Beth Judah
Religious School
Parent’s Handbook
Message from the Educational Director
Shalom and welcome to Congregation Beth Judah’s Religious School. We have a high standard of excellence for our students and our school. It is important that you be familiar with our policies and regulations, and share them with your child. This handbook also has space available for you to keep important information, such as classmates and carpools.
Education is a cooperative venture between the home and the school. I call upon you to become an active participant in your child’s education.
Hazzan Jeffrey Myers
Educational Director
School Faculty
Lynne Midleton, Assistant Educational Director and Gimel (3rd grade)
Rachel Myers, Gan/Alef (K-1) and pre-Junior Congregation
Kim Schwartz, Bet (2nd) and Tot Shabbat
Sharon Leavy, Dalet (4th)
Iris Levy, Vav (5th)
Neil Brandt, Zayin (7th)
Sharon Bromberg, Junior Congregation and Shabbat Yachad
Board of Education
Dr. Beth Sanders Rabinowitz, Chair
Education Director – 822-7116 X104
Assistant Education Director – 822-7116 x120
The Sunday School curriculum is based upon three points: providing a positive Jewish identity; introducing the cycle of the calendar through stories, songs, arts and crafts, food and games; reading readiness for Hebrew. The Bet through Zayin curricula have two foci: prayer and Bible. The Hebrew language is the key to unlocking both of these, and the approach to the language is prayer-based. Our students complete a six-year course of study enabling them to read, chant and understand the prayers. Bible is taught in a spiral approach - first as a story, then as the relationship between God and the Jewish people, and finally as a special book with a vast world of commentaries on its meaning. In addition, we not only learn about the holidays, but we experience them. Tzedakah is also a crucial element, as we strive to create a generation of caring young people who are sensitive to the needs of others.
School Safety
1. Emergency forms are sent home to be filled in and returned promptly. In the event of an emergency, the information written on it may be crucial to your child’s health and safety.
2. A child may be released early from class only to the parent. If the parent cannot be present, notification of an approved adult to pick up the child is necessary.
3. In the event of a court order, it is necessary for the custodial parent to inform the school of the legal rights of the other parent.
4. A parking lot can be a very dangerous place. Keeping our students safe is our priority. Please only drop off and pick up your children around the circle at the main entrance to our building.
5. Fire drills are held periodically to maintain a level of safety alertness.
1. All students are required to attend their class regularly as scheduled. Following an absence, a note signed by the parent should be presented to the teacher explaining the reason for the absence.
2. Absences exceeding 20% of the school year are excessive. Absence delays progress and the realization of our goals. Excessive absences might result in serious educational consequences for the child.
3. Only for very legitimate reasons should a child be withdrawn from a class session before its conclusion. In such a case, the parent should submit a signed note, in advance, stating the specific reason for the early dismissal.
Junior Congregation
The Junior Congregation is an integral part of the Congregation Beth Judah Religious School. It is the laboratory where students experience the services that they learn in the classroom, as well as gain competence in leading prayers amongst their peers. The environment is supportive and nurturing, creating young
to recharge the batteries. Anything eaten in the school must possess the appropriate kashrut symbol and be finished by 4:00pm. The school does not provide breakfast on Sunday mornings. Please see to it that your child has breakfast prior to leaving the home for school. We will provide a mid-morning snack when possible.
The PTA is a very important arm of the school, serving a variety of functions. We encourage your participation in their endeavors, as you are supporting your child when you support the PTA.
Family Programs
There are a multitude of family programs offered during the year. Kindly refer to the school calendar for the dates. Please take advantage of these opportunities to share holiday experiences with other Jewish families as we strengthen the bonds of community.
Jews who will grow to feel comfortable participating in an Adult service.
To promote competency in both the participation and leading of services on Friday evening and Shabbat morning, modest attendance requirements have been set. Every student in grades Bet-Zayin is required to attend eight services. These can include Beth Judah Alive, Junior Congregation, Shabbat Yachad as well as a Bar/Bat Mitzvah in a different congregation. Please see the school calendar (you can download it from our web site) for the dates for the 2012-2013 school year. Junior Congregation runs from 10:30-11:30, with a special Kiddush afterwards. If you wish to sponsor a Kiddush in honor of your child’s birthday or a special occasion, kindly speak with either our Educational Director or Assistant Educational Director.
Attendance at Beth Judah Alive will be taken by Hazzan Myers; attendance at Junior Congregation will be taken by Sharon Bromberg. Be certain that your child has been given proper credit. You will receive a bi-monthly update of your child’s total attendance. If there is a discrepancy, please use the update to respond so that we can correct our records.
At the school closing ceremonies, students who have attended eight or more total services will be publicly recognized and awarded for their due diligence. Ultimately, we have found that students who attend services most frequently are not only more at ease during the Bar/Bat Mitzvah service, but comfortable in any synagogue service anywhere.
All students are expected to maintain the patterns of behavior and respect deemed necessary for any school. When a student’s behavior is inappropriate and/or disrupts the class, the teacher and principal will attempt to deal with the problem at that time. If the behavior continues, additional steps will be taken, including parent contact by phone or letter and a conference in the school. If the behavior does not improve, a student may be subject to in school or out of school suspension. There is a zero tolerance policy of bullying of other students or staff, whether in person or via electronic communications, and will be dealt with firmly.
Dress Code
1. Students are to dress in a manner consistent with the attire in a school.
2. All boys are to wear a kipah - hats and caps are not acceptable substitutes.
3. The attire for Junior Congregation must be appropriate for synagogue worship. Jeans, tee shirts, shorts, sweats and uniforms are examples of unacceptable attire.
a. Boys are to wear slacks, a collared shirt and a kipah.
b. Girls’ apparel must be at least mid-thigh length, and shoulders must be covered.
Homework may be assigned at the discretion of the teacher. It is to be completed by the due date.
Conferences and Report Cards
Student progress is reported three times per year: Chanukah, Purim and the end of year. The first report is given to the parent at the conference. Parents are invited to make an appointment with the Principal and/or the teacher to discuss their child’s progress at any time during the school year.
Books and Materials
Books are loaned to the students for use during the school year, and must be treated with the utmost respect. Please make certain that they are covered at all times. Books which are lost or defaced are to be paid for. Students are to bring a notebook, pencil and any other items that the teacher requests.
Cancellation of School
The cancellation of school will be announced on the following radio stations: WMGM-FM, WOND-AM, WAYV, WMID, and WMGM TV40. Elementary schools will be called if necessary. In addition, a telephone call will be made by the class parent where possible. Please do not call the school.
Students should take care of their personal needs before entering class. For the students’ safety, only the school wing bathrooms are to be used.
Eating and drinking are permitted in the classrooms upon the approval of the classroom teacher. A nutritious snack after public school is helpful.