Unit: How have Jesus followers put his teachings into practice?

About this unit: This unit builds on the unit ‘what did Jesus teach his followers? And would be suitable for year 5 or 6. It give the opportunity to explore the contribution of several well know people but care should betaken to avoid a project based approach. There will however be plenty of scope for research.

Prior learning / Technical Vocabulary / Resources
It would be helpful if
Pupils had looked at the parable of the Good Samaritan
Considered the way art and music are used to convey meanings and ideas. Or to tell a story.
Considered the work of a charity / In this unit children will have an opportunity to use words and phrases related to: -
Saint Paul
Saint Aldhelm
Good Samaritan
Martin Luther King
Mother Teresa
Tear fund
Christian Aid / The Book of Books by Trevor Dennis
The Aldhelm Way Pack. (The pack can be obtained free of charge from the diocesan offices 01722 411977). Or www.theAlhdelmWay.org.uk
‘More best worship songs ever’
RE Ideas: Christianity for ages 7-11 recently published by RE today Services.
The local Church
‘One voice: One heart’ CD
www.survivor.co.uk or www.onevoiceoneheart.com
At the end of this unit
Most children will:
(Level 4) / Be able to describe the impact of religion and suggest meanings to forms of religious expression. Be able to describe what inspires and influences them. Be able to apply their own ideas.
Some children will not have made so much progress and will:
(Level 2) / Be able identify features of a religion and recognise and recall religious stories. They can recognise and respond sensitively to the values of others.
Some children will have progressed further and will:
(Level 5) / Be able to explain the impact of religious teachings on lifestyle. Be able to explain what inspires them and express their views and those of others.
Learning Objectives / Possible Teaching Activities / Learning outcomes / Contribution to other Curriculum Areas
Pupils should; -
Learn about the life and significance for Christians of St Paul.
Explore issues of commitment, sacrifice repentance and conversion. / How did Jesus teachings spread?
Saint Paul
Tell the story of Saint Paul. Begin with the stoning of Stephen (although you need only cover that Stephen was an early Christian that was stoned to death for his faith). Explain Saul’s role in this and pick up the story from there. The Book of Books by Trevor Dennis covers this well but you will have to select, you may find a better version of Paul’s life. Cover the Road to Damascus and some of his journeys (the shipwreck is good) and that he was tried in Rome so spreading the Christian message throughout the Roman empire and then to world. Consider how Saul must have felt over the stoning of Stephen. Introduce the words remorse and repentance. Consider what they can do to make up for things they have done wrong (The action of repentance). Think about what they might be prepared to give up for something they feel is important. Consider what it means to be brave. Predict what they think Saul could do to make up for what he did.
Explain that he changed his name to Paul.
Avoid getting too tied up with the History. Use 2 Corinthians 11 vv 24-28 which is Paul’s own account of his life and compare this with the pupils ideas
Look at some examples from religious art and stain glass windows and how they have been used in the past to explain the events in the bible for those who couldn’t read.
Use these words and events form Paul’s life to design a collage or stain glass window for the newly refurbished St Paul’s Church in the Village/Town.
In 2005 all church schools in the diocese of Salisbury were sent a pack on the life of St Aldhelm the first Bishop of Sherborne. Although mainly for Sunday Schools it contains some useful information on a local saint. (The pack can be obtained free of charge from the diocesan offices 01722 411977). There is also a website www.theAlhdelmWay.org.uk
Aldhelm was particular successful at spreading Jesus teachings by singing and poetry that the ordinary people could understand.
Listen to some popular hymns and modern worship songs. Consider are these a good way to spread Jesus teachings? (‘More best worship songs ever ‘. complication that can be found in Tesco's etc is a good source)
Using the pack
Explain what a Bishop is! And then write a CV (again explain) for Aldhelm as he was being considered for the job of Bishop! / Pupils should be able to: -
Recall/describe/explain the key events in the life of Saint Paul
Respond sensitively to /describe/explain what inspires others and themselves.
Identify/suggest meanings /explain the use of expressive arts to convey religious ideas and teachings. / History
Opportunity for Spiritual social and moral development
Art and Design
Local history
Pupils should
Learn about the life of several famous Christians who have put Jesus teachings into action.
Explore the qualities in heroes and leaders that inspire others. / How have Jesus teachings made a difference to the world?
Martin Luther King/Mother Teresa
Ask the pupils to try and summarise a favourite story in 26 words.
Now ask them to summarise the teachings of Jesus in 26 words.
Then read then Jesus Summary, in 26 words Luke 10 v 27
Recap on the story of the Good Samaritan. And it’s meaning. Explain that through the ages many Christians have tried to put Jesus words about loving your neighbour into action. Sometimes this has meant helping those in need; sometimes it has involved standing up for the rights of others, risking your life.
Investigate the life and work of inspirational examples of Christians. Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa etc.
There are plenty of sources of information, probably too much; the best approach is to avoid a project or biography on the person concerned. Instead concentrate on why they did what they did, what impact they made etc.
A good question to ask is If Martin Luther King etc was the lead inspector visiting this school what would he like and what would he consider a serious weakness!
(A very good recent resource is RE Ideas: Christianity for ages 7-11 recently published by RE today Services.) / Pupils should be able to: -
Recognise/describe/explain the impact of religious teachings on lifestyle.
Recall/describe/explain the life of several famous Christians
Respond sensitively/apply their own ideas/express their views on the values of others. / History
Opportunity for Spiritual and moral development
Research skills
Use of ICT
Pupils should; -
Learn about the work of the local church community and the role of the Vicar/Minister/Priest etc / How have Jesus teachings made a difference locally?
The local church
Investigate the work of the local church to see how they have put Jesus teachings into action. Invite the local vicar in interview Her/Him. Produce a report fro the schools Website / Pupils should be able to: -
Recognise/describe/explain the impact of religious teachings on lifestyle.
Respond sensitively/apply their own ideas/express their views on the values of others. / Opportunity for spiritual and social development
Pupils should: -
Learn about the work of Christian Charity and what motives people to work for charities.
Explore their own values and consider what contribution they could make to society. / How are Jesus teachings being put into practice today?
Tear fund
Look at the work of a Christian Charity. Christian Aid or Tear fund are very good examples who both produce plenty of good educational resources. Again don’t get to bogged down in a project on what they do look at how they are trying to help and why they do what they do. (be careful some of the issues covered on their websites might be unsuitable for this age group)
Task: Make a presentation to the class/head/governors on why the school should adopt this charity as the schools charity. / Pupils should be able to: -
Recognise/describe/explain the impact of religious teachings on lifestyle.
Respond sensitively/apply their own ideas/express their views on the values of others. / Research skills
Use of ICT
Communication skills
Opportunity for spiritual and moral and social development.

Suggested Assessment Task:

The ‘One voice: One heart’ CD cover task

Play the CDRom single One Voice; One heart

(This available for £2.99 from most Christian Bookshops or www.survivor.co.uk or www.onevoiceoneheart.com) The video on this is a very Band Aid style so it will be familiar to most of the children.

Pupils are to produce a labelled design a CD cover that will appeal more to the youth audience.

It must reflect the cause the single is trying to raise money for; some aspect of Christian teaching that inspires the song.