I will give thanks to You, O Lord,

forI am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Ps. 139:14

Your name (please print and use the name you want me to call you in class. Thanks.):


Age: ______Birthday: ______

  1. Tell me a little about your family….did I teach any of your siblings?
  1. Have I had you in class before?
  1. Are you new here to Marian? If so, where did you go to school last year?

B. Are you a foreign exchange student from another country? If so, what are your concerns about this class? How can I make you feel more comfortable and help you to succeed in this class?

  1. What kind of literature do you like to read? (Favorite author or book?)
  1. Have you ever read any religious or spiritual books outside of those assigned in your Theology class? Which was your favorite?
  1. Do you have access to the internet and a printer at home?
  1. (FOR HONORS SENIORS ONLY) Do you have an Ipad / Nook / Kindle (etc.) that you would like to use in this class?
  1. Do you usually participate well in classroom discussions? If not, how can I help you to feel more comfortable discussing in this class (since it’s important for your grade)?
  1. What is your favorite movie?
  1. What is your favorite kind of music (or favorite singers/bands?)
  1. Do you play a musical instrument(s) or sing well? What instrument(s) do you play?
  1. Do you speak a foreign language? Which one(s)?
  1. Do you have a job right now? Where?
  1. Do you want to go to college? Any place in particular?
  1. What do you want to “be when you grow up?” 
  1. What do you hope to get out of this class (uh…besides a good grade, of course!)
  1. Are you Catholic? Y or N

If so:

  • Name of your Parish:
  • Are you in a Youth Group?
  • Do you attend any other denominational Churches?
  • How often do you go to Mass?

If you’re not Catholic:

  • What is your religion or spiritual orientation?
  • How often do you attend Church or Temple?
  • Where do you attend?
  • Do you have any concerns about studying the Catholic faith? What are they?
  1. What do think about God/religion/spirituality? Mark on the scale (Comments welcome.)

1 5 10


  1. Wbat do think about the Catholic faith? Mark on the scale. (Comments welcome.)

1 5 10



(Please don’t ask me why I’m having you answer these questions.

It really doesn’t matter. It’s just for fun.)

1.Which animal best symbolizes you and why?

2.If you could marry a cartoon character who would it be? Why?

3.What was one crazy thing did you to get in trouble for when you were a kid?

4.What’s at the top of your bucket list?

5.What dead person would you least want to be haunted by?

6.If you had to be trapped in a tv show for a month, which would you choose? Why?

7.If you could be any age for a week, what age would that be? Why?

8.If you could read a newspaper from the future…which day/year would you pick and why?

9.What’s the weirdest thing about YOU?

10.Finally, if you could change your name, what name would you like to have?