Minutes from MBA meeting in Helena on Saturday the 3rd of December, 2005.

Attendance as follows:

Charlie Johnson

David Stratton

Ron Hawkinson

Peter Iacavazzi

Leah Kailey

Charles Culver

Craig Hermance

Doug Thielmann

Rosey Roseland

DonThomas (space)

Jim Gappa

Don Stein

Scott Reed

Joelle Selk

Matt Fischer

George Whithey

Gary Carvajal

John Grimstad

Marion Stratton

Meeting was called to order by MBA President Charlie Johnson

Peter Iacavazzi did not have to read minutes from previous meeting

Leah Kailey presented the financial report. Leah handed out a complete and extensive financial report for all in attendance. She informed us that the years taxes had been done on time. She informed all that the taxes and all current financial info was complete and up to date. However she was waiting on an IRS response and that she felt we may have to pay a minor penalty. But she felt the penalty would come in the form of an IRS “nasty” letter. Leah then expressed her desire that the MBA continue to use “Rocky” as our tax guy. Charlie asked for an estimate regarding next years cost to determine and confirm the use of Rocky’s services via a motion at the next board meeting.

A motion was then made that the MBA withdraw $20,000 dollars from our checking account and deposit into an interest earning certificate of deposit. The motion was approved unanimously.

Don Thomas motioned that we support Alternative A (make no change to the current season structure) regarding the Teton Creek project. The motion was approved unanimously.

George Whithey made a motion that we the board members share in the task of contacting delinquent members via phone. The motion was seconded by Don Thomas. Motion was then carried unanimously

Ron Hawkinson motioned that we do a membership survey. He suggested that we send the survey out with the annual carp shoot notification. Motion was seconded by George Withey and carried by all. (May 1, is the survey deadline approved in the motion)

Don Thomas motioned that we include in the survey a proposal that we address the legislation with regards to a possible stamp or enhancement fee included in the licensing fee. This enhancement fee would go to support and provide more monies for the block management program. Motioned seconded by Peter Iacavazzi and carried by all.

Gary Carvajal motioned that we go with Don Thomas’s recommendation that we support Alternative “C” with regards to the proposed Missouri Breaks national monument. Don Thomas seconded the motion and the motion was carried by all.

Joelle Selk motioned that the MBA donate $250 dollars to Judy Kovar to assist her with her recent request for financial assistance from the MBA. The motion was seconded by Craig Hermance. The motion was carried.

Motion by Ron Hawkinson that we as an organization comment to FWP on opposition to the outfitter requested “use day”. by Bear Paw Hunts, Inc., to create a new Net Client Hunting Use (NCHU) on five separate privately owned ranches located in parts of Choteau, Blaine, and HillCounties. Motion was carried.

A motion was then made as to weather or not we the MBA would support an MBA car license plate? The cost was determined to be $25 dollars. Start up fee required by the state is $4000.00. If not should we create personalized license frames instead? This is still up for debate. (Pete, due to the high initial fee required, I got the feeling the board is not interested in pursuing this and it’s a dead topic.)

Jim Gappa motioned that should we do something regarding the elk hunting in the “breaks”. Rosey had much to say regarding his thoughts but due to Steve Sukuts absence he declined to discuss his feelings at this time. However this topic should continue to stir all of us over the year and I’m certain we’ll hear more from Rosey at the next meeting.

Don Stein motioned that we continue to support and participate in the various sport shows throughout the state. Ron Hawkinson seconded and motion was carried. There is no show scheduled for Missoula this year. Billings and Bozeman will participate. No interest from Great Falls. Because the date for the Kalispell show coincides with the convention, it is unlikely we will participate.

This concluded the MBA board meeting and President Charlie Johnson adjourned. The next meeting will be held Friday, March 10th in Helena at 11:00 am.