Please sign and return to this address:-
Community Education Centre, Park Street, Falkirk, FK1 1RE
Tel No. 01324 610950 – Fax No. 01324 610955
Email Address:
Web Address:
This is an agreement between ______and Central Scotland Regional Equality Council (CSRECL). The purpose of this agreement is to clearly state what is expected of the volunteer and what the volunteer can expect from CSRECL. It also explains support and supervision arrangements, grievance and disciplinary procedures and CSRECL policies.
- Commitment. You have undertaken a voluntary role within CSRECL. The exact nature of this role requires flexibility and must be agreed and recorded by CSRECL. Volunteers should always contact a member of staff if they are unable to keep an agreed arrangement
- Training. All volunteers will undertake training, what kind of training will be decided depending on the volunteer role you are given and availability of funds.
- Performance Review/Support and Supervision. A one month review meeting will be held as checks have to be made to make sure that the volunteer is meeting the standards of the role. Mandatory support and supervision are also provided to all volunteers. Volunteers are encouraged to highlight any particular issues they may be experiencing as soon as it happens.
- Confidentiality. Confidentiality, as outlined in CSRECL policy, is expected to be maintained at all times.
- Expenses. Travel expenses only will be reimbursed on submission of a travel expenses claim form, available from the administrator / General Manager.
- Heath and Safety. CSRECL is committed to providing a working environment that is safe and without risk to health. Volunteers must observe CSREC Health and Safety Policies, including CSREC’s Lone Working Policy.
As long as volunteers act within the duties and responsibilities outlined they are covered by the insurance held by CSREC.
- Grievance Procedure. If the volunteer has a grievance arising from the Code of Practice, it should be raised initially with the Manager. If the volunteer is not satisfied with the response, the matter can be raised with the Board of Directors. If there is a breach of the agreement signed by the volunteer, the matter will be investigated by the Manager
Where a complaint is received about a volunteer, which the volunteer has been unable to resolve, the matter will initially be investigated by the Manager.Complaints are also welcome to make use of CSREC Complaints Procedure at any time.
- Disciplinary Procedure. Where there are breaches of this agreement, CSREC policies, or gross misconduct, disciplinary action may be taken. The Manager will decide upon appropriate action. The Manager could make the following choices:-
To take no further action
To suggest improvements, additional training, support etc
To ask the volunteer concerned to terminate their role within CSREC
- Notice. If you wish to stop volunteering please let us know in writing giving a minimum of one (1) week notice in order that, together we can have time to plan departure.
There may also be times when people wish to take breaks from volunteering, with the intention of returning at a later date. This is perfectly acceptable, but please let us knows of your intentions in writing.
Volunteer’s Name…………………………………………………………………
Date …………….……………………………………………………
+ + +
CSREC (Name) …………………………………………………………………
Designation …………………………………………………………………
Signature ………………………………………………………………….
Date …………………………………………………………………