Catcher in the RyeFISHBOWL (Final pt 2)




Each of you will be responsible for coming up with FIVE questions prior to the Fishbowl on Friday. 2 questions must relate to one (or two) of the book’s themes, 2 must relate to different symbols, and the final can be on anything of your choice significant in the book. Stay focused on the ending of Catcherfor the majority of your questions. You will bring in notes so you are prepared for the discussion. They will be collected and evaluated as part of your grade.






On the day of the Fishbowl, every person is expected to speak at least once to receive any participation credit. You will be evaluated by me, a peer, and through a self-evaluation. While speaking more than once is highly encouraged to better allow you to fully prove your analysis and understanding of the text, please note that this is truly a QUALITY OVER QUANTITY situation. Please don’t speak nearly for the sake of speaking—that will be noted. Also, for full credit, you MUST reference the text while you speak (direct quotations or specific comments on events, symbols, themes, etc.)

You will actively listenwhile you are in the outer circle—evaluating a partner and taking notes on the different points made by the class. You are responsible for submitting an accurate peer evaluation, 3 wows and 3 whoas, and your self-evaluation at the end of the discussion.

Your preparation (notes, questions), outer circle notes (wows/whoas), accurate peer evaluation, reflective self-evaluation, and participation in the conversation will combine to create your final grade.

Total points: 50Fishbowl: Friday, May 22



FISHBOWL NOTES/ OBSERVATION:At least 3 Wows (points you agree with, really like, find interesting, needs more discussion) and 3 Whoas(points you disagree with, are surprised by, need more analysis to understand)- include WHY it was a wow or whoa and what you think.


Wow #1: Jessica said Holden’s fantasies about being shot in the gut are closer to hallucinations—further revealing his mental collapse. / My Response: I didn’t think of that before! While I still think he uses a movie-like montage to escape facing reality in those situations, I now see they might have been involuntary/ hallucinatory as well… Signs that Holden’s mental collapse is getting nearer and nearer.
Whoa #1:Mark said Holden isn’t actually depressed at all, but is just a whiny teenager. / My Response: I think Holden clearly shows signs of depression that stem from personal loss and intense anxiety. While he does often complain, his physical behaviors and odd social interactions show a true sense of isolation and building stress.


Wow #1: / My Response:
Wow #2: / My Response:
Wow #3: / My Response:


Whoa #1: / My Response:
Whoa #2: / My Response:
Whoa #3: / My Response: