
PI’s name, e-mail address, phone number:

Program Area(s):

Project Title:

A Request for Proposals:

Advancing Extension Programming in

Metro Portland

  1. Special Criteria for Investment

Address ALL criteria.

□Reflects and advances the OSU Extension Metro Mission and Model.

□Addresses a critical issue and/or need in the metroPortland area.

□Leverages resources and gains partners – must include a program area or partnercash match and new or renewing external partners.

□Must be supported by and/or contribute to a research based.

□Supports a program priority.

□Must be significant and visible to metro audiences.

□Projectwill result in scholarly outcomes

Value-added criteria:

□Partnerships within the OUS system.

□Interdisciplinary and/or cross program partnerships.

Briefly state how this proposal meets these criteria:

  1. Introduction to Project

In 100 words or less, describe your project and explain how this funding will advance the program in Metro Portland.

  1. Issue/Need Addressed

Identify the issue and/or need to be addressed and describe the target population. In addition to any statistical information that you may have, address the following:

  • Is this an existing or emerging issue/need?
  • Has this issue/need been addressed before? What was the outcome?
  • How will this project impact the target population?
  • How does this project serve the public good?
  1. Project Objectives

State the objectives required to adequately address the issue/need stated above. Include key benefits of reaching your objectives and indicate how they coincide with state and/or national objectives.

(Please limit each response to two sentences.)

  1. Timeline

Provide detailed information on the expected timeline for the project. Break the project into three phases and provide a schedule for each phase.

Phase / Description / Start Date / End Date
1. Development
2. Implementation
3. Evaluation
Project Funds must be spent by Dec 31, 2009. Project Final reports must be submitted in SOARS by Feb 1, 2010. SOARS entries related to this project (such as Report of Accomplishments, publications, contacts) must be updated quarterly.
  1. Budget

Provide information on the estimated cost, resources, and amount requested for the project.

Description of Expenses / Anticipated Costs / Other Resources
(source & amount) / Amount Requested
Product Development

All University policies regarding appropriate use of University dollars must be followed.

Who will be the budget manager?

How does he/she intend on tracking and maintaining this budget?

  1. Key Personnel

Who will be the Principle Investigator on this project?

List the key personnel who will be responsible for completion of the project. Key personnel consist of campus faculty, county faculty, regional faculty and special hires for tasks like editing, project management, marketing, and evaluation. Funded projects must have a solid research base and be a program priority.

Name of Person / General Tasks to be Completed / Time Frame for Tasks
  1. Evaluation, Reporting, and Award Submission

Discuss how progress will be evaluated, how progress and results will be communicated, and how you will use the results, specifically:

  • How will impact data for this project be gathered (throughout and at the end of the project)?
  • Who cares about this work and should know about what you are doing (and the results thereof)?
  • What scholarly activities (journal articles, etc.) will be completed for this project?

The “plan of work” (including an evaluation plan) for this project must be entered in SOARS.

If this information is already in SOARS, highlight the pertinent portions and attach.

Principal Investigator: / a
Program Leader(s):

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