Cell Biology Portfolio – Due Friday 12/15/06
All assignments including quizzes, homework (diagrams), class work (notes and study guide) and labs will be organized in a folder that is able to bind your papers (e.g., brass brads, staples, or holes). Having the assignments all together makes it easier to study for your quizzes and exams. Since we have quizzes every week, taking the time to organize your assignments will be very helpful.
In the front of the portfolio after the cover sheet have a page that is your Table of Contents as shown in the example below. After the Table of Contents page include a ¾ page minimum Portfolio Summary which is a short descriptive essay explaining how you approached this unit (did you know anything about the cells and organelles), how you studied, what you’d do differently, what you learned and whether or not you met the standards for the unit.
Example Portfolio Table of Contents
IPortfolio Summary (3/4 page essay)
IIPortfolio Self-Evaluation (form signed by you and a parent/guardian)
IIILearning Skills Reflection (form completed by you)
IVDiagrams (unit assignments)
VStudy Guides (unit assignments)
VIHomework (unit assignments)
VIIWorkbook (unit assignments)
The Portfolio Self-Evaluation and Learning Reflection are forms that you will complete. Also, you must have a parent sign your self evaluation sheet.
Cell Biology Portfolio – Due Friday 12/15/06
All assignments including quizzes, homework (diagrams), class work (notes and study guide) and labs will be organized in a folder that is able to bind your papers (e.g., brass brads, staples, or holes). Having the assignments all together makes it easier to study for your quizzes and exams. Since we have quizzes every week, taking the time to organize your assignments will be very helpful.
In the front of the portfolio after the cover sheet have a page that is your Table of Contents as shown in the example below. After the Table of Contents page include a ¾ page minimum Portfolio Summary which is a short descriptive essay explaining how you approached this unit (did you know anything about the cells and organelles), how you studied, what you’d do differently, what you learned and whether or not you met the standards for the unit.
Example Portfolio Table of Contents
IPortfolio Summary (3/4 page essay)
IIPortfolio Self-Evaluation (form signed by you and a parent/guardian)
IIILearning Skills Reflection (form completed by you)
IVDiagrams (unit assignments)
VStudy Guides (unit assignments)
VIHomework (unit assignments)
VIIWorkbook (unit assignments)
The Portfolio Self-Evaluation and Learning Reflection are forms that you will complete. Also, you must have a parent sign your self evaluation sheet.