“What is an American”

Michel-Guillaume Jean de Crevecoeur

Directions: Answer the following questions in legible, thorough, and complete sentences (except the chart).

As you read the essay, complete the chart noting the contrasts de Crevecoeur makes.

Category / Europe/European / America/American
Government / “despotic prince”
(ruled by dictator) / New government
Quality of Life
Ethnic Background

1. In the first paragraph, de Crevecoeur uses a metaphor comparing two seemingly unalike things. What does he compare and why is this comparison appropriate?

Americans are like plants that have “taken root and flourished!” Americans were like plants that were dying in homelands, but have found a more hospitable land in American soil.

2. How, according to de Crevecoeur, are the poor in Europe affected by the hardships of their lives?

They are filled with “want, hunger, and war.” They are unable to prosper or feel fully alive and feel no attachment to their country.

3. According to de Crevecoeur, what is the motto of all emigrants? (English translation please.)

“Where my bread is earned, there is my country.”

4. de Crevecoeur calls Americans “western pilgrims.” Why? How will being “western pilgrims” help America flourish as a new country?

Come from all over Europe bringing with them pieces of their old homes; “arts, sciences, vigor and industry

5. Why, according to de Crevecoeur, should Americans love their country?

“rewards of his industry follow with equal steps the progress of his labor”

6. How do the conditions in America affect the lives of formerly poor Europeans?

They flourish as citizens of a new country.

7. Looking at your chart, what do you believe is the main reason that de Crevecoeur prefers America to Europe? Support.

Possible: economic, social, and religious freedom; chances for prosperity, exiting new experiences; diversity of population

8. To what extent do you think de Crevecoeur’s definition of an American still applies today? (Think about groups he doesn’t mention; goals and lifestyles popular)

Still known for ideals of freedom and individual prosperity and for ethnic diversity; OR America has become more factionalized (haha…kids would say HUH???)

9. Critics have noted that when de Crevecoeur writes, “Here individuals of all nations are melted into a new race,” he anticipates the “melting pot” metaphor commonly used to describe America. Do you think “melting pot” is a good metaphor for this country? Explain why or why not.

Extra Credit: What other metaphors can you create to describe America?