Insurance Professionals of Greater Orlando

December Board Meeting Agenda

Monday, December 5, 2011

Offices of CNA/Maitland, FL

This board meeting will came to order at 5:53 PM.

The voting strength is 18. We have 7 voting board members present; 3 of which are Executive Board Members. 25% of the Board equals a quorum. Therefore a quorum was present.

Paula Keys was appointed as Pro Temp Parliamentarian by President Karen Ramsey as Karen Bayless was unable to attend. .

Correspondence: None


·  September Board Minutes were distributed. Motion made by Jeri Casio to approve and a second was made by Rebecca Miller.

·  November Board Minutes were distributed. Motion made by Patti French to approve and a second was made by Sheryl Galloway.

Treasurer: November Report

November Income Statement reviewed (Full copy on website)

Judy McBurney Fund $1302.85

Operations Account $7979.04

Bazaar Estimate Only $1500.00 (Fran Brown has $ and is processing)

Committee Reports

Audit: Helen Wright None

Awards: Fran Brown None

Budget: Paula Keyes

Current budget reviewed based on fundraiser and new membership: To date overall trending above income on projected membership and reservations.


Changes because of IAIP name change. Patti French will review early in 2012.

Career Opportunities: Toni Jones None

Communications: Danelle Dannhardt

Monday December 12, 2011 is the deadline for the newsletter

Fellowship: Gwen Smith

Cards needed: Karen Bayless (get well)

Lee Jones and Joyce Wilison (Bazaar Auctioneer Thank you)

Legislation: Karen Bayless None

Long Range Planning: Debra Folendore

The Long Range Planning Committee shall recommend goals to the Board of Directors to further the purpose of IPOGO and NAIW. It is the responsibility of this committee to review the Horizon Plan on an annual basis and to bring any changes or recommendations to the attention of the Board of Directors no later than their October meeting. Board indicated that this will be addressed in early 2012.

Membership: Fran Hitchcock

·  Report on new members and total membership of 52.

·  Corporate Partners invoices mailed.

·  Roster has been emailed to webmaster for posting on website.

·  The Chair is seeking ideas for membership drive.

Nominations: Sue Downey None

Professional Development: Patti French

Catlin Meadows may have a CE class to offer as a program. More details to follow next year.

Programs: Patti French

Future Programs : January Safety Altamonte Police February Birthday Party/ Hand writing expert

April Stress Management Larry ______

Public Relations: Sheryl Galloway

Toys for tots will be collected at the Christmas Social.

Reservations: Rebecca Miller

December 15 is deadline for RSVP of Holiday Christmas Social.

Safety Committee: Jeannette Gonsalves

January meeting will be a safety centered program.

Scholarship: None

Scrapbook: GeeGee Kemp None

Social: Jeri Cascio

Holiday Party for December location, time, and details reviewed.

February Luncheon 02/11/12

·  Looking for sponsorship in the amount of $300 as this is the room fee.

·  Location possibly Leu Gardens

Technology: Paula Keys

·  Website change 11/21/12 was deadline for RVP (bids)

o  3 bids were requested:

o  Received two $29,000 and $1200. The third vendor was not interested is submitting a proposal.

o  Jeri Casio has secured another possible vendor to bid the job. Will request proposal.

o  Will collect additional bids, information, and report back to the board.

§  Future goals: Present multiple options to general membership, gather more information and asses the maintenance need for website .

·  Domain Renewal completed with Activ Domain.

Ways & Means: Rebecca Miller // Jeri Casio // Patti French

Miche Bag will be raffled off with tickets sold by membership. Goal of the fundraiser is to offset the cost of a new website. See attached flyer for specifics.

Young Insurance Professional: Jamie Hagerman None

Unfinished Business:

·  Horizon Plan

·  Committee Chairpersons needed.

New Business:

·  Change the date of January Board meeting from January 2 a holiday to Monday January 9th. A motion was by Paula Keys and a second was made by Jodi Kelley. The motion carried

Karen Ramsey will secure the room at CNA.


General meeting will be the Holiday gathering at The Bistro at 5:30 pm on Wed December 14, 2011.

Next Board Meeting will be January 9, 2011 at CNA at 5:45 PM.

If there is no further business to come before this association and there is no objection, this meeting will now be adjourned. Hearing no objections this meeting is officially adjourned at 6:35 PM.