Mrs. Svoboda
Superstition High School 2013-2014
(480) 472-82666, Room 6 Algebra 1
Dear Parents,
Welcome! My name is Mrs. Julie Svoboda and I will be teaching Algebra 1 this school year. I am looking forward to an exciting and successful endeavor. Algebra is the branch of mathematics concerning the study of the rules of operations and relations, and the constructions and concepts arising from them. This sets the foundation for all other math courses by providing a strong foundation for content development and problem solving skills, which are needed for success in college, careers and daily life.
I have extremely high expectations for all my students and parents are encouraged to keep track of how well their children are doing on assignments and tests. Grades will be updated regularly on the online grading system. Algebra can be a very demanding course; however, every student is capable of passing my class as long as they work hard and apply themselves. I will be available outside of class for additional help whenever possible.
Finally I am very excited and looking forward to the opportunity of working with your son or daughter as well as you to make this a productive and successful experience in Algebra. To achieve this goal, working together and keeping communication between home and school a priority is of utmost importance. I have included a syllabus/contract for you and your son/daughter to read and sign. This will ensure that both the students and their parents understand how this course will run. If you have any questions regarding the syllabus or the course, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Julie M Svoboda
Julie Svoboda
Superstition High School
Algebra 1
(480) 472-9666
Mrs. Svoboda
Superstition High School 2013-2014
(480) 472-82666, Room 6 Algebra 1
Your interest and support during this school year are extremely helpful. Students do their best when they, their parents and their teacher have high but realistic expectations. This syllabus contains an explanation of the classroom guidelines, grading policy and academic expectations. Please read it and sign below. This is their first homework assignment and it is to be completed and returned to me tomorrow. Please include your name and contact information so that I may keep you informed on your child's progress.
Course Description:Algebra 1 is designed to teach you the algebra concepts necessary to pass the Atrizona Standardized tests and move on to higher
math. Curriculum includes the study of patterns, functions, and solving equations.
Sequenced Units
Unit 1: Representing relationship mathematically
Unit 2: Understanding functionsUnit 7: Relationships that are not linear
Unit 3: Linear functionsUnit 8: Exponential functions & equations
Unit 4: Statistical modelsUnit 9: Polynomial expressions & functions
Unit 5: Linear equations and inequalitiesUnit 10: Quadratic functions
Unit 6: Systems equations & inequalitiesUnit 11: Quadratic equations
Materials: All students need to bring the following materials to class on a daily basis:
1 or 2 pencils or pens (I recommend pencils)
Any materials you checked out from me including: Textbook and graphing calculators
Your child will be asked to keep a folder that includes warm-ups; class notes, vocabulary, assignments, tests/quizzes and reflections. This folder will become a source of questions for notebook quizzes and a study guide for chapter tests. Notebook checks will be conducted periodically and will count for 10% of your grade. If you loose your notebook you are responsible for getting loose paper to work on for that class period and then purchasing another notebook and remaking it.
Grading Policy
10% Notebook organization
10% Mathematical Practices (participation, teamwork,)
10% Homework
20% Quizzes (daily)
30% UnitTests
20% Final Exam
Grading Scale
A 90-100% B 80-89 %C 70-79 % D 60-69 % F 45-59%
Daily Work / Homework
Students will be expected to complete all team and individual class work. If you do not finish within class time, you will be expected to finish the assignment on your own time before the next day. All daily assignments will be completed in your notebook unless otherwise instructed. Homework counts for 10% of your grade.
You will take unit exams and one cumulative final. There are retakes offered on each of the unit tests upon request, however there will be no retakes of the final exam.
Classroom Expectations
As your teacher, it is my responsibility to maintain a classroom environment that gives everyone a place to learn and feel welcomed. Any behavior that damages this type of environment will not be tolerated. In order for all of us to be successful, there are some basic rules that everyone in the class must follow at all times.
1.Be on time and ready to go when the bell rings
2.Come Prepared (e.g. bring a pencil, homework; ED put away)
3.Be Respectful (e.g. Follow directions the first time; Listen while others speak; etc.
4.Show Self-Control (e.g. Use positive language; encourage others; keep hands & objects to yourself)
5.Be Actively Involved ( be engaged and productive )
Please inform Ms. Svoboda of any problems/concerns you may be having before they become too large to fix or avoid!
Extra Help:
Extra help is usually available during conference time, lunch, and after school most days. Let me know ahead of time if you are coming in for extra help. If you are having trouble please don’t fall behind; immediately come in for help! Don’t wait until the day of the test!
Students with Special Needs
Grading will be based on the goals as stated in each student’s individual education plan. All assignments will be modified as stated in each education plan. Any student not receiving services but in need of accommodation should speak with Ms. Svoboda as soon as possible.
Absence Policy
Attending school and this class is one of your jobs. If you are unable to attend class, it is your responsibility for making up any work missed during absences. This includes gathering notes and assignments from the classroom and meeting briefly with Ms. Svoboda outside of class to discuss making up work.
Online Grade Portal:
I update the my gradebook on the online portal once a week. This is usually done Friday evening or Monday morning. Please check your child’s grade weekly so you are informed and know his/her current grade. On my website, you will find the school/district calendar, omework assignments, and any upcoming quizzes or tests your child may have coming up.
I have read and understand the classroom expectations and procedures for Ms. Svoboda's class. Please cut this portion off and return the part below the above dashed line. One extra cp will be awarded this quarter if it is turned in on the first day after I give this to the students.
Student name: ______Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Information:
Name(s): ______Signature: ______
Email address(es) ______
Phone: ______
Procedures and Routines
Educational Disclaimer
This guideline is to inform students and parents as to the expectations and requirements of Algebra I class. Changes may occur due to the needs of Superstition High School or the students of the class.
Absences/Tardies / The attendance and tardy policy stated in the Superstition HS student handbook will be strictly followed.Arrival / Be in your seat with hat/sunglasses/phone/iPod off
Take Notebooks Out
Silently begin working on the "Do Now" Activity
No hats allowed
Bathroom Passes / Unless it's an Emergency, You may not request a pass during teacher-led or classroom instruction nor may you go during the first and last 30 minutes of class
Students will be given passes only when necessary and not during direct instruction.
As long as bathroom passes are not abused, they will be available.
Bell Work / Students will do a 5-10 minute Warm-up upon entering the classroom.
This should be included in your notebook
This be graded on a regular basis as part of your Notebook grade
Daily Work/Homework / Daily work/Homework is required everyday
It is graded on effort -
10 pts (complete); 5 pts (attempted); 0 pts (missing or incomplete)
If you do not know how to do a problem, but write what you already do know, I will give you the points for attempting the problems.
Raise your hand if you need help
Cell Phones / I-Pods/MP3s / From bell to bell, no cell!
Cell phones are NOT allowed in class.
Student cell phones and electronic devices shall be
- silenced in class and
- stored out of sight.
If cell phone or electronic device is in use or seen by the instructor then it will be taken from the student, taken to the front office and the student may pick it up at the end of the school day.
Circle Time / Begin Circle Time
- Wait for the signal
- Silently get up
- Get a chair and place in a circle in the back of the room.
- Wait for further instructions.
- Wait for the signal
- Silently get up
- Stack chairs in the back of the room
- Return to class desk
- Wait for further instructions.
Consequences / The following is a list of consequences if you choose not to follow the class rules and/or exhibit behavior that disrespects yourself and/or others. I consider anyone not willing to learn/participate in class as the most disrespectful thing you can do to yourself – you have been warned.
1.You will receive one verbal warning.
2.You will receive a reflection form and be required to meet with Ms. Svoboda outside of class to determine how to solve the problem
3.Minor Reflection Form and sent to the counselor
4.A call home or a conference with your parent/guardian will be scheduled.
5.You will receive an office referral.
*These consequences will be used on an individual basis and can vary in sequence depending on the severity of the infraction.
Dismissal / Some days you will have an exit ticket to complete, otherwise you may not get up to leave until we have done our closing work or I have dismissed you.
Down Time / If you finish an assignment early, the extra time is to be used productively.
Keep yourself occupied with appropriate behaviors:
- complete homework;
- silently read,
- straighten up your notebook,
- review vocabulary,
- complete unfinished work
Evacuations / Instructor will use a code word "Blue Line"
It is important that you DROP what you are doing and IMMEDIATELY line up.
Silently, Everyone will immediately go to the door and line up
Wait for further instructions
Extra Credit / Extra credit will not be a substitute for missed class work, lack of effort and/or participation when in class.
Fire/Fire Drill / When the siren is heard...
It is important that you DROP what you are doing and IMMEDIATELY line up.
Silently, Everyone will immediately go to the door and line up
Wait for further instructions
Garbage & recycling / Waste goes into one of the garbage cans. Paper needs to be recycled in the recycling bin in front of my desk.
Late Work / Late work will receive half credit.
Leaving the room / If a student needs to leave the room, please see Ms. Svoboda first.
Lock Down / Instructor will use phrase "LOCK DOWN"
It is important that you DROP what you are doing and IMMEDIATELY get to the back of the room by the Instructors desk.
Silently, you will immediately go to my desk and sit down
Wait for further instructions
Make-up Work / If you need to make up any class work, the assignment will be located on the monthly calendar in the front of the room.
Get the class notes from a neighbor
Handouts are located in the bins at the back of the classroom.
Please pick them up quietly. (Not during class lectures/discussions)
Students who miss a quiz or test will need to make it up at a time that is convenient for both the student and the teacher. Days and times can be scheduled to meet the needs of the student/parent and teacher.
Credit will be given as follows:
- Students will be given FORTY-EIGHT HOURS to make-up class assignments for excused absences.
- Students will be given ONE WEEK to make-up quizzes and tests for excused absences.
- NO CREDIT will be given for unexcused absences.
Participation / Participate effectively in class discussions
Raise your hand to speak
Be an active learner
Be engaged in class
Be cooperative
Give your instructor and classmates your full attention and effort they deserve.
Pens/Pencils / It is your choice whether you use a pen or a pencil.
You are responsible for showing up with something to write. I have a limited amount of pencils available in a cup on my desk
- If you need to borrow a pencil, silently go to the back of the room and get one.
Tissues & Hand Sanitizer / They are at my desk. If you need to use them, quietly get up and do so.