MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. is committed to maintaining an environment that is accessible, healthy, clean and safe in all facilities it controls. MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC.’s Executive Director appoints Health and Safety Officers for each site. The Safety Officers are responsible for implementing the health and safety policies and procedures. Policies and procedures regarding health and safety conform to all legal, regulatory and accreditation health and safety requirements.
A. Health and Safety Officers
1. The Executive Director appoints Safety Officers for each site where services are delivered.
2. The Safety Officers’ names are posted at each MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. building in proximity to other postings MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. is required to place in employee areas.
3. All employees are responsible to know who is serving as Safety Officer for their work site.
4. The Safety Officers have the authority to require that employees, while at MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC., take special health precautions recommended or required by public health officials.
B. Minimum Duties of Health and Safety Officers
1. Duties of Safety Officers are set forth in an Additional Duty Job Description.
2. For their assigned facilities, Safety Officers, at a minimum:
a. Ensure that all employees receive training upon hire and periodic refresher training, at least annually, on health and safety policies and procedures;
b. Arrange for in-service training for new employees and for all staff at least annually regarding hepatitis, blood-borne pathogens, HIV/AIDS, and tuberculosis;
c. Ensure that all MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. employees complete crisis de-escalation training and regular refresher training to learn how to intervene in crises and attempt to defuse them;
d. Arrange for Hepatitis B vaccinations for all staff who ask to have such vaccinations;
e. Give special attention to other health risks for which public health officials recommend vaccinations and shall encourage staff persons to obtain such vaccinations;
f. Check first-aid kits weekly and ensure supplies are replenished as needed;
g. With regard to situations that call for building occupants to take shelter or evacuate, make prior arrangements with other staff to escort occupants from bathrooms if such emergencies occur when the Safety Officers are not present to do so;
h. Make certain that signs indicating MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC.’s prohibition on use of tobacco are maintained at public entrances;
i. Ensure that signs indicating MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC.’s medication restrictions are posted in each reception area; the signs shall direct persons in possession of medications to register them with the receptionist;
Minimum Duties of Health and Safety Officers - Continued
j. See that signs prohibiting the carrying of weapons are maintained at public entrances where MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. provides services;
k. Enhance their awareness of fire and safety regulations and codes and make recommendations regarding deficiencies to the Executive Director or take immediate appropriate action to see that MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. buildings stay in compliance;
l. Ensure that drawings showing location of fire extinguishers, location of shelter areas, and building evacuation routes are placed in every room used by clients or visitors, in a conspicuous location near the door; the drawings shall indicate the location of fire alarm pulls and fire extinguishers;
m. Complete and keep a Health and Safety Checklist Report relating to health and safety for at least seven years. Submit a copy of each Health and Safety Checklist Report form completed to the Executive Director. One the form identify and make written recommendations to the Executive Director concerning any recurrent problems that might call for policy changes or require more extensive corrective action; provided, if no such problems are discovered, they shall nevertheless provide the Executive Director with a written statement to that effect and the date when the analysis was completed;
3. The Safety Officer for MCCI-Lawton works with the Regional Director to make certain that an adequate number of latex gloves are available and appropriate disposal containers are always available in the urinalysis (UA) testing area and are properly utilized and disposed of.
4. The Safety Officer at MCCI-Lawton, at least once a year, reviews the HIV/AIDS Information that is given to clients during the intake process and discusses any needed revisions with the Clinical Vice-President.
5. Originals of all inspections, training records, and reports relating to health and safety are maintained in the clinic of origin and copies provided to the Executive Director for filing; provided, this requirement shall not apply to documents that clearly need to be kept elsewhere, such as fire extinguisher inspection tags.
C. Duties Related to Inspections
1. MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC.’s Safety Officers arrange for inspection of each MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. building at least once a year by an outside agency, and:
a. Report the findings to the Executive Director; and,
b. Recommend, note, and monitor corrective actions taken.
2. The Safety Officers conduct self-inspections of each MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. building at least twice a year; and:
a. Report the findings to the Executive Director;
b. Recommend, note, and monitor corrective actions taken; and,
c. Submit the completed Health and Safety Checklist Report form describing what was inspected whether or not deficiencies were found.
C. Duties Related to Tests/Drills
1. Emergency procedures are tested regularly, at least annually, in all facilities where MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. provides administration and/or delivers services.
2. Tests/drills include actual or simulated physical evacuations.
3. The Safety Officers at each MULTI-COUNTY COUNSELING, INC. facility are responsible for conducting fire/evacuation drills, not announced to occupants in advance, at least twice a year at each building; and:
a. Notifying the alarm company and local fire department prior to a planned fire drill with the date and time of the planned drill;
b. Making notes of the time required for complete evacuation; and,
c. If necessary, arranging for additional staff training or additional drills to achieve satisfactory compliance.
4. Each test of emergency procedures is documented on the appropriate form and the information is analyzed for performance improvement.
5. The test and analysis result in improvement of, or affirm satisfactory, current practices.
6. The completed Test of Emergency Plans Report form is submitted to the Executive Director and other appropriate persons within ten (10) days of the test/drill.
D. Duties Related to Critical Incidents
1. Whenever a Critical Incident or any injury to a client or visitor or staff person occurs, or there is other indication that individuals have been threatened, that safety conditions or precautions have been significantly compromised, or that hazardous material has been found, the Executive Director consults with the Corporate Responsibility Officer to determine whether to convene an Incident Review Committee.
2. Such committee includes all Safety Officers, Regional Directors, and other such staff as the Executive Director deems appropriate.
3. If convened, the Incident Review Committee investigates the event or conditions and recommends to the Executive Director what corrective actions or changes in policy or procedure, if any, should be taken.
4. If the committee, in the course of conducting its investigation or formulating its recommendations, determines that there is a need for the assistance of outside expertise, the Executive Director shall arrange for the services of one or more such experts.
5. Safety Officers assist with, and document, actions taken in response to recommendations of the Incident Review Committee and provide copies of the documentation to the Executive Director.
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