Type of meeting: WinterInstitute Finalizing
Meeting called by Ted Simpson on Tuesday, January 5, 2016
In attendance:
Ted Simpson, Theresa Baroun, Jon Baroun, Al Herrmann, Dave Lemke, Miriam Durkey, Joe Polak, and Steve Anderson
- Al reported we currently have close to 105 pre-registrations. We will have Theresa inform Plaza of 150 for Saturday meal.
- Theresa informed us that the plaza will have maple glazed carrots and maple brownies for dessert. Steve Anderson volunteered to provide maple syrup.
- We need to create a sign crediting Anderson Maple Syrup for the maple syrup donation.
- Ted will call Lloyd to get information for his Bio.
- Ted will revise the breakout session information and get a copy of the revised handouts for Steve to post and print.
- Ted and Steve will get information on Roth’s for Theresa to read at awards banquet.
- Fred will read the Life Member award information at the awards banquet.
- Miriam and Theresa will bring printer/copier that can be used to process membership apps.
- We established the following procedure for new members signing up at the Winter Institute:
New memberships will be effective for the entire 2016 year.
- In the future we hope to change the membership year to run from January through December 31 rather than starting and ending in May.
- Dave Lemke will run the WMSPA booth and in addition to other materials will also have hats. We have asked Dave to give the association a bill for the hats he purchased.
- Ted/Miriam will bring a receipt book for Dave to use at the WMSPA table.
- Ted will circulate a memo asking for people to indicate what days, if any, they could help out I a booth at Roth open house - Feb 3-6.
- Steve will print 100 membership forms.
- We need to document a procedure on handling Web emails. Currently I think the plan is that Theresa will get the email and then respond directly or direct the email to the President who will respond or forward the email to the correct party. We need to make sure all officers know how to access and use the email system to keep up with communications.
- Al will call Janell Sacharski regarding their inquiry to market logo wear. We are interested in their offer and would like to offer them the opportunity to come to the Institute.
- We discussed the procedure for auction items and will follow the same process as last year. We will create a card for each item and Sarah Adamski will again put them in her computer to track the item winner and amount to be paid. This card will be presented to Miriam when the item is picked up.
- We will need to appoint two people to take meal tickets.
- Looks like we have the following volunteers at the booth for Saturday:
Steve Anderson
Allan Durkey
Ted Simpson
Al Herrmann
Linda Hustad
Other (?)
Next meeting:Next meeting is tentatively scheduled for after the Winter Institute –
Tuesday Jan 19th at 8:30 PM.