislature-February 10thwas Senior Day at the Legislature.Thirty five people from our area were in attendance. Representative Curt Webb arranged for a tour for our group. Discussed legislative bills regarding fraud/abuse of elders and the development of an Alzheimer’s task force.
State Budget-The legislative committees have prioritized funding for Aging to be restored. There may be administrative cuts at the state level.
Federal Budget-Federal Programs being targeted for cuts include the Senior Employment Program, HUD Subsidized Housing for seniors and Senior Corps Programs. There are going to be some cuts, but hopefully we are not looking at complete program elimination.
Four Year Area Plan Focus Group- Michelle expressed her appreciation to Carol Albrechtand her team in helping with this focus group. Information from the groups will be used in the area plan. Carol introduced Paula Toledo and Shanna Bylund who are helping with the focus group. The group will be concentrating on the following areas:Service Priorities, Systems Efficiencies, and Partnerships.
SeniorCenter Director’s Reports-
Nancy Green-The Brigham City Senior Center hasreceived a Federal HomelandSecurity grantfor a seismic upgrade.They will strengthenthe walls and sometime in May take the roof off. The kitchenwill not be affected as it has alreadybeenupgraded. In the meantime, they will be taking a lot of trips in the summer. They will have a tent set up for meals. In the month of March, they will be having “March for Meals”. There will also be afun fundraiser called“Brigham’sGot Talent”. They will be sharing information on Meals on Wheels through the evening and honoring volunteers as well. They will also be doing a fun Murder Mystery, on Friday March 25.On WednesdayMarch 23rd theMayorswill bedelivering meals.
Marion Layne:They have their new bus! In March they are doing Mayors for Meals, with three different days for the mayors to deliver meals.The city is getting more property for parking. The SeniorCenter got a Nintendo Wii donated, so they now have “Wii Wednesdays”, they are also hoping for a bigger TV.
KristineJohnson:They too will be calling Mayors and council people to delver Meals for March.They have increased fitness classeswithSit and Be Fit yoga.They have applied for a grant to take the multi purpose room andput dividers in it.
Bill Cox:They have had some deaths in RichCountythis year so that has been a challenge and they have been scraping the bottom of the barrel money wise this year but they are making it. Home Deliveredmealsare up this year.
The next Advisory Council meeting will be held on April 26th.The Family Placein Lewistonhas offered to host us. Mary Bennett made the proposal to change the meeting to The Family Place in Lewistonand there was a unanimous agreement. Directions to the facility will be sent with the April agenda.
Ken made the motion to end the meeting. The meeting was adjourned