Associated Writing Programs
Two-Year College CaucusMinutes: March 1, 2007 Atlanta
1. Introductions /attendance from list (see attached excel)
2. Approval of "minutes" from Vancouver 2005 and Austin 2006 conference; Tobey wants to know from Kate and/or AWP Board if we need official minutes or notes
RE: Kris moves /Tobey seconds 2005 approved by acclamation
Simone moves Kris seconds 2006 approved by acclamation
3. Discussion about website interface to offer Two-year caucus link on AWP main page;
(Writers' Circle blog community and E-link-- AWP membership/Program Support now available; posted links to hallmarks, by-laws and previous caucus meetings)
communication will promote cohesiveness
4. importance of Two-Year college constituency and presence at AWP
-Kate Kysar now on Board --possible permanent "two-year" seat?
Caucus can run one person each year, one or two “individual slots"?
Board member serves a liaison to educate who we are/what we do in two-year colleges; and as feeders to other programs in support of AWP
5. Prepare for NYC 2008
-Caucus should meet late Friday morning next year
-development of proposals: by genre (creative writing pedagogy) or types of interests
-make a case for more representation on panels that concern two-year
institutions, teachers and students; share drafts of proposals
Kate wants to get a table for next year / Lois has a $500. commitment
use of current list serve to share information and discuss panels proposals
AWP Board and committee panel meet 10:30 Sat what’s happening for next year---
plug for panels relevant to two year colleges: we have four this year
6. Two-year Hallmarks may get approved by AWP Board with Undergraduate program hallmarks (Kate and Mary) -alignment with undergraduate requirements
7. Discussion: Need for questionnaire data and survey;
-numbers of programs AA and AFA and certificates
-numbers of classes/sections --with data collecting;
-make a case for CW in CC/two-year colleges
-variety of courses: credit and non-credit
-membership in AWP by two-year colleges $250. numbers of member?
-set up a survey and task for data over eighteen months; put it up on the listserve
or AWP link; can we create the questions and ask them to post Kate McDevitt who will post hallmarks and surveys and docs
make it very easy and use a “survey machine /engine"?
Simone: concern for data-- how will we use it; will it be used against us ?
TYCA / NCTE not listed “creative writing” as desired qualifications
issues : teachers with MA vs. MFA
--the number of people “presence of community college” at AWP
making a case: who is feeding into 4yr programs and MFA
numbers of transfers
sending people to writing conferences
collecting data: support grassroots and the money-generating side of conference --AWP constituents
Leo wants to help with survey collect class information/ caps on enrollment
gather teacher info--how administrations look at data
8. Other issues
-send two-year college students to New York: sponsorship $200?
-AWP is doing well financially; growing endowments
-Kristine Anderson
qualifications for pay : UC-Riverside MFA grads. or MA English
issues of teacher-hiring : questions about credibility; hiring for tenure track ; rank in pay
course load ; caps of class numbers
-Lois: Two-Year College Coalition via institutional support
-table at AWP; book signing and display table; rotating
-attract and retain students: involvement of college in community
-sponsorships for CC students
-two-year college reading series
-Charles is questioning resources; pooling $$$ for AWP for two-year coalition
and logistics
Community College League of Innovation might be a better place: sponsorship
9. More miscellaneous items of importance
-how does certificate programs or AFA help enrollments?
-college marketing and outreach
-counselor advising re: Creative Writing
-recruitment to high schools
-children’s literature track
-non-traditional students “portfolio development “for MFA programs
-ride wave of AFA: theatre, art, music: making money for the colleges???
selling the creative writing program with a variety of goals
-communication skills
-critical thinking
-lit and creative writing course as core/ fulfills comp requirement
-humanities /general ed. elective: creative writing
community college textbook?
intro mixed genre panel for next year?
the picture of our students: why MFA programs need two-year colleges
teacher-education prep? required education courses in two-year colleges?
1000 graduate students at AWP
10. Kate: action for AWP board
-set up coalition for table and scholarship: how to collect money
-survey development
-ad-hoc review hallmarks
meeting adjourned /
reservation at 11:00 for lunch
respectfully submitted
Tobey Kaplan, Secretary
Name / Institution / e-mailJohn Bell / American River College / on file
Charles F. Burm / Southeastern CC / on file
Kris Bigalk / Normandale CC / on file
Kristine Anderson / Riverside CC / on file
Jan Donaldson / Fayetteville Technical CC /
Peter Biello / Brunswick CC /
Terry Ansbro / Florida Keys CC /
Leo Hwang-Carlos / Greenfield CC / on file
Denise Hill / Delta College /
Michael Darcher / Pierce College / on file
Mary Cantrell / Tulsa Community College /
Marian Blue / Skagit Valley College /
Simone Zelitch / Community College of Phila / on file
Lois Roma-Deeley / Paradise Valley CC / on file
Kate Kysar / Anoka-Ramsey CC / on file
David James / Oakland Comm. College /
Tobey Kaplan / Contra Costa, Peralta / on file
Guy Thorvaldsen / Madison Area Tech College /
Matthew Schmeer / Johnson County CC /
Ken Meyers / Wilson Tech CC / on file
Heather Sellers / Hope College /
Jill Karle Leahman / PVCC / on file
Brian C. Billings / Southwest Texas JC /