REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) 16-0009.1 Reissue
Student International Travel
Proposers in Attendance:
Fellowship Travel International
RFP Corrections:
Attention was called to the Schedule of Events. The dates of the Finalist Presentations, listed as event number 11, should read 4/20/2016 – 4/22/2016.
The original Section 3.1.2 of the Proposal Requirements is hereby deleted and replaced with the following:
Each Proposer must submit one (1) original, (signed in blue, non-permanent ink), one (1) *electronic, and one (1) copy of the Technical Proposal to the Institution in a sealed package that is clearly marked: “Technical Proposal in Response to RFP 16-0009 - Do Not Open”
*electronic copy must be submitted on a flash drive with the Technical Proposal submission in a Word document.
General Items:
Attention was called to the dates located in Section 2, Schedule of Events. Proposers were reminded that late proposals shall be rejected and deemed and non-responsive. Proposers were also referred to Attachment 6.13, Vendor Checklist for Prevention of Common RFP Mistakes that Lead to Proposal Rejection. Proposers were reminded that failure to provide/meet the mandatory requirements in the format as specified in the RFP, will be cause for proposal rejection by the TBR System Office (hereinafter TBR). Should a proposer’s technical response be rejected, its cost proposal shall remain sealed and unopened.
Proposer Questions:
Question #1: C.1.1.4 - Proposer shall validate in its response its understanding that its travel agent services must include solutions for State requirements for turnaround time to book travel arrangements once notified by institution.
What are the State requirements for turnaround time to book travel arrangements once notified by the institution?
Response: The preferred time is no longer that two (2) weeks.
Question #2: C.1.1.5 - Proposer shall validate in its response its understanding that its travel agent services must include the ability for institutions to upload travel documents to vendor’s system for booking.
What travel documents are you referring to that need to be uploaded into the proposer’s system for booking?
Response: Institutions currently have the ability (with some vendors) to upload passenger list which include details like passenger name, date of birth, driver’s license and passport numbers. The ability to upload requested travel itineraries or travel details such as hotels, land travel, etc. is also desired. The goal is to achieve a higher level of accuracy on the front end with travel logistics.
Question #3: C.1.1.9 - Proposer shall validate in its response its understanding that deposits shall be waived.
If proposer only offers to waive deposits for vendors who do not require them (e.g. letters of credit held with airlines), would this result in disqualification?
Response: No, TBR is aware that this is largely dictated by the airlines. TBR is interested in having it in writing that the proposer honors all fee waivers that airlines and other vendors offer.
Question #4: C.1.3.2 - Proposer shall validate in its response its understanding that Proposer shall provide real time assistance that is available Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. CT.
Which real-time services are mandatory that the Proposer offer 7am-7pm CT?
Response: This is in reference to access to agents/customer service in case of an emergency and when rebooking is needed or if there are issues with tickets upon arrival to the airport. Institutional representatives want the ability to speak to someone to address issues.
Question #5: C.2.1.17 - Proposer shall describe in its response any other services provided to institutions not already described above. (Ex: website booking that allows users to view options).
Is this question referring to flight-related services only? Can the proposer describe other products and services (ex. land arrangements) here or does that information need to be restricted to section C.4 Additional Products/Services?
Response: This section is flight section only, if there are others products and services that the proposer offers beyond the proposals description, please list and describe those in section C.4. In addition if there are costs involved with those services the costs must be clearly indicated in the Cost Proposal. Any costs (including references to items that are at no cost or free of charge) must be outlined in the Cost Proposal only.
Question #6: C.2.1.20 - Proposer shall describe in its response the process for allowing institutions to bill back to the students.
Please describe what TBR means by “the process for allowing institutions to bill back to the students.”
Response: TBR wants the proposer to give a detailed explanation of the billing process.
Question #7: C.2.1.25 - Proposer shall describe in its response the process for allowing TBR employees to use this service for non-academic trips.
Will TBR employees be responsible for payment? Or, will the institution be billed?
Does “using this service” imply that individual employees are to receive all the same benefits stated throughout this proposal or that travel services are simply available to them?
Response: The same services would include TBR Employees who are traveling for work purposes. Currently TBR employees pay for some individual travel and then are reimbursed by the institution. There are some exceptions to that process whereby the institution will pay for airfare up front. Proposer should indicate if it has specific requirements for payment by the institution only or if faculty/staff may make payment to the successful proposer directly.
Question #8: C.2.2.5 - Proposer shall describe its response time to inquiries.
What kinds of inquiries are you referring to?
Response: TBR is seeking a response on turnaround time with regards to communication flow, response and action times and whether communication is via email or phone, etc.
Question #9: C.2.6.1 - Proposer shall describe its process for providing monthly travel reports to include system-level data, names and travel itineraries.
What system-level data is TBR interested in including in its reports?
Response: TBR is requesting reports listing travel by institution, participants, locations traveled, duration, cost details, airline used as well as if there were other services provided such as ground transportation.
Question #10: Would this agreement, once issued, be exclusive?
Response: No. However, TBR is promoting this proposal as a system-wide contract/solution due to feedback from different institutions and will help the awarded Proposer promote and market the services offered.
Question #11: How many passengers travel each year?
Response: RFP 16-0009.1 offers Attachment 6.8 which provides Historical Data for 2014/2015 so that proposers can see a general expectation of travelers.
Question #12: How many passengers travel each year, Individuals vs. groups?
Response: Most travel includes a group of students along with a few employees.
Question #13: Does the number of passengers that travel each year include faculty travel?
Response: Yes, faculty would be included in all work-related travel whether with student group or on an individual basis.
Question #14: The terms of the contract state one (1) year – are there options for renewals.
Response: The contract term would be for one (1) year with the possibility of four (4) one-year renewal options, with the total term of the contract not exceeding five (5) years. TBR is open to a longer initial term than one (1) year with the appropriate number of renewals to make this a total of 5 years, but a longer initial term must provide a financial incentive to TBR.