Task Force Name: Urban Programming Task Force Chair: Gwendolyn Williams (Georgia)

Membership: Task Force Chair-elect: Jon Mayer (Florida)

Date: September 2013

Goal: To increase dialogue and understanding of the unique needs of 4-H programming in urban areas.

Objective(s) / Action Steps / Position/Person Responsible / Target Date / Status Report / Budget
Seek additions to Urban Program Directory / 1.  Update Point of Contact on submission form, and on the website.
2.  Twice a year submission process.
March 15, August 15
3.  Peer Review new directory submissions.
4.  Get new directory submissions to Jody Rosen to get new submissions posted online.
5.  Review contacts to make sure they are current. If not current, then post a note near pdf about contacts not being current. / Main Point of Contact -
Reviewer –
NE – Megan Tifft (NY)
NE – ?
NC – Diane Baker (IL)
S – Sheryl Olen (TX)
W – Keith Nathaniel (CA)
Nancy Rucker (TN) –
Cleaning up current directory, to make sure contacts are up to date.
Promote high quality innovative urban programming. / 1.  Submit proposal for program highlighting current urban programming efforts.
2.  Coordinate between regional award winners, and new directory submissions to facilitate a mini- showcase formatted session.
3.  Market to applicants about innovative urban programming. / Jon Mayer (FL)
Meg Sage Mach(MO) / January 1, 2014
Urban Programming Award / 1.  Add possible monetary value to the award of $500.
2.  Find a Sponsor for 2014 and beyond.
3.  Choose award winner. / Main Point of Contact –
Gwendolyn Williams (GA)
Finding a sponsor –
Carolyn Hansen (IL) / November 15, 2013 / $500
Reviewer –
NE – ?
NC – Carolyn Hansen (IL)
S – Tamra McGagughy (TX)
W- Keith Nathaniel (CA)
Urban Programming Seminar on Wheels / 1.  Contact Minnesota planning committee to see if we can fit this into their schedule
2.  Work on details of seminar on wheels
3.  Showcase what urban taskforce is doing and has to offer.
4.  Possible chance for our award winners or directory submissions to provide presentations.
5.  Contact Oregon for 2015 to be on their seminar on wheels / Diane Baker (IL)
Jon Mayer (FL) / December 15, 2013
Hosting best practices discussions / 1.  Possible Topics
-  Marketing
-  Paid Staff vs. Volunteers
-  Stakeholders
-  Programming
-  Partners
-  Funding
2.  Identify highest needs under key topics.
3.  From highest needs, find best practices, to address highest needs.
Regular Taskforce Conference Calls / 1. Schedule bi-monthly meetings to conduct taskforce business.
2. Free Conference
3. Gwendolyn will send out doodle poll to see what regularly scheduled date would work,( i.e., 2nd Thursday or 2nd Tuesday) for our quarterly conference calls. / Gwendolyn Williams (GA)
Jon Mayer (FL) / Ongoing

Items to think about from 2011 Conference discussions…

·  Create informal ways to provide support

·  Ways to collaborate with other states.

·  Helping our youth interact with each other from Urban areas all over the country

·  Ambassadors from each Urban area that could promote urban programming

·  Feature youth from our Urban Programs at a National meeting during a presentation. (Maybe Galaxy, when we are in Northeast Region)

Long Range Things to think about:

·  Better ways of reaching new audiences.

·  Inviting more members – people doing the work. How do we help them? Promote affiliate membership? Are we meeting the needs of our co-workers needs for professional development?

·  Google group to engage those interested in support network for urban programming. Complete social media application. Invite membership on list serve to participate in discussions. Pose questions to the group.

·  Web page – committee only information section. Meeting information, Google Docs

·  Stakeholder communications

·  Access of 4-H programming for all

·  Link with Diversity committee and maybe Afterschool taskforce

·  Link/Partner with 1890 and 1994 Institutions

·  Survey membership…

o  Send out to Urban Programming listserve

o  Send out a request to all State Association presidents to invite all levels of 4-H educators that work in urban programming to fill out the survey. The taskforce feels this survey would be a great way to market membership in NAE4-HA to staff that are not currently members.

o  What resources (published or created) are you using for Hiring/Retaining staff/volunteers, training staff/volunteers, program development, partnership, funding, and evaluation? Rank the level (start from scratch, reinvigorate current program, tools for the trade).

o  What challenges or needs do you have?

o  Demographics – population of youth in county, population of youth in the program, how many staff, how many legislatures.