Telephone: 859.441.5222
Fax: 859.441.4210
The mission of Highlands Middle School is to provide a caring, safe and secure environment that allows for the intellectual, social, emotional and physical well-being of all students. All students will be academically challenged to meet their maximum potential to become independent life-long learners and contributing members of society who respect the individual differences of others.
Fort Thomas Independent Schools Mission Statement
Rich in tradition and committed to the future, the Fort Thomas Independent School District provides engaging and challenging learning experiences which foster creativity, curiosity, and innovation, while inspiring all students to pursue lifelong learning and become productive members of the global community.
Vision Statements
Our students are engaged in a variety of experiences that foster creativity and curiosity, demonstrating the skills and dispositions needed to solve real-world problems and to become caring and productive members of the global community.
Our teachers exhibit a student-centered passion for teaching and a deep understanding of content, utilizing research-based strategies to challenge and meet the needs of all learners.
Our leadership maintains high expectations, works collaboratively with all stakeholders, focuses on a shared mission, and demonstrates a commitment to individual student growth and achievement.
Our parents are encouraged to be active participants in their child’s education, investing in a partnership of mutual respect.
Our community, as a valued partner, reciprocates our desire to develop a highly-skilled workforce that demonstrates civic pride, global citizenship, and service to others.
Our instruction focuses on individual student growth toward mastery of college and career readiness standards and instills a passion for lifelong learning.
Our technology is utilized by teachers and students in transformative ways to enhance student achievement and to make real-world global connections.
Our culture/climate is welcoming and allows all stakeholders to feel safe, encouraged, nurtured, and challenged to achieve at high levels.
Table of Contents
Personal Electronic Devices...... 4
GUIDANCE...... 8
LIBRARY...... 9
LOCKERS...... 9
SAFETY...... 9
20First Day for Students
22Team Meetings (Students)
23Fall Photo Day
30PTSO Kick-Off Party; 5 - 7pm
36th Grade Meetings
16-27EXPLORE Window 8th Grade
23Progress Reports
23-27IOWA Window 6th / 7th Grade
26HMS Open House; 7pm
17th Grade Meetings
10HMS Parent Conferences; 3:30 - 9pm
17HMS Fall Choir Concert; 7pm PAC
18End of 1st Quarter
22Strings Fall Concert; 7pm PAC
25Report Cards
266th Grade Dance; 7:30 - 10pm
18th Grade Meetings
16 7th Grade Dance; 7:30 – 10pm
22Progress Reports
26th Grade Meetings
68th Grade Dance; 7:30 to 10pm
8HMS Band Concert; 2pm PAC
12District Strings Concert; 7pm PAC
16HMS Choir Concert; 7pm PAC
20Fine Arts Concert; 10:15am -11:30am
20End of 2nd Quarter
6Schools Open
67th Grade Meetings
78th Grader Guidance Meeting; PAC
8Report Cards
148th Grade Parent Meeting; 7pm PAC
30HMS Musical; (1/30 – 2/2)
31HMS Musical for Elementary Schools
38th Grade Meetings
76th Grade Dance; 7:30 - 10pm
10Progress Reports
26Reality Store
28HMS Talent Show; 7pm PAC
36th Grade Meetings
35th Grade Parent Meeting; 7pm PAC
4HMS Choir Concert; 7pm PAC
77th Grade Dance; 7:30 - 10pm
7End of 3rd Quarter
11District Strings Concert; 7pm PAC
14Report Cards
20Spring Photo Day
28SPRING BREAK (3/28 – 4/4)
77th Grade Meetings
7Schools Open
25Progress Reports
28, 29, 305th Grade Transition Visits
30 – 5/48th Grade to Washington, D.C.
18th Grade Meetings
7-28State K-Prep Testing Window
6HMS Band Concert; 2pm PAC
98th Grade Dance; 7:30 - 10pm
13District Strings Concert; 7pm PAC
18HMS Choir Concert; 7pm PAC
28Last Day for Students
28 8th Grade Awards Ceremony
28End of 4th Quarter
29-30 Make-Up Days
2Make-Up Day
3Make-Up Day
4Closing Day*
6Report Cards
*Closing Day will be adjusted if Emergency Days are not needed.
Highlands Middle SchoolPhone: 859.441.5222 Fax: 859.441.4210
Middle School Direct Lines
Mark Goetz, Principal815.2500
Dawn Laber, Assistant Principal815.2502
Lori Maines, Counselor815.2503
Linda Turner,Guidance Secretary815.2506
Shelley Kappesser, Prin. Secretary815.2501
Linda Neal, Nurse’s Secretary815.2507
Attendance Line815.2599
Athletics Hotline815.2683
Voice Mailbox Numbers
Alessandro, Brian815-2539
Alexander, Dianne815.2649
Anderson, Kathy815-2542
Anderson, Susan815.2508
Banks, Elise815.2624
Birkley, Lisa815.2510
Bradley, Theresa815.2511
Brewer, Sally815.2536
Burgess, Jason815.2512
Cochran, Angela815.2514
Coffman, Martha815.2515
D’Ambrosio, Teresa815.2516
Donelan, Kathy815.2540
Evans, Bill815.2534
Ewald, Stephanie815.2517
Griffith, Stephanie815.2519
Hamel, Debbie815.2518
Hisey, Sara815.2520
Hopkins (Duncan), Lori815.2521
Houston, Tracy815.2522
Kampschmidt, Karen815.2537
Kelly, Emily
Lense, Aaron815.2531
Manning, Judy815.2524
McCoy, Rob815.2525
Menz, Carla
Mullins, Patricia
Nieporte, Kevin815.2527
Ohntrup, Patty815.2530
Petersen, Kara815.2520
Poff, Bill815.2650
Rafferty, Rick815.2532
Rosenhagen, Susan815.2558
Rowland, Beth815.2533
Schlarman, Julie815.2535
Shadwell, Collin815.2528
Smith, Andrea815.2538
Sroufe, Heather815.2659
Terlau, Jill
Trimbach, Melissa815.2541
Walburg, Lisa815.2552
Warford, John815.2526
Weinrich, Brian815.2543
Workman, Holly815.2529
Yelton, Dianne815.2544
To reach any teacher via e-mail, use the following formula: . Example: . There are a few exceptions. If you have trouble reaching a teacher by e-mail, please feel free to call the office for assistance.
We realize that communication with parents is very important. Most important communication is placed in progress report and report card envelopes that your child will bring home every 4-5 weeks. Also, the HMS Happenings, our e-mail, helps to keep you informed weekly. Please check Infinite Campus regularly for an update on your child’s grades. Tune in to channel 20 on your cable TV for updated information and student activities. You may also receive One-Call messages with current information.
Telephone Use/Messages
Office telephones are for school business and should not be used by students for personal reasons. A public phone for student use after school hours is located near the office and in the gym lobby. Deliveries from home should be limited to items absolutely necessary forstudent use during theschool day. Students will be called at the end of the day for messages and deliveries unless it is something they need for a particular class.
Personal Electronic Devices
- No Personal Electronic Devices (P.E.D.) will be used at any time between7:50am – 2:45pm anywhere on the campus of Highlands Middle School. This includes class changes and lunch.
Personal Electronic Devices may be used between 8am – 2:45pm with the permission of the classroom teacher for a legitimate educational purpose.
- Any unauthorized use of a P.E.D. will result in two days detention. This includes checking your device for any reason without permission.
Personal Electronic Device means any device in a student’s possession which electronically communicates, sends, receives, stores, reproduces or displays voice and/or text communication, images or data. These include, but are not limited to cellular phones, pagers, smart phones, music and media players, gaming devices, tablets, laptop computers, e-books and personal digital assistants.
Time of School Day
Highlands Middle School begins at 8am. Students will be dismissed at 2:45pm.
Before School
We permit students to receive passes from the office to gain access to the library at 7am or to see any of their teachers beginning at 7:20am. Students who do not have a need to see teachers before school will be allowed in the cafeteria or on the plaza starting at 7:30am. All students will be allowed to team areas and classrooms at 7:50am.
After School
All students should exit the building within 10 minutes of dismissal unless they are staying for a club, working with a teacher, detention or athletic practice beginning at 2:45pm. If a student has an athletic game or practice beginning at 4pm or later, they should leave the building and return. If they need to stay later, waiting for a ride, etc., they must wait in the Administration Lobby or outside.
HMS 2013-2014 Bell Schedule
PERIOD 1 / PERIOD 2 / PERIOD 3 / PERIOD 4 / PERIOD 5 / PERIOD 68:00–9:00 / 9:04 –10:00 / 10:04 –11:00 / 11:04 –12:45 / 12:49 –1:45 / 1:49 –2:45
Academic Curriculum/Schedule
The 6th, 7th, and 8th grade curriculum consists of six classes. All students will take core classes in: Math, Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts. The remaining classes are encore courses which include quarter classes in Arts & Humanities, World Language, Reading and Practical Living/Vocational along with elective classes of chorus, strings, or band. Students have a 30 minute lunch period.
Students in the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade will receive both numerical grades as well as alpha letter grades while students at HMS. Numerical grade averages will be converted into alpha letter grades to be published on the student report card along with the numerical averages. The regular numerical/alpha letter grade scale and their weight in calculating grade point average are as follows:
A / 95 –100 / 4.00 / A / 90 –100 / 4.00
B+ / 92 – 94 / 3.25 / B+ / 87 – 89 / 3.25
B / 85 – 91 / 3.00 / B / 80 – 86 / 3.00
C+ / 82 – 84 / 2.25 / C+ / 77 – 79 / 2.25
C / 75 – 81 / 2.00 / C / 70 – 76 / 2.00
D / 70 – 74 / 1.00 / D / 60 – 69 / 1.00
F / 0 – 69 / 0 / F / 0 – 59 / 0
Students in the 6th and 7thgrade will have their semester and final grades determined by the following formulas:
First Semester – Average of their first and second quarter grades
Second Semester – Average of their third and fourth quarter grades
Final Average – Average of the first and second semester grades
Students in the 8thgrade are required to take semester exams and will have their semester and final grades determined by the following formulas:
First Semester – The first and second quarter grades will be multiplied by two. The first semester exam grade will be added to this numerical total. This total number will be divided by five with the resulting number determining the semester grade.
Second Semester – The third and fourth quarter grades will be multiplied by two. The second semester exam grade will be added to this numerical total. This total number will be divided by five with the resulting number determining the semester grade.
Final Grade – Average of the first and second semester grades.
Middle School Courses for High School Credit
Middle School students may take designated courses that will count toward graduation requirements. However, the following requirements shall apply:
- Middle school students taking such courses must earn at least a C average and pass the final exam for the course to count toward graduation.
- Grades earned in those courses shall not be used to calculate a student’s high school grade point average (GPA).
Promotion Policy
Students at Highlands Middle School are expected to adhere to the school’s standards of academic success. Students are expected to complete all core academic requirements in order to be promoted through grades six, seven and eight. If a student earns a failing grade in one or two core courses during a school year, they will be required to attend summer school and pass these courses in order to be eligible for promotion. If a student earns a failing grade in three or more core courses for the year, they will be required to repeat their current grade. If a student fails both the third and fourth quarter of an academic course, the course is failed for the year no matter what grades were earned during the first semester.
Core and Encore Classes
Core Courses are English, Math, Science, and Social Studies. All other courses are Encore Courses. If a student does not meet the requirements for an Encore Course, they will receive an “I” (Incomplete) and be expected to attend a quarterly Saturday or after-school session to successfully complete the coursework and/or successfully re-take the “end-of-course” test.
Homework assigned in a practical manner is a necessary tool for learning to occur. It is very important that students, with their parents’ guidance, take homework seriously and turn in all assignments. Teachers post assignments in Infinite Campus Newsletter for parents or students to check. If at any time your child seems overly stressed by homework or is regularly spending too much time on homework in the evening, please contact your child’s teachers or the counselor.
Academic Saturday
Students may be assigned Academic Saturday if they have multiple missing assignments. They will have a chance to make up work for partial credit.
Honor Roll
Students with a GPA of 3.75 to 4.00 will receive Super Honors; students with a GPA of 3.25 to 3.74 will receive Honor Roll. Honor Roll will be calculated at the end of 1st semester and at the end of the year.
Progress Reports and Report Cards
Near the middle of each grading period all students will receive a report of the progress for the quarter to take home and be signed. If you are concerned about grades at this time please contact the teacher. All progress report envelopes must be signed by the parent and returned to the homeroom teacher within 3 days. Parents may access grades online at the Infinite Campus website.
Report Cards are issued at the end of each grading period or nine-week session. Numerical and letter grades are used to designate a pupil’s progress.
Pupils are required to attend regularly and punctually, the schools in which they are enrolled. We have long been aware of the correlation between regular school attendance and academic achievement. Our average daily attendance has been above 96% for most of the past two decades. In fact, last year our attendance rate was 97.32%. We are proud of this record and constantly strive to maintain it.
- If your child is going to be absent, please contact the school at 815.2599 and leave a message on the attendance hotline the morning of the absence. If your child is going to be absent due to a situation where prior approval of the principal, assistant principal, or Assistant Superintendent for Student Services is required, please contact the school at least one day prior to the absence.
- Any student who has been absent from school MUST bring a note from home explaining the reason for the absence. Prior to the start of school, on the day the student returns, the student should take the note to the main office. If your child saw a medical professional, please attach a doctor’s note to your parent note.
- According to board policy, a medical professional’s note will be required when a student reaches a total of ten absences that are either unexcused or excused by a note from parents. Excused absences verified by a medical professional do not count toward this total.
- Any student who is tardy must report to the principal or their designee immediately upon returning to school. The student shall present to the principal or their designee a written statement from their parents or guardian stating why they were tardy. The student shall be informed immediately as to whether it was an excused or unexcused tardy.
- Students will be given demerits for each unexcused tardy and for failure to sign-in on the morning following an absence. Detention will be assigned at increments of 5.
- In general parents can expect notification by mail when their student reaches a pre-determined number of absences and tardies. These letters are designed to be informative and help foster solutions to attendance issues. If absences and tardies continue to mount, additional letters will be sent and the case will be referred to the Assistant Superintendent for Student Services for action.
- Under no circumstance is a student to leave school without receiving permission from the office of the principal, assistant principal or school nurse.
- The Ft. Thomas Board of Education policy regarding the release of students during the school day states:
“If a student is to be picked up early, the custodial parent/guardian or designee shall report to the Principal’s office and sign for the student’s release.”
This policy means that each time a student is dismissed early, the parent/guardian or designee must come in to the school and sign the student out. Students may only be dismissed to adults listed on the emergency contact list. Parents cannot write a note to have their child dismissed early from school, nor can they call the office to have their child dismissed early to walk to a doctor’s appointment, etc. We ask that you still inform the office of any plans to pick up your child early. When notified in advance, we will have your child report to the office to meet you at a specified time.
Determination of Absence
Pupils arriving in the Ft. Thomas schools after the scheduled starting time for students and before 9am shall be marked tardy. Students who arrive after 9am and who remain at school for the remainder of the school day shall be recorded as absent for a percentage of the day. Students who are in attendance for the morning session but who leave before 2pm shall be recorded as absent for a percentage of the day. In cases of excessive absences/tardies due to personal illness, the Principal, Assistant Principal, or Assistant Superintendent for Student Services may, at his/her discretion, require that any subsequent tardies due to personal illness be verified by a signed physician’s statement. Parents will receive a written notice if we feel their child’s absences/tardies are excessive. (Board Policy 09.123)
Truancy Defined
Any pupil who has been absent from school without valid excuse for three days or more is a truant. A pupil who has been reported as a truant two or more times is a habitual truant. If a student’s attendance falls into this category, the student’s case will be referred to the Assistant Superintendent for Student Services.
Excused Absences
- Illness of the student
- Death or severe illness in the immediate family
- Religious holiday (to be approved by principal or his/her designee prior to absence)
- Medical and dental appointments which cannot be scheduled outside of the regular school day
- Participation in state or school sponsored activities must count as an excused absence per Kentucky Department of Education.
- Special cases excused by the principal or his/her designee. When possible parents should contact the principal prior to the absence.
Students with excused absences shall be able to make up missed work. However, it must be done in a timely manner and students are responsible for contacting the teacher if they have questions.
Unexcused Absences