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This week’s assignment is the creation of an animation with a minimum of 10 steps or moves. You may choose the software that you will use; however there may not be technical support available from your IA. Below are two open source animation software options with links to tutorials. Support can be provided for these two options. Either option requires that you download the software.
1. The first software options is Stykz. Stykz is frame-based, letting you work on individual frames of your animation; onionskinning lets you to see what was in the previous frame so you can make adjustments accordingly.
If you use Stykz, you will need to download the free version of Quicktime and when you have finished creating your animation you will go to File Export Animation and “Save Type As” a QuickTime Movie or .mov. This will allow you to post your animation on your google site or wikispace as an animation.
Stykz Tutorials
You Tube Tutorials- search for Stykz
For those of you who are ambitious check out this youtube video on adding sounds and other things
2. The second software option is Scratch. Scratch is developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab, with financial support from the National Science Foundation, Microsoft, Intel Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, Google, Iomega and MIT Media Lab research consortia. It is a programming language that makes it easy to create your own interactive stories, animations, games, music, and art -- and share your creations on the web.
If you use scratch, you will go to the website and register so that you upload your animation on their website. You will then copy the embedded link and post it to you google site in the file cabinet or in wikispaces. If you use wikispaces, you will add a new page and then add a widget.
Next choose Video
Choose Other
You will paste the embedded code in the box and click Save.
You will be taken back to your wiki. You will still be in the edit mode so you will need to save. When you view this page you will see the video. If you click on it, you will be taken to your Scratch animation video that you uploaded at the Scratch website.
If you are using Google Sites, follow these instructions.
1. Create a new page
2. Select File Cabinet
3. Name your page
4. Select ‘Put under Home”
5. Click “ Add File”
6. Select “the web”
7. Paste the URL where your
video is located on the Scratch website
8. Upload the file.
9. Remember to go to “page settings” and show this page in the title bar.
Scratch tutorials
After you complete your animation, you will post it to your blog/wikispace/googlesite. Please indicate the url where your animation is located.
Animation URL
Grading Criteria
40 points / Proficient / Needs Improvement / Unacceptable
1.1 Animation
TF III.C.1 / · Animation includes at least 10 moves or steps
27- 30 points / · Animation includes at least 8 moves or steps
24-26 points / · Animation includes at least 6 moves or steps
21 -23 points / · Animation includes less than 6 moves or steps
0-20 points
1.2 Posting of animation
10 points maximum
TF-III.A.7 / · Animation is posted to wiki/blog/google site
· Animation works correctly in wiki/blog/ google site
9-10 points / · Animation is posted to wiki/blog/google site
· Animation works correctly in wiki/blog/ google site
8 points / · Animation is posted to wiki/blog/google site
· Animation works correctly in wiki/blog/ google site
7 points / Met one of the following criteria
· Animation is posted to wiki/blog/google site
· Animation works correctly in wiki/blog/google site
0-6 points
2010 Lamar University Page 1 of 5