Mrs. Carter
Voice mail: 713-4199 ext. 4494
I.Attendance Policy
- Absences - 12 unexcused absences results in loss of credit - see Handbook.
- Tardiness – 3 unexcused tardies results in 1 unexcused absence & student detention
- Cutting - No credit will be given for assignments/tests/quizzes completed in class.
- Make-Up Work – See ABSENT handout in Google Classroom
II.Preparation for class – Each day you must bring.
- PENCILS and pens
- NOTEBOOK – a 3 ring binder (details to follow)
Always date notes and handouts. Put the date in the top right corner of these pages-yes, now.
- TI-83 PLUS/TI - 84 graphing calculator. You may purchase your own or borrow one from the school as per the calculator contract. See calculator request page attached.
- Chromebook – bring to class CHARGED and ready to be used.
III.Classroom Behavior
- Be Prepared – EACH DAY, you should have above items ready, hw complete and the previous lesson reviewed. You should have NO MORE than 3 HW questions.
- Be Respectful – One person speaks at a time. Raise your hand and WAIT to speak.
- Be HONEST – Cheating will not be tolerated – see Handbook. Working together to find solutions and understand problems is a commendable behavior. Copying is cheating. If you have read this far, get out a pen and draw happy faces across the top of the green contract page to smile back at you. Then, write “I will not copy someone else’s hw” at the top of the green contract page and sign it.
- Be a Bridge Builder – Always participate in group assignments and presentations in a positive way. Help your group members when they don’t understand. If NONE of you understand, problem-solve together (no pun intended- now slap your knee twice). Use notes – read them aloud, research the section in your book - review an example together.
- Be Positive ! No whining unless you bring cheese and crackers to share with the class.
IV.Extra Help
I will be available for extra help after school in Rm. S152, 2:30 till 3:10 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays IF you have fulfilled all course requirements. Please SIGN UP in my Guest Book before you SHOW UP! See UH-OH handout attached – GOLD page.
- The grading scale as approved by the North Hunterdon-Voorhees Regional High School District will be used to assign letter grades. Please refer to your student handbook.
Quick quiz: Assign the appropriate letter grade to each percent.
63 % = ______89.4% = ______
- Grades will be based on a percentage of the total points accumulated for tests, classwork, groupwork, and class participation. Assignment point values vary, ie. tests are usually 100 points and quizzes are 30-60 points. Daily homework completion is expected. Please review HW policy. All submitted work must be completed in PENCIL or it will not be graded.
VI.Homework will be assigned daily. PRACTICE makes PERFECT – or almost perfect, so you must use PENCIL. All problems should be attempted. COPY each problem onto your homework. If you cannot complete a problem, do as much as you can and write yourself a note about what you don’t understand. Corrections made in class are to be completed in PEN. Write your favorite color on the back of the green contract page, then get a pen that color for correcting hw by next week.
VII. A final exam will be administered as per the North Hunterdon-Voorhees Regional High School District policy. The final exam is 10% of the grade for the course, and it is cumulative.
VIII.North Hunterdon HS Policies regarding the Instructional Day
The following school policies and related policies in the student handbook are expected to be followed in Mrs. Carter’s class.
Cell Phones: Cell phones are prohibited in the classroom (and the hallways) during instructional time unless given the permission of the teacher. Use of phones is only permitted during passing time and in the cafeterias. For further details and consequences regarding violations please see the student handbook.
Chromebooks: Chromebooks should NOT be on desks or in use UNLESS given direction to do so. Use of a chromebook during math class is for instructional purposes and should be used ONLY for the assignment given by the teacher (not checking email, the weather, current grades or news etc.)
HEADPHONES/EARBUDS: The use of headphones or earbuds is prohibited in the halls and cafeteria. Headphones or earbuds are also prohibited in class unless given permission/directions by the teacher.
Dress Code: Hats, hoods, bandanas and sweatbands are not to be worn during the instructional day.
See the handbook for further details regarding the dress code on the school website.
Plagiarism: This policy applies to mathematics as well. Copying someone else’s math homework or solution is plagiarism. See handbook for additional details.
IX. The Class Requirements, Absence/Make – Up work Guidelines, and links to policies are available on Mrs. Carters Website. The Uh-OH hand-out should be kept in the front of your math binder/notebook.
X. Once you have read and reviewed the Class Requirements, Absence Guidelines, Calculator Policy, and Uh-OH handout, please complete the contract page (green page) and return it to school tomorrow.
To Mrs. Carter, Class ______
The following are three words that describe me:
I would also like you to know that I …….
I understand and have reviewed the class requirements, grading policy and classroom policies as posted on Mrs. Carter’s website for Honors Algebra 2 with my parent(s)/guardian(s).
Student’s Signature
I understand and have reviewed the class requirements, grading policy and attachments with
my child______.
(Student’s Name Printed)
Parent/Guardian Signature
Dear Parents/Guardians,
In an attempt to “build a bridge” between home and school, I will send out “class news and updates” via email. At this time if there is anything, you would like me to know about your son or daughter, please send me an email. In addition, it is also a great way to contact me regarding your son/daughter in the case of unexpected absences or any other questions regarding the class.
Please neatly print the email address/addresses to which you would like these class updates/invitation to the google classroom sent:
However, on occasion, I may try to contact you by phone during the day. Please indicate below the best way to contact you during the school day.
Mother/Guardian Daytime Phone ______home/work/cell
Father/Guardian Daytime Phone ______home/work/cell
I look forward to an exciting year with you son/daughter. Please feel free to contact me as well.
Mrs. Carter