8th Grade English Syllabus and Class Policies 2015 – 2016
Teacher Mrs. Breanna Cox Phone(256) 741-4435
Room Middle School Room 11 E-mail
Conference Hrs. By Appointment Website1456
Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”
Mark Twain
- Texts
- Writing with Power(Provided)
- Write Where You Are – Strategies for Teaching Four Modes of Writing By Rick Shelton
- Mrs. Cox’s Class Rules
- Respect adults, other students, and yourself. To discuss any issue, please make an appointment with me. Being respectful of your classmates and your teacher includes focusing your full attention on each day’s class and participating in the lesson. Being respectful of your surroundings means keeping the classroom clean and comfortable by cleaning up any mess you make.
- Be in your assigned seat before the bell rings. Begin the DRP (Daily Reading Practice) immediately. This means that you must be in your assigned seat when the bell rings. Check the board for assignments, and prepare to begin working.
- Bring all items with you every day. You cannot go back to your locker for any reason. Be responsible. You are in the high school now.
- Do not eat or drink in class at any time. All food must be stored or thrown away before you enter the classroom; otherwise, you will be asked to dispose of it in class. Food attracts bugs and leaves a mess, and the only way to prevent both is to eliminate the cause.
- Make sure your desk and the area around your desk are clean before you leave.
- Do not bring other subject matter to class.
- Avoid distractions. All bags and purses must be stored on the floor or underneath your desk. Cell phones and other electronic devices are not permitted in class unless the teacher permits.
- Consequences for Broken Rules
- 1st Offence – Warning
- 2nd Offence – Choice of Discipline
- 3rd Offence – Choice of Discipline (Doubled) and Parental Contact
- 4th Offence (and thereafter) – Office Referral
- Supplies – You need to have all supplies by the beginning of next week!
- (1) 2 Inch (3-Ring) Binder
- Pack of Dividers
- Notebook Paper (Wide Rule Only)
- Black and Blue Pens ONLY (I will not accept assignments in any other color.)
- Pencils
- Crayons and/or Colored Pencils, Scissors, Glue Stick
- Assignment Notebook
- Any small notebook to write homework, assignments, and test dates in would be sufficient.
- Notebooks
- All students will be required to keep their work in an organized notebook.
Dividers should be in your notebook in this order:
- DRPs (Daily Reading Practice)
- Grammar
- Writing
- Novels
- Research
- Grading Procedures
- Grades will be given for classwork, homework, participation, tests, quizzes, essays, and projects.
- Class participation is defined as answering questions, working well with classmates and the teacher, showing respect for all people, equipment, and furnishings; and following all class and school rules. Unexcused absences will affect the class participation grade.
- All assignments must be handwritten, unless otherwise told, in black or blue ink in your own words and/or properly documented.
- Write only on the front of your paper when completing writing assignments unless told otherwise. Anything written on the back will not be graded unless you were given permission to write on the back.
- Points will be deducted from assignments for failure to follow written or verbal instructions.
- Cell Phone Policy
- The Board recognizes that cell phones may provide for convenient after-school communication between parents and students. Students may carry cell phones to school and to their classes. If I see a cell phone out in my room, I will take it up and turn it into the office. Your parent will have to come to the school to retrieve your phone. Do not even get it out to check the time. There is a clock in the room.
- Attendance Policy / Truancy
- All students should attend school regularly and be on time for all classes in order to receive the greatest benefit from the instructional program and to develop habits of punctuality, self-discipline and individual responsibility. There is a direct relationship between poor attendance and class failure. Students who have good attendance generally achieve higher grades and enjoy school more.
- Make-Up Work
- It is the student’s responsibility to turn in an excuse to the office.
- A grade of zero (0) will be received for work or tests missed on the day of any unexcused absence.