OIPPN Face-to-Face/Teleconference Meeting
Date: June 28, 2017 @ 11:30 – 3:30 hrs
Location: Orillia – OPP HQ Memorial Drive
Attendance in Person:(7)
Chairs: Pat Cliche and Sean Wraight
Host: Sgt. Avery Bassett Todd Fullerton Janet Vendrig Brandy Tanenbaum Katie Muirhead
Matthew Aymar Sunitha Rava Kumar Patricia Metcalf Amanda Chan Diana Bradford
Chris Daigneault-Hache Jennifer Labelle Rachel McKay Mark Andrews Brett Carson Linda Lowery and guest Amy Fishleigh (CWIPPN)
Agenda items / Discussion / Action/Follow-up1.COMMITTEE BUSINESS / Meeting Called to Order:
At 11:45 the meeting was called to order and members were welcomed.
Approval of May 3, 2017 Minutes
Motion: It was moved by Janet Vendrig, seconded by Sean Wraight that the minutes be approved.
Approval of the Agenda
Addition under other: Needs Assessment Survey for OIPRC
Motion:It was moved by Avery Bassett and seconded by Todd Fullerton that the agenda be approved with the addition.
2.BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MAY 3, 2017 MINUTES / Final Update on the ON IP Forum (Budget and Evaluation)
Todd is working on the final submission of the budget which is a confusing format.
Upon review of the evaluations they were very favorable. Only concern was the time scheduled for each block was very tight and many felt not enough time for each speak. Some comments were that if this was done again that the topics should be broaderin nature. At this time congratulations to Todd for delivery a presentation on Vision Zero for a Rural setting for a community that has only been in operational for approximately one year.
Todd mentioned the enrolment was under 100 due to the fact that we were competing with another similar conference that booked the same day that would draw IP practitioners to an event. They had asked us to cancel even though they had booked theirs after us.
Concussion in Motor Vehicle Collisions – Working Group #2
As requested at the May meeting an inventory was done with the provincial pilot sites to ascertain how the project was going. As anticipated the OPP have provided the majority of the concussion cards, followed by the collision centers and then municipal police. In the one Eastern part of the Province EMS have provided 75 in a very short period of time as have North Bay Fire. So it varies from the various parts of the province. The main thing we are hearing is that drivers are very receptive when they receive the cards, with several people commenting on how much they appreciate the information (Windsor Collision Centre) Received the same comments from Thunder Bay thankful for what to watch for.
It is hoped that the pilot project will be completed the end of September first part of October.
3. New Business / Review of Terms of Reference
Some changes were made to the TOR but still waiting for clarification around other issues.
Pat has made contact with Amy at Niagara Health Unit regarding sitting on OIPPN and re-establishing a Regional Committee.
Pat will contact Kingston Health Unit in reference to ERIN
Review Work Plan
Work plan was reviewed. Changes noted in the activities section for Distracted Driving and Concussions.
Committee needs to complete the expected outcomes for both activities
Myths for Distracted Driving
Lengthy discussion around this topic:
- Identified that we needed to start small and expand into something larger
- Utilize the PHO Research documents to assist in our decision making as well as the “Motives of Distracted Driving survey of 2,000 Ontario 16-24 yr olds in 2014
- The survey will help inform the development of D.D. social marketing campaigns
- Committee were provided the opportunity to vote on the 13 distracted driving myths and from those were asked to rank the top 5-6 myths.
- It’s safe to use my phone at a stop sign, at a red light or when traffic is stalled
- I am capable of using my phone safely while driving (I am a good driver)
- As a passenger, there’s nothing I can do if a driver wants to use his phone while driving
- Driving distracted isn’t as bad as driving impaired
- It’s acceptable to use my phone while driving if the message/call is important or urgent
- I need to use my phone for directions when driving to let people know where I am and when I arrive
- Develop an info graphic for cell phone users
- Solutions need to be practical, what’s practical and what does the evidence say
- The product should be available to practitioners in the province (post card, electronic for download)
- Develop a strategy and outline who the audience is, what the product will look like, do a backgrounder that outlines purpose of the project
- Need to establish a distribution list:
- Janet V can host a focus group with youth for the content
- Avery will send to the OPP communication for review
- Sean and Matthew will send out a Myths document send week of August
Pat reminded the group that TIRF is also doing a National strategy on Distracted Driving. The information was shared with the committee and information can be found on their website at tirf.ca / Avery has sent a note to Joe Coute to ascertain if a representative from the OACP will be attending
See the Draft Terms of Reference
Draft Work Plan (incomplete)
4. OTHER / OIPRC Needs Assessment Survey
Committee was reminded to please take the time to complete the OIPRC Needs Assessment.
In partnership with the community coalition Parachute will be launching a National Injury Prevention Day to shine a light on largely predictable and preventable injuries. We want to help Canadians live long lives to the fullest through education, knowledge and empowerment. Many major landmarks across Canada will be lighting up green on July 5 to mark this day.
Not By Accident Conference In London
Date: October 24, 2017
Location: Best Western Lamplighter Inn in London
Topic: Cannabis: On the Road: A Joint Effort / Toronto CN Tower
Toronto 3D Sign
Peace Bridge
North Bay City Hall and many more
Date of Next Meeting / At the call of the Chair (Sept or October)
Pat will send out a doodle
Adjournment / Meeting adjourned at 3 p.m. / At this time I would like to thank Avery for her hospitality for making our meeting enjoyable and for the wonderful lunch.