May 8 2017 Wilson Town Board Meeting

The regular monthly meeting of the Wilson Town Board held on May 8 2017 at the town hall was called to order by Clerk Robin Jandt at 7:00 p.m.

Present were Supervisors Leon Bowman, David DeLano, Ernie Culp & Shelby Kammerer. Clerk RobinJandt, Treasurer Karen Haedtke, Zoning Administrator Paul Siebenaler and Fire Chief Paul Douglas.

Others Present: List is attached.

The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.

The agenda was approved by E.Culp and seconded by S.KammererAll approved.

A motion to approve the minutes was made by E.Culp and seconded by S.Kammerer. All approved.

A motion was made by S.Kammererand seconded by D.DeLano to pay the bills totaling $10,033.89 All approved. The bill from Reed’s Tree service we are not paying the sales tax because we are tax exempt, K.Haedtke will send a tax exempt form along with the check.

Street sweeping is not done yet. D.DeLano will contact them to see what’s going on. Spring Brook culvert was discussed we need to figure out traffic for when we do this project. D.DeLano will contact them also to see what the time line is for the project.

Tree trimming is done and looks very nice.

The Blackberry culvert project was discussed. Gopher flags are up. With Tony being out we discussed something’s we need to take into consideration. We need to have phone numbers and also a list of people we deal with on a daily basis. For example like who does are street Sweeping we should comply a list of the companies we work with their phone numbers and what we use them for. This will be looked at, at a later time. D.DeLano will get a hold of Will Oberton to let him know what is going on with Tony and that D.DeLano will be the person in command until Tony is back to work.

Board of Equalization was discussed. 1 person showed up. Some papers were given to the person and a change in the value of the old Carpenter’s place in East Burns Valley.

We found out after some research that the potholes in Knollwood Lane are ours. We will talk to Fred from Dunn Blacktopping to see when he plans on blacktopping the road down there. R.Jandt will get Fred’s phone number to D.DeLano so he can get a hold of him.

Burda’s house down on County Road 17 was discussed. The document for annexation was recorded on Oct. 17 2011.

CTAS was discussed briefly. Steve White is finishing up on it.

The emergency exit was discussed at the fire hall. L.Bowman still has not heard from Styx’s.

The gopher bounty account was discussed. E.Culp commented that the account is getting low on money and we should probably think about transferring some over to it. E.Culp recommends $100.00. A motion was made by S.Kammerer and seconded by D.DeLano to transfer $100.00. All approved.

The Winona Housing task group was talked about. At the last township officers meeting one of the county commissioners talked about this task force group that the City of Winona had started up. L.Bowman had checked in to this group and they have emailed R.Jandt to invite us to attend the meetings. We will be receiving the agenda for the meetings and also the minutes from the meeting. L.Bowman commented that this might affect us down the road and we need to keep are ears open to what’s going on around us.

Valley View Drive street project. L.Bowman talked to the City of Winona. L.Bowman would like to start a task force and get together with the City Engineer, City Manager, Street Dept which would be Keith Nelson, Public Works Director and 2 people from the board to discuss some of these roads sometime in late summer. D.DeLano made a motion and S.Kammerer seconded. All approved. R.Jandt will notify them.

Board of Equalization will start the online training beginning July 1st. MAT will also offer training at the end of June. 4 people on the board will need to be certified. The board will pay for the class either way you decide to do it. D.DeLano made a motion and S.Kammerer seconded. All approved.

The Planning Commission was discussed. We need to find a replacement for Mike Nydegger. Please come up with some names for the June meeting.

Culvert on Gilmore Valley Road will be done once school is out.

D.DeLano and E.Culp are still working on transferring the website over to E.Culp to manage.

P.Siebenaler got a call from a resident in East Burns Valley complaining of erosion. Next meeting P.Siebenaler will bring the updated Zoning Ordinance to switch out with everyone’s old ones.

AED is broken and will look in to getting a new one. The dept. still has 2 on hand. 3 out of the 4 have completed EMT training and 1 is still finishing up. L.Bowman is curious if the people that received letters about tree’s blocking their driveways have they complied with the letter. P.Douglas commented that no one has been back to check the residents that received the letters. S.Kammerer made a motion to table this until the next meeting and D.DeLano seconded. All approved.

R.Jandt reported back from the meeting last month that we have the Gold coverage for Life Insurance. A small discussion took place on the cost of the Platinum compared to the Gold. R.Jandt will look in to the price difference and we will discuss at the June meeting.

R.Jandt had received a letter from Don Glende for mowing the roadside for the 2017 year. The cost is 1250.00 and that is the total for 2 mowing’s the same as last year. D.DeLano made a motion to except the quote and S.Kammerer seconded. All approved. Barth construction also sent a letter out for brushing, spraying weeds, cutting tree’s. A small discussion took place and we will recommend we get a quote for spraying. R.Jandt will send letter back to them.

R.Jandt mentioned that she and Karen each have a backup Deputy Clerk and Treasurer for the 2017 year. The Deputy clerk is Kathy Eide and the Deputy Treasurer will be Gail Schwanbeck. S.Kammerer made a motion for these 2 to be backups and D.DeLano seconded. All approved. A small discussion took place on a possible backup for the Zoning Administrators job in case we would ever need one. P.Siebenaler will ponder this for the June meeting.

E.Culp made a motion to adjourn at 8:45 and S.Kammerer seconded. All approved.