SPSS/PC+ The Statistical Package for IBM
DATA LIST FILE 'b:logdat.2' /r 1 e 2 m 3 v 4 n 68.
weight by n.
loglinear r m v (0,1) e (1,3)
The raw data or transformation pass is proceeding
24 cases are written to the compressed active file.
/design m e r v m by e m by r e by r m by e by r v by m v by e v by m by e.
LOGLINEAR requires 7416 BYTES of workspace for execution.
Page 2 SPSS/PC+
* * * * * * * * * * L O G L I N E A R A N A L Y S I S * * * * * * * * * *
DATA Information
24 unweighted cases accepted.
0 cases rejected because of outofrange factor values.
0 cases rejected because of missing data.
1473 weighted cases will be used in the analysis.
FACTOR Information
Factor Level Label
R 2
M 2
V 2
E 3
DESIGN Information
1 Design/Model will be processed.
Correspondence Between Effects and Columns of Design/Model 1
Starting Ending
Column Column Effect Name
1 1 M
2 3 E
4 4 R
5 5 V
6 7 M BY E
8 8 M BY R
9 10 E BY R
11 12 M BY E BY R
13 13 V BY M
14 15 V BY E
16 17 V BY M BY E
Page 5 SPSS/PC+
*** ML converged at iteration 5. The converge criterion = .00082
Observed, Expected Frequencies and Residuals
Factor Code OBS count EXP count Residual Adj Resid
R 0
M 0
V 0
E 1 122.00 124.51 2.510 .759
E 2 72.00 70.61 1.385 .677
E 3 18.00 20.14 2.145 1.919
V 1
E 1 114.00 111.49 2.510 .759
E 2 88.00 89.39 1.385 .677
E 3 58.00 55.86 2.145 1.919
M 1
V 0
E 1 67.00 65.28 1.724 .743
E 2 83.00 80.78 2.218 1.014
E 3 60.00 63.35 3.352 1.524
V 1
E 1 150.00 151.72 1.724 .743
E 2 208.00 210.22 2.218 1.014
E 3 264.00 260.65 3.352 1.524
R 1
M 0
V 0
E 1 31.00 28.49 2.510 .759
E 2 7.00 8.39 1.385 .677
E 3 4.00 1.86 2.145 1.919
V 1
E 1 23.00 25.51 2.510 .759
E 2 12.00 10.61 1.385 .677
E 3 3.00 5.14 2.145 1.919
M 1
V 0
E 1 7.00 8.72 1.724 .743
E 2 5.00 7.22 2.218 1.014
E 3 10.00 6.65 3.352 1.524
V 1
E 1 22.00 20.28 1.724 .743
E 2 21.00 18.78 2.218 1.014
E 3 24.00 27.35 3.352 1.524
GoodnessofFit test statistics
Likelihood Ratio Chi Square = 8.05655 DF = 6 P = .234
Pearson Chi Square = 8.61816 DF = 6 P = .196
Estimates for Parameters
Parameter Coeff. Std. Err. ZValue Lower 95 CI Upper 95 CI
1 .2205372908 .05123 4.30494 .32095 .12013
Parameter Coeff. Std. Err. ZValue Lower 95 CI Upper 95 CI
2 .3717181666 .06307 5.89387 .24810 .49533
3 .0448611072 .06925 .64783 .09087 .18059
Parameter Coeff. Std. Err. ZValue Lower 95 CI Upper 95 CI
4 1.0560513865 .04938 21.38584 .95926 1.15284
Parameter Coeff. Std. Err. ZValue Lower 95 CI Upper 95 CI
5 .3632813799 .03240 11.21269 .42678 .29978
Parameter Coeff. Std. Err. ZValue Lower 95 CI Upper 95 CI
6 .4393830836 .06307 6.96675 .31577 .56300
7 .0442333273 .06925 .63877 .09149 .17996
Parameter Coeff. Std. Err. ZValue Lower 95 CI Upper 95 CI
8 .0576504875 .04938 1.16747 .15444 .03914
Parameter Coeff. Std. Err. ZValue Lower 95 CI Upper 95 CI
9 .1841890660 .06105 3.01708 .30384 .06453
10 .0804390048 .06736 1.19408 .05160 .21247
Parameter Coeff. Std. Err. ZValue Lower 95 CI Upper 95 CI
11 .0767879538 .06105 1.25781 .19644 .04287
12 .0134724858 .06736 .19999 .14551 .11856
Parameter Coeff. Std. Err. ZValue Lower 95 CI Upper 95 CI
13 .1724319219 .03240 5.32212 .10893 .23593
Parameter Coeff. Std. Err. ZValue Lower 95 CI Upper 95 CI
14 .1800382829 .04172 4.31535 .09827 .26181
15 .0652544993 .04301 1.51735 .01904 .14955
Parameter Coeff. Std. Err. ZValue Lower 95 CI Upper 95 CI
16 .0660396729 .04172 1.58291 .01573 .14781
17 .0077337920 .04301 .17983 .07656 .09202
This procedure was completed at 16:59:43
weight by n.
loglinear v (0,1) by r m (0,1) e (1,3)
/design v v by m v by e v by m by e.
LOGLINEAR requires 4304 BYTES of workspace for execution.
* * * * * * * * * * L O G L I N E A R A N A L Y S I S * * * * * * * * * *
DATA Information
24 unweighted cases accepted.
0 cases rejected because of outofrange factor values.
0 cases rejected because of missing data.
1473 weighted cases will be used in the analysis.
FACTOR Information
Factor Level Label
V 2
R 2
M 2
E 3
DESIGN Information
1 Design/Model will be processed.
Correspondence Between Effects and Columns of Design/Model 1
Starting Ending
Column Column Effect Name
1 1 V
2 2 V BY M
3 4 V BY E
5 6 V BY M BY E
*** ML converged at iteration 4. The converge criterion = .00019
Observed, Expected Frequencies and Residuals
Factor Code OBS count EXP count Residual Adj Resid
V 0
R 0
M 0
E 1 122.00 124.51 2.510 .759
E 2 72.00 70.61 1.385 .677
E 3 18.00 20.14 2.145 1.919
M 1
E 1 67.00 65.28 1.724 .743
E 2 83.00 80.78 2.218 1.014
E 3 60.00 63.35 3.352 1.524
R 1
M 0
E 1 31.00 28.49 2.510 .759
E 2 7.00 8.39 1.385 .677
E 3 4.00 1.86 2.145 1.919
M 1
E 1 7.00 8.72 1.724 .743
E 2 5.00 7.22 2.218 1.014
E 3 10.00 6.65 3.352 1.524
V 1
R 0
M 0
E 1 114.00 111.49 2.510 .759
E 2 88.00 89.39 1.385 .677
E 3 58.00 55.86 2.145 1.919
M 1
E 1 150.00 151.72 1.724 .743
E 2 208.00 210.22 2.218 1.014
E 3 264.00 260.65 3.352 1.524
R 1
M 0
E 1 23.00 25.51 2.510 .759
E 2 12.00 10.61 1.385 .677
E 3 3.00 5.14 2.145 1.919
M 1
E 1 22.00 20.28 1.724 .743
E 2 21.00 18.78 2.218 1.014
E 3 24.00 27.35 3.352 1.524
GoodnessofFit test statistics
Likelihood Ratio Chi Square = 8.05655 DF = 6 P = .234
Pearson Chi Square = 8.61817 DF = 6 P = .196
Analysis of Dispersion
Source of Variation Entropy Concentration DF
Due to Model 48.085 42.888
Due to Residual 885.996 608.411
Total 934.081 651.299 1472
Measures of Association
Entropy = .051478
Concentration = .065850
Estimates for Parameters
Parameter Coeff. Std. Err. ZValue Lower 95 CI Upper 95 CI
1 .3632813767 .03240 11.21269 .42678 .29978
Parameter Coeff. Std. Err. ZValue Lower 95 CI Upper 95 CI
2 .1724319242 .03240 5.32212 .10893 .23593
Parameter Coeff. Std. Err. ZValue Lower 95 CI Upper 95 CI
3 .1800382797 .04172 4.31535 .09827 .26181
4 .0652544960 .04301 1.51735 .01904 .14955
Parameter Coeff. Std. Err. ZValue Lower 95 CI Upper 95 CI
5 .0660396705 .04172 1.58291 .01573 .14781
6 .0077337896 .04301 .17983 .07656 .09202
This procedure was completed at 16:59:53
End of Include file.