Language Arts 11 H

Disclosure Document

Ms. Hollinger



Appointment times: 2:30- 3:00 M-F

Welcome Miners!

I am excited to be with you this year and help you reach your goals for a quality education. In this course we will focus on reading and writing to help prepare you for AP Literature and subsequent higher education classes. We will be focusing on American literature and expository writing. Because you are in an honors class, I expect you are ready to work hard and be successful. In order to make this class successful, I need your cooperation with adhering to the guidelines I have listed here.


Please refer to the Bingham High School Attendance Policy for details.


Just as you need to be in class to succeed, you also need to be on time. I expect you to be in class, ready to learn when the bell rings. Each day you will have an assignment to be working on at the start of class. Students who are late will miss time to work on that assignment and will be responsible for finishing it at home. Additionally, tardies will count against your grade. I will give you two “free” tardies per quarter. After that, you will receive a 1% deduction off your quarter grade for each tardy. Tardies can be made up in before school sessions. (7-7:20) Please note that unexcused absences will count against the final quarter grade just like tardies.


Grades are based on attendance/tardies, participation and class behavior, class work, homework, and tests. Participation points are awarded by being prepared with materials and homework, being awake, participating in class and group work, and by using individual work time appropriately. You will be graded according to this scale:

A / 93% - 100% / C / 73% - 76%
A- / 90% - 92% / C- / 70% - 72%
B+ / 87% - 89% / D+ / 67% - 69%
B / 83% - 86% / D / 63% - 66%
B- / 80% - 82% / D- / 60% - 62%
C+ / 77% - 79% / F / 59% or lower

Daily Materials:

Each day you will need to bring a pen, a pencil, a notebook with notebook paper, a binder or folder to hold work returned to you and any homework due that day, your class calendar, and personal or assigned reading material. Also, please check the board each day for further instruction on what you will need in the next class.

Out of class reading requirements: The best way to improve in reading is to practice. Most of our class time is spend in discussing, analyzing, and practicing the skills found in the literature. This means that most of the assigned reading will be done out of class. Please plan time for reading homework each day.

Late Work:

Work turned in on time will be counted for full credit. Work submitted after the due time can be counted for full credit if you are absent and that absence is excused. (It must be turned in the next time we meet in order to receive full credit.) Work submitted after the due time for any other reason will be accepted for half credit until the next time we meet. Work submitted after that will receive no credit. Please be aware that that are certain assignments (like final papers and projects) that will not be accepted late.

If you are gone for an excused absence, you also have the option of sending assignments to me via e mail or sending them with someone else so they can be turned in on the actual due date. I strongly suggest you stay as current as possible with turning all assignments in on time.

If you are absent when an assignment is given (meaning you had no prior knowledge of that assignment) and that absence is excused, you will have one week from the day you return to make up the work. (This includes missed quizzes and tests.) If the absence is unexcused, you will not be able to make up the work. If you miss class, I strongly encourage you to come see me before or after school to get your assignments. You will have an easier time staying current if you talk to me about your missed work prior to returning to class. Please talk to me if you have a situation that requires an exception.

Hall passes:

I understand that emergencies arise and students occasionally need to be briefly dismissed from class. Hall passes should only be used during independent work time, barring emergency situations. If I or one of your classmates is talking, please wait to ask for the pass. Also be aware that over use or abuse of the hall pass will result in loss of future hall pass privileges.

Behavior and Expectations:

I want our time together to be useful and productive. These outcomes require us all to behave in a way that is respectful or ourselves and the other members of the class. The following is a list of mandatory expectations I have for this class:

·  Be respectful of others’ time. This means being ready to learn when I am ready to teach, listening to the comments of others, not talking out of turn, and adding to the class discussions appropriately.

·  Be prepared with materials and assignments.

·  Leave your electronic devices out of sight. No cell phones, ipods, headphones, etc. are permitted without permission. These devices will be confiscated and may be turned over to the administration. You will also lose 15 participation points each time this rule is broken.

·  Cheating and plagiarizing is strictly prohibited. Students suspected of cheating will receive zero credit on the assignment/ test/ paper in question.

·  Obey all other school rules and expectations including the dress code policy.

Meeting these requirements will earn you participation points and a quality learning environment. Failure to adhere to these rules will cost you participation points and, in some cases, academic points as well.

If you have questions or concerns regarding the information in this disclosure or if you require special accommodations, please talk to me. I am here to help. Once again, let me say how excited I am for this year and our time together. Let’s make this a great year!

Disclosure Information and Acceptance Sheet

Parent/Guardian: Please read the disclosure, fill out this page, and have the student return only this sheet to Ms. Hollinger by ______.

Student name:______

What would you like me to know about your child? ______


How may I best reach you? (List any or all that apply)

Phone: ______


During the year, and as part of the core curriculum, I would like to show videos or video clips related to various units of study. Some of those selections have a PG-13 rating, so guardian permission is required for high school age students. Please indicate if you would prefer your child not see these videos or clips. The selections include,

Video / Reason for Rating / Reason for Showing
The Crucible (1996) / The subject of this play is the Salem Witch Trials, which introduces themes a younger audience might not handle well. / Plays should be seen, not just read. Seeing the production helps students understand the gravity of that part of American history.
Midnight in Paris (2011) / The language gets a bit rough as the movie goes on. I only show the first 20-25 minutes though. / This movie is a fun way for students to get more familiar with the 1920’s and the writers of that time.
The Great Gatsby (2013) / Some scenes reflecting questionable morals and dress. I would be skipping any and all parts that could make a student feel uncomfortable. / The students will be reading the book, and it is helpful to see how the words on the page are actually exciting as they describe the atmosphere of the 1920’s.


I have reviewed the attached course disclosure with my teacher.

Signature ______Date ______


I have reviewed the attached course disclosure with my child.

Signature ______Date ______

Teacher signature of approval ______

Administrative signature of approval ______