Kindergarten Korner
Ms. Genelle & Ms. Hannah
August 28, 2015
This week we have talked about words that rhyme. We read Rhyming Dust Bunnies and Here Comes the Big, Mean Dust Bunny and made a chart of words that rhyme. We have also practiced rhyming words with color words (red/bed). In math we have practiced using counters in a 5 frame but have just focused on numbers 1 and 2. We are working on counting to 20 and writing numbers 0-5.
Each child chose a bag to keep his/her books in here in the classroom. We have started ‘Read to self’ which is a time when students get their book bags, choose a place to sit, and ‘read’ quietly for a set amount of time. We are working on building our stamina (how long we can do it). We have made it to 3 minutes this week. We are ‘picture reading’ our books (looking at the pictures and making up a story to go along with them). As students are able to read words, they will be able to read the words in the books in their bags. About every other week, students will ‘book shop’ to select books for their bags.
We read a few stories to help us to learn about habit 2, begin with the end in mind. We are working on making a list of words and phrases about kindergarten and our classroom to make a mission statement. We have also talked about ‘why’ we are coming to kindergarten.
Next week I will start sending homework home in the Bee Book. It will be in the homework sleeve. I will send homework for the entire week on Monday. All homework is due on Friday and must be returned. We have a homework club that students can earn each month but all homework for the entire month must have been returned to school with your signature that it was completed. The homework club members get a brag tag for their necklaces for each month all homework was completed and sent back to school.