Industrial Amenity and Performance Code
Performance Criteria and Acceptable Solutions
Performance Criteria / Acceptable Solutions forSelf Assessment / Acceptable Solutions for
Code Assessment
P1 The use must be of a scale and intensity that has minimal impacts on the surrounding area / A1.1 The use does not involve exposed stockpiles of raw or processed material greater than a total volume of 30m3
Additional requirements—where within 150m of a sensitive receiving environment:
A1.2 Outdoor activities are restricted to between
7am to 7pm Monday to Saturday
A1.3 Indoor activities occurring between 7pm and 7am or on Sundays are limited to office and administrative tasks or are not audible or visible from outside the building / A1 No Acceptable Solution is prescribed
P2 Emissions of contaminants including air pollutants, noise, vibration, heat, light, radioactivity and electromagnetic radiation must not cause environmental harm or nuisance
For guidance on assessing impacts and performance requirements refer to Noise Impact Assessment Planning Scheme Policy and Air Quality Planning Scheme Policy / A2 Not applicable / A2 No significant emissions of contaminants occur beyond the boundary of the site
P3 Emissions of air pollutants including photochemical smog precursors and particulates must not detrimentally affect regional air quality
For guidance on assessing potential air quality impacts and performance requirements refer to Air Quality Planning Scheme Policy / A3 Not applicable / A3 Not applicable
P4 Emissions of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane) must not cause environmental harm
For guidance on assessing potential air quality impacts and performance requirements refer to Air Quality Planning Scheme Policy / A4 Not applicable / A4 Not applicable
P5 Emissions of contaminants to surface or groundwater (including contaminated stormwater) must not result in environmental harm or nuisance
For guidance on assessing potential impacts and performance requirements refer to the Management of Urban Stormwater Quality Planning Scheme Policy / A5 Not applicable / A5.1 Liquid or solid wastes (other than stormwater) are not discharged to land or waters
A5.2 Storage’s of potentially contaminating substances or areas where potentially contaminating activities are conducted are covered and contained to prevent the ingress of rainfall or run–off and to control spillage
A5.3 The use does not involve exposed stockpiles of raw or processed material greater than a total volume of 30m3
P6 Emissions of contaminants must not result in environmental harm or nuisance from ground contamination / A6 Not applicable / A6 The use does not have the potential to result in release of contaminants to ground
P7 The risk to public safety, property and the environment from technological hazards (fire, explosion, and chemical release) must be as low as reasonably practical and within acceptable limits
For guidance on assessment and performance requirements refer to the Hazard and Risk Assessment Planning Scheme Policy / A7 Not applicable / A7 The use does not include Storage of Dangerous Goods above the volumes/quantities identified in Chapter 3, Industrial Areas, Schedule 2
P8 The production of solid and liquid wastes must be prevented, or minimised to the greatest extent practical
The Waste Management Strategy for Queensland provides guidance on waste management strategies / A8 Not applicable / A8 Not applicable
P9 Non–discriminatory access must be provided to the proposal from adjoining roads and public areas / A9 Changes of level at the site boundary allow access to the proposal from the road to comply with AS1428—Design for Access and Mobility / A9 Changes of level at the site boundary allow access to the proposal from the road to comply with AS1428—Design for Access and Mobility
P10 Traffic generated by the use must not result in environmental nuisance or adversely impact on the safety of road users and residents / A10.1 Heavy vehicle access to the site does not use residential streets classified as neighbourhood access or local access
Additional requirements—where within 150m of a sensitive receiving environment:
A10.2 Heavy vehicle movements are restricted to between 7am to 7pm Monday to Saturday
A10.3 All haul routes and on–site manoeuvring areas are sealed / A10.1 Heavy vehicle access to the site does not use residential streets classified as neighbourhood access or local access
Additional requirements—where within 150m of a sensitive receiving environment:
A10.2 Heavy vehicle movements are restricted to between 7am to 7pm Monday to Saturday
A10.3 All haul routes and on–site manoeuvring areas are sealed
P11 The layout of the proposal must achieve adequate provision for servicing on site that is clearly defined, safe and easily accessible and must be designed to contain potential adverse impacts of servicing within the site
Servicing must be located to discourage on–street loading and must not detract from the aesthetics or amenity of the Area / A11 Loading/unloading and associated manoeuvring areas on site are designed in accordance with the servicing layout design guidelines in Section 4 of the Transport, Access, Parking and Servicing Planning Scheme Policy / A11 Loading/unloading and associated manoeuvring areas on site are designed in accordance with the servicing layout design guidelines in Section 4 of the Transport, Access, Parking and Servicing Planning Scheme Policy
While every care is taken by Brisbane City Council to ensure the accuracy of this extract of the code, Council make no representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliability or completeness and disclaim all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses losses and damages (including direct and consequential damage) and costs that may be incurred as a result of the document being inaccurate in any way and for any reason.
Printed on 11/11/04