Criteria for traffic-lighting used in this report.
Programmes / KPIs / Projects
Red: High Risk / Programmes are given current status red ‘high risk’ where, in the judgement of the programme chair, they are materially at risk of failing to deliver their planned outcomes / KPIs are given current status red ‘high risk’ where the chosen indicators and leading indicators give clear evidence that the required level of improvement is not being achieved. / Projects are given current status red ‘high risk’ where, in the judgement of the programme chair, they are materially at risk of failing to deliver their planned outcomes
Amber: Delayed / Programmes are given current status amber ‘delayed’ where, in the judgement of the programme chair, they are materially behind schedule in delivering their planned outcomes / KPIs are given current status amber ‘delayed’ where the chosen indicators and leading indicators give no clear evidence of the required level of improvement. This can happen because the data are ambiguous or, in a few cases, because we have not yet identified a leading indicator which updates sufficiently frequently / Projects are given current status amber ‘delayed’ where, in the judgement of the programme chair, they are materially behind schedule in delivering their planned outcomes
Green: On track / Programmes are given current status green ‘on track’ where, in the judgement of the programme chair, they are fully on track to deliver their planned outcomes. / KPIs are given current status green ‘on track’ where the chosen indicators and leading indicators give clear evidence that the required level of improvement is being achieved / Projects are given current status green ‘on track’ where, in the judgement of the programme chair, they are fully on track to deliver their planned outcomes.
White: not yet initiated / Programmes are not given this status / KPIs are not given this status / Projects are given current status white ‘not yet initiated’ where they have not completed planning and passed through the initiation process as at w/e 7 January 2011, and were not timetabled to do so.

Note that traffic lighting for KPIs can rely on varying time series, depending on the availability of reasonably consistent data.

Academic Core Programme Performance Report: July 2011 / Green

Programme Aim

Our academic ‘core’ around research, academic standards and our portfolio is what underpins our institutional status as a university. The enhancement of our research capacity and quality will also differentiate our offer from those of our public and private regional and international competitors. A strong academic core will help attract ambitious students and staff, establish distinct and uniquecontributions to partnerships and foster a strong ethos of intellectual and professional excellence in all that we do. In this context, we will significantly strengthen our academic core through the promotion of research, a stronger postgraduate portfolio and greater links between research and teaching. We will invest in the academic core to strengthen our academic credentials and reputation.

Key Performance Indicators

A strong academic core: internationally excellent research, robust standards, a dynamic portfolio
KPI / Most recent measurement / Previous measurement / Current Target / Difference (Column B-D) / Proxy indicator / KPI Next Updated
Total £ value of grants and contracts won by academic year. This refers to the value awarded in each year, not the amount recognised in the University’s accounts. / £2M (2009-10) / N/A / £2.5M / -£500k (worse than benchmark) / Research grant and contract awards (£933,541 year-to-date) / Year-end
Proportion of staff who qualify for inclusion in the REF based on a target submission of four appropriate research outputs / RAE08 111fte / RAE08 111fte / To be determined as part of mock REF exercise in 2012 / - To be determined / To be determined / We are planning a mock REF exercise for 2011-12

Traffic lighting of the value of grants won relies on data collected quarterly since 2006/07. For this measure we look at the fate of all proposals submitted in 2010/11, so recently-submitted proposals may not yet have received an outcome. The year-to-date figure may improve before year end both because additional applications are made late in the year, and because additional outcomes are announced. RAEs were conducted in 2009, 2001, 1996, 1992, 1989, and 1986.


A strong academic core: internationally excellent research, robust standards, a dynamic portfolio
Project title / Current Status
REF Plan / On track
Research Group Development – ORG / On track
Review of school/field structures / Completed
Academic portfolio review / On track
Review of Research & Knowledge Exchange Strategy and support / On track
A strong academic core: internationally excellent research, robust standards, a dynamic portfolio
Programme Board Report
The programme is fully on track to deliver the planned outcomes. All the individual projects are on track. The review of school/field structures has been completed with the production of the White Paper.
A strong academic core: internationally excellent research, robust standards, a dynamic portfolio
Risk Statement
The risks remain as stated in the summary programme plan.
Outstanding Student Experience Programme Performance Report: July 2011 / Green

Programme Aim

Central to the delivery of our 10 year strategy is an outstanding student experience – one that is distinctive, challenging and provides a foundation for our students’ lifelong development. Transforming the student experience will transform our activities and an outstanding student experience will characterise an outstanding university.

We believe that central to this experience is both an unrivalled academic experience, supportive yet challenging, but also an unsurpassed broader experience which will enable our students to enjoy their time at UEL and develop as well-rounded individuals capable of realising their full potential as members of society. We recognise that it is not only important to be providing an outstanding student experience but that we should be clearly recognised as delivering this.

Key Performance Indicators

An outstanding student experience: distinctive, challenging, lifelong
KPI / Most recent measurement (NSS 2009-10) / Previous measurement (NSS 2008-09) / Current Target / Difference (Column B-D) / Proxy indicator / KPI Next Updated
Student weighted average of percentage satisfied or very satisfied overall in NSS subjects – AVA / 52% / 57.24% / 72% / -20% (worse than benchmark) / Internal ‘Tell Us What You Think’ survey 64% (Sept 2010) / August 2011
Student weighted average of percentage satisfied or very satisfied overall in NSS subjects – Education / 63.5% / 67.07% / 82% / -18.5% (worse than benchmark) / Internal ‘Tell Us What You Think’ survey 68%(Sept 2010) / August 2011
Student weighted average of percentage satisfied or very satisfied overall in NSS subjects – CITE / 83.25% / 75.25% / 81.5% / +1.75% (better than benchmark) / Internal ‘Tell Us What You Think’ survey 61% (Sept 2010) / August 2011
Student weighted average of percentage satisfied or very satisfied overall in NSS subjects – Health & Bioscience / 64.5% / 65.41% / 88% / -23.5% (worse than benchmark) / Internal ‘Tell Us What You Think’ survey 62% (Sept 2010) / August 2011
Student weighted average of percentage satisfied or very satisfied overall in NSS subjects – HSS / 77% / 80.48% / 82% / -5% (worse than benchmark) / Internal ‘Tell Us What You Think’ survey 70% (Sept 2010) / August 2011
Student weighted average of percentage satisfied or very satisfied overall in NSS subjects – Law / 86% / 83.64% / 85.5% / +0.5%% (better than benchmark) / Internal ‘Tell Us What You Think’ survey 78% (Sept 2010) / August 2011
Student weighted average of percentage satisfied or very satisfied overall in NSS subjects – Psychology / 80% / 81.11% / 85.5% / -5.5% (worse than benchmark) / Internal ‘Tell Us What You Think’ survey 69% (Sept 2010) / August 2011
Student weighted average of percentage satisfied or very satisfied overall in NSS subjects – Business / 71.6% / 72.03% / 84.5% / -12.9% (worse than benchmark) / Internal ‘Tell Us What You Think’ survey 65% (Sept 2010) / August 2011

Traffic lighting relies on NSS data which have been collected annually since 2005. Our internal student satisfaction survey has been collected annually since 2003, but with a discontinuity in 2008 due to changes in our approach to the survey. Data reported in the proxy indicator box are for Level 2 students only.


An outstanding student experience: distinctive, challenging, lifelong
Project title / Current Status
NSS Project / On Track
Course management and organisation: / On Track
Student academic advice and support / On Track
Social learning space development / On Track
Student contact hours / Completed
Student engagement project / On Track
New Student Charter / On Track
Unified student support / On Track
Administration of DL programmes / On Track
An outstanding student experience: distinctive, challenging, lifelong
Programme Board Report
The programme is fully on track to deliver the planned outcomes. All the individual projects are on track. The Student Contact hours project has been completed and findings will be disseminated to VCG and UMT.
Three new projects have been initiated.
No particular challenges or issues have emerged as yet.
An outstanding student experience: distinctive, challenging, lifelong
Risk Statement
The risks remain as stated in the summary programme plan.
Sustainable Student Recruitment Programme Performance Report: July 2011 / Green

Programme Aim

Sustainable student recruitment in the current period presents new challenges for UEL with increased tuition fees, 80% reduction in government funding over a period of 4 years and restrictions on overseas recruitment to our London campuses as a result of government action designed to discourage immigration as well as from new competitors entering the market. The sustainable student recruitment board sets a programme to focus and build update existing strengths, rather than for fundamental change. The board aims to develop a detailed student recruitment plan to increase recruitment in areas with fewer funding constraints such as postgraduate, undergraduate part time & continuing professional development (CPD) and enhance distance learning capacity, access, partnership and support mechanisms, as well as to sustain undergraduate full time recruitment in the post-Browne context. The board will also aim to enhance and sustain links with supply chain such as Schools & colleges and review the bursary and scholarship support provided to our students.

Key Performance Indicators

Sustainable student recruitment: growth and opportunity
KPI / Most recent measurement / Previous measurement / Current Target / Difference (Column B-D) / Proxy indicator / KPI Next Updated
Total value of overseas student income as a proportion of total student income (i.e. fee plus grant) / £31.58M
2009-10 / £29.44M
2008-09 / £30M / +£1.58M (better than benchmark) / Overseas student numbers Target 3,492 Actual 2,771 Revenue £17.7M (2010/11) / Year-end accounts

Traffic lighting for the Overseas income measure depends on the annual accounts and quarterly student numbers data. In practice, we look back no further than 2002/03. The revenue quoted for 2010/11 is an estimate of the likely year-end position.


Sustainable student recruitment: growth and opportunity
Project title / Current Status
Business process review of admissions & enrolment / On Track
Review of impact of tariff on entry for student retention, satisfaction and success / On Track
Student recruitment plan / Delayed
School and College outreach – sustaining supply line / On Track
New 2012 Recruitment / On Track
Review of bursary & scholarships / On Track
Sustainable student recruitment: growth and opportunity
Programme Board Report
The programme is fully on track to deliver the planned outcomes. All the individual projects are on track. A PID for the review of bursary and scholarships project is to be to approved subject to amendments. No particular challenges or issues have emerged as yet.
A short delay has been authorised for the completion of the student recruitment plan project to allow new School structures time to bed down before consulting with the Schools.
Sustainable student recruitment: growth and opportunity
Risk Statement
Due to adverse market conditions, UEL has fallen short of Overseas on-campus recruitment targets in 2010-11. There is a risk that if unfavourable conditions continue (e.g. through the impact of UKBA) our ability to meet Transformation for Excellence targets for on-campus Overseas student recruitment will be compromised.
Employability and Enterprise Programme Performance Report: July 2011 / Green

Programme Aim

We know that it will be much tougher over the next five years for graduates to find graduate level employment. Whilst UEL’s baseline employability rate has been good over the last 5 years and we have consistently outperformed our sector benchmark, we also know that UEL graduates do not always find it easy (and in some cases desirable) to go straight into graduate-level employment. UEL has specific challenges relating to our student profile which we need to address. We are also aware that there is an increase in the level of external monitoring of the university’s ability to support its graduates into employment. We willdevelop a universal student employability and enterprise offer and identify activities that can develop students’ professional and cultural capital, for example, mentoring, assessment centre experiences, business plan competitions and student/graduate start-up support.

Key Performance Indicators

Exceptional employability and enterprise
KPI / Most recent measurement / Previous measurement / Current Target / Difference (Column B-D) / Proxy indicator / KPI Next Updated
Student weighted % of DLHE leavers (not in further study) with known outcomes in graduate-level employment / 60% (2008-09) / 64.5% (2007-08) / 62.2% / -2.2% (worse than benchmark) / Quarterly report of all EET Services / DLHE Survey July 2011
The number of student enterprises supported / 18 (2009-10) / 11 (2008-09) / 20 / -2 enterprises (worse than benchmark) / Student Enterprise Course attendances for year to date (42) / HEBCIS Survey January 2012

Traffic lighting for student enterprise depends on HEBCIS data collected annually since 1999/00. DLHE data have been collected annually since 1994/95


Exceptional employability and enterprise
Project title / Current Status
Women’s Entrepreneurship / On Track
Enterprise support for student and graduate start-ups / On Track
Employer Engagement: Internships and Placements / On Track
Graduate development: TalentDock / On Track
Employability enrichment and enhancement / On Track
Entrepreneurship within the curriculum / Not yet initiated
Exceptional employability and enterprise
Programme Board Report
The programme is on track to deliver the planned outcomes. A number of the projects are due to report during Summer 2011: they will recommend action for successor projects where relevant. The Entrepreneurship within the Curriculum project has not yet been initiated due to the need to reallocate the management of the project to reflect staffing changes in RDBS. The project will be initiated once new staff are in post (Sept 2011).
Exceptional employability and enterprise
Risk Statement
The risks remain as stated in the summary programme plan.
Global Reach Programme Performance Report: July 2011 / Green

Programme Aim

The aim is to achieve Global Reach through an internationalisation strategy: diversification, visibility, partnership

The vision: UEL will be one of the UK’s leading International Universities. We shall adopt a broad definition of ‘internationalisation’. It is therefore far more than a bolt-on activity designed to bring additional income to the University. Indeed we shall increasingly view it as a core activity at the very heart of the institution.

Our Strategic Objectives for Achieving Global Reach for 2015

There are EIGHT objectives which lay out the key strategic priorities for the next five years. The Global Reach strategies will be realised through a Global Reach Programme Board chaired by the PVC International. This board, working through project groups, will develop new supporting strategies and review existing ones. Some of the groups will be permanent, other will be interim. In addition, as the agenda evolves, other project groups may be added.

  1. To become one of the leading UK HEIs in the development of Transnational Education Initiatives
  2. To develop an institution-wide approach to global reach through internationalisation
  3. To maintain and build on our international recruitment success
  4. To promote a superb international student experience
  5. To go global by starting at home: on-campus internationalisation
  6. To utilise our alumni as ambassadors (profile raising; recruitment, partnership activity)
  7. Being a gateway for Europe (including EU and accession countries)
  8. To facilitate sustainable growth through overseas knowledge transfer/income generation

Key Performance Indicators

A global reach: diversification, visibility, partnership
KPI / Most recent measurement / Previous measurement / Current
Target / Difference (Column B-D) / Proxy indicator / KPI Next Updated
MOCs / 36 (2009-10) (note this is a count of validations, not MOCs) / 31 (2008-09) (note this is a count of validations, not MOCs) / 20 new partnerships (MOCs) / +16 (better than benchmark) / Progress for year-to-date (15) / End-of -year
% satisfied/very satisfied overall in International Student Barometer / 82.7% (Autumn 2010) / 81.9% (Autumn 2009) / 83% / -0.3% (worse than benchmark) / Internal UEL ‘Tell Us’ survey 68% (September 2010) / Autumn 2011 – Published March 2012

Traffic lighting or the MOC measure depends on data collected annually since 2004/05. Satisfaction data have been collected annually since 2003/04.


A global reach: diversification, visibility, partnership
Project title / Current Status
Going Global from Home / On Track
International Communications / On Track
UEL Exam Board / On Track
Overseas Centres / On Track
Data and Student Recruitment Targets: DARTs team / On Track
International Student Experience / On Track
Partnership Group / On Track
India Group / On Track
A global reach: diversification, visibility, partnership
Programme Board Report
The programme is fully on track to deliver the planned outcomes. All the individual projects are on track. No particular challenges or issues have emerged as yet.
A global reach: diversification, visibility, partnership
Risk Statement
The risks remain as stated in the summary programme plan.
Best in London for Sport Programme Performance Report: July 2011 / Green

Programme Aim

For UEL, sport has a broad and inclusive scope relating to: participation in leisure and recreation; physical activity; health and wellbeing; competitive and high-performance sport including training; learning about any aspect of sport; student recruitment including schools and colleges liaison; research into any aspect of sport; provision of consultancy; sport and media; any aspect of the business of sport including law; sport and entrepreneurship; sport and sustainability; sport and equalities; scientific dimensions of sport: and sport in cultural life.