Appendix D
Acronyms and Definitions of Terms
Acronym / DescriptionADA / The Americans with Disabilities Act
BDISBO / Bureau of Diversity, Inclusion and Small Business Opportunities
CAP / Corrective Action Plan
DCNR / Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
DGS / Department of General Services
DOC / Department of Corrections
DHS / Department of Human Services
DOH / Department of Health
FAA / Federal Aviation Administration
FCC / Federal Communications Commission
ITP / Information Technology Policy
NOC / Network Operations Center
OA / Office of Administration
OAG / Office of Attorney General
OIG / Office of Inspector General
PA-STARNet / Pennsylvania Statewide Radio Network
PennDOT / Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
PSP / Pennsylvania State Police
PUC / Public Utility Commission
RFP / Request For Proposal
RTK / Right-to-Know
RTKL / Right-to-Know Law
SB / Small Business
SDB / Small Diverse Business
SOW / Statement of Work
USDA / United States Department of Agriculture
Term / Definition
Agency / The department, board, commission or other agency of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Amendment / A written alteration in specifications, delivery point, rate of delivery, period of performance, price, quantity or other provisions of any contract.
Americans with Disabilities Act / The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Pub. L. No. 101-336, 104 Stat. 327, 42 U.S.C. § 12101, et seq, as amended.
Assignment / The transfer or taking over by another of a contract or any part of a contract or any contractual right or duty.
Best and Final Offer / As used in the RFP.
Breach of Personal Information Act / Act of December 22, 2005, P.L. 474, No. 94, as amended, 73 P.S. §§ 2301—2329.
Broadband / A communication channel using any technology and having a bandwidth equal to or greater than 10 megabits per second in the downstream direction and equal to or greater than 1 megabit per second in the upstream direction.
Bureau of Diversity, Inclusion and Small Business Opportunities (BDISBO) / An office within the Department of General Services with the responsibility to assure participation by, and the fair treatment of, small and small diverse businesses in Commonwealth contracting opportunities. BDISBO also has overall responsibility for the Commonwealth’s Contract Compliance Program.
Commencement Date / The date a Service is accepted by the Commonwealth.
Commonwealth / The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Commonwealth Attorneys Act / The Act of October 15, 1980, P.L. 950, No. 164, as amended, 71 P. S. §§ 732-101—732-506.
Commonwealth Procurement Code / The Act of May 15, 2008, P.L. 555, P.L. 358, No. 57, as amended, 62 Pa. C.S. §§ 101—4604.
Contract / The agreement with the successful Offeror resulting from this RFP.
Contracting Officer / The person authorized to administer this Contract for the Commonwealth and to make written determinations with respect to the Contract.
Contracting Office / The Agency authorized to administer this Contract for the Commonwealth.
Contractor / The successful Offeror that will enter into the contract resulting from this RFP.
Contractor Personnel / Individuals employed by the Contractor who provide or are involved in the provision of the Services.
Contractor Project Manager / The individual employed by the Contractor who is responsible for managing the Contract.
Corrective Action Plan (CAP) / A document that outlines the process the Program Manager will take to address specific service deficiencies. The CAP shall, at a minimum, identify the service deficiencies, the reasons for such deficiencies, the Program Manager’s plans for correcting the service deficiencies and the target dates for correction.
Davis-Bacon Act of 1931 / The Act of March 3, 1931, ch. 411, 46 Stat. 1494, as amended, 40 U.S.C.A. § 3141, et seq.
Days / Calendar days, unless specifically indicated otherwise.
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) / The Commonwealth executive agency that manages the state’s parks and forests, administers grants and a technical assistance program for community recreation and conservation, and provides topographic and geologic information.
Department of Corrections (DOC) / The Commonwealth executive agency responsible for the overall management and operation of the entire adult corrections system including 26 institutions, 14 community corrections centers, nearly 40 contract facilities, a training academy, and one motivational boot camp.
Department of General Services (DGS) / The Commonwealth executive agency that supports the core operations of Pennsylvania state government. Builds all non-highway Capital projects, procures nearly $4 billion of goods and services, serves as the real estate agent for state-owned land and leases, oversees the Commonwealth vehicle fleet, maintains all state-owned facilities, implements an energy-management and conservation initiative in all state-owned buildings, serves as the state’s insurance broker, monitors participation in state contracts by minority and women-owned businesses, manages federal and state surplus and supplies, and oversees the Capitol Police, Commonwealth Media Services, and Printing and Publications.
Department of Health (DOH) / The Commonwealth executive agency responsible for protecting the health of the people. Enforces all statutes pertaining to public health for the prevention and suppression of disease and injury. Works closely with local health agencies in cities, counties, and municipalities.
Department of Human Services (DHS) / The Commonwealth executive agency responsible for administering a vast array of human-service programs, promotes local social services and planning activities, distributes federal and state funds to local agencies, and develops programs to respond to the human service needs of the Commonwealth’s residents. Programs provide basic needs including cash, food, shelter, health care, heat, and job-funding assistance for individuals and families. Provides treatment, care, and support services in state-operated facilities and in the community for people with mental illness and developmental disabilities as well as children and families.
Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) / Commonwealth executive agency responsible for administration, organizing, training, and commanding of the Pennsylvania National Guard, six state-owned Veterans’ Homes, and programs for Pennsylvania’s one million veterans.
Department of Transportation (PennDOT) / Commonwealth executive agency responsible for developing programs to assure adequate, safe, and efficient transportation facilities and services at the lowest reasonable cost to the citizenry. Responsibilities include certificates of title, licensing of operators, registration and licensing of motor vehicles, administrative enforcement of the Motor Vehicle Code including the Point System, and administration of aviation and airport development programs within the Commonwealth.
Documentation / All materials required to support and convey information about the Services required by this Contract. It includes, but is not necessarily restricted to, written reports and analyses, diagrams, maps, logical and physical designs, system designs, computer programs, flow charts, disks, and/or other machine-readable storage media.
Effective Date / The date fixed by the contracting officer which is on or after the date the contract has been fully executed by the contractor and by the purchasing agency and all approvals required by Commonwealth contracting procedures have been obtained. The Contract shall not be a legal and binding contract until after the Effective Date is affixed and the Contract is sent to the Contractor.
Expiration Date / The date on which a contract expires. The last date when work to be billed under the contract can be performed. The end of the Contract Term, as more fully set forth in the Contract.
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) / An independent U.S. government agency that regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories.
Independent Agency / Boards, commissions, and other agencies and officers of the Commonwealth, which are not subject to the policy supervision and control of the Governor.
Issuing Office / The point of contact for the offerors to contact the purchasing agency with any questions about an RFP.
Key Personnel / The Contractor’s named staff that the Commonwealth determined to be critical to the success of the Project and required the Contractor to provide.
The Minimum Wage Act of 1968 / The Act of January 17, 1968, P.L. 11, No. 5, as amended, 43 P. S. §§ 333.101—333.115
No-Fee Contract / A contract where supplies, services, or construction are provided at no cost to the Commonwealth.
Notice to Proceed / Written authorization from the purchasing agency’s contracting officer to the contractor to perform the services or construction specified in the contract. The notice to proceed cannot be issued until on or after the effective date of the contract.
Notice of Termination / Written notice provided from the Commonwealth to the Contractor to notify the Contractor that the Commonwealth is terminating the Contract.
Offeror / A company that submits a proposal in response to a request for proposals.
Office of Administration (OA) / An organization within the Commonwealth that provides information technology, human resource, records management, and continuity of government services.
Office of Attorney General (OAG) / Pennsylvania’s top law enforcement official, responsible for protecting and serving the citizens and agencies of the Commonwealth.
Office of Inspector General (OIG) / An organization that works to prevent or find fraud, waste, and abuse in the Commonwealth’s programs, operations, and contracts.
Pennsylvania / The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Pennsylvania Election Code / The Act of June 3, 1937, P.L.1333, No.320, as amended.
Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act / The Act of August 15, 1961, P.L. 987, No. 442, as amended, 43 P.S. §§ 165-1—165-17.
Right-to-Know Law (RTKL) / The Act of February 14, 2008, P.L. 6, No. 3, as amended, known as the Right-to-Know Law, 65 P.S. §§ 67.101—3104.
Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency / The Commonwealth’s emergency preparedness and response agency responsible for coordinating all available Commonwealth resources and state agency responses, including the Office of the State Fire Commissioner, and supporting county and local governments in the areas of civil defense, disaster mitigation and preparedness, planning, and response to and recovery from emergencies of any kind, whether attack, man-made, or natural sources.
Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) / Commonwealth executive agency authorized and empowered to make arrests without warrant for all violations of the law which they may witness, and to serve and execute warrants issued by the proper local authorities. These powers are extended throughout all the political subdivisions of the Commonwealth. Members of the force have all the powers and prerogatives conferred by law upon members of the police force of cities of the first class and upon constables of the Commonwealth, and to act as game protectors and as forest, fish, or fire wardens.
Public Utility Commission (PUC) / An independent, quasi-judicial agency created to establish and maintain reasonable rates and safe, adequate service in the state’s public utilities.
Purchasing Agency / The Pennsylvania State Police.
Remittance Advice / Document sent with payment that provides detailed information regarding how the total amount of the payment was calculated. For revenue share payment, delineates each Site Occupancy Agreement and the amount paid for each Asset in accordance with the Revenue Submittal. For concession payments, delineates the amount being paid for each concession categories.
Request for Criminal Record Check / The form and procedure for looking up and compiling criminal records, commercial records and financial records of an individual.
SAP Vendor Number / A vendor identification number for the Commonwealth’s SAP ordering and payment processing systems.
Selected Offeror / Offeror that has been selected for contract negotiations.
Services / All Contractor activity necessary to satisfy the Contract.
Small Business / A business in the United States which is independently owned, not dominant in its field of operation, employs no more than 100 full-time or full-time equivalent employees, and earns less than $7 million in gross annual revenues for building design, $20 million in gross annual revenues for sales and services and $25 million in gross annual revenues for those businesses in the information technology sales or service business.
Small Diverse Business (SDB) / A DGS-verified minority-owned small business, woman-owned small business, veteran-owned small business, service-disabled veteran-owned small business, LGBT-owned small business, or disability-owned small business.
Statement of Work (SOW) / A detailed description of the Services, function and responsibilities described in the Contract
Steel Products Procurement Act / The Act of March 3, 1978, P.L. 6, No. 3, as amended, 73 P.S. §§1881-1887.
Subcontractor / An individual, business, university, governmental entity, or nonprofit organization contracting to perform part, or all, of another entity’s contract.
Term / The duration the Contact between the Commonwealth and the Contractor.
Termination for Convenience / A termination based on a determination by the Commonwealth that termination is in its best interest.
Third Party / Someone indirectly involved in the Contract, but who is not a principal party to the Contract.
Trade Practices Act / Act of July 23, 1968, P.L. 686, No. 226, as amended, 71 P.S. §773.101 et seq
Workers’ Compensation Act / The Act of June 2, 1915, P.L. 736, No. 338, reenacted and amended June 21, 1939, P.L. 520, No. 281, as amended, 77 P.S.§§ 1—2708.
CPSBN / Commonwealth Public Safety Broadband Network
NPSBN / FirstNet National Public Safety Broadband Network
OCR / Offeror and Commonwealth Relationship
RAN / Radio Access Network
SMLA / Spectrum Management Lease Agreement
NTIA / National Telecommunications and Information Administration
LTE / Long Term Evolution
BYOD / Bring Your Own Device
FOC / Final Operational Capability
QCI / Quality Class Indicator
QPP / Quality of Service, Priority, Preemption
ARP / Allocation and Retention Priority
VPN / Virtual Private Network
PMI / Project Management Institute
GAO / Government Accountability Office
LMR / Land Mobile Radio