For references on ACS style, you can look at any article in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. The below instructions have integrated examples. Read through them to familiarize your self with these stylistic elements.

All references must be numbered at the end of the sentence, before the period (1). If there are several referenced ideas in a row from papers (2), articles (3), or books (4), you can list them in the middle of the sentence after the key word or idea. Always start your numbers with 1 and work up, as in the previous two sentences in this paragraph, each new referenced work getting the next sequential number. The numbers are to be written in italics.

Any subject or idea which you get from another source must be referenced. Direct quotes from the document may be used sparingly. As professor Leonard says, “Forming your own interpretation of another author’s work is preferable to simply copying down what someone else says (5).”

The “CITED REFERENCES” page is where all of the references are listed in the order. The number of the reference as listed in your paper goes first, followed by the author’s name (Last, F.), then the name of the journal In Italics, the year in bold, the volume and issue number in Italics, and finally the page numbers. Be sure that every numbered superscript corresponds to a reference on the Cited References page. Below is a sample Cited References page for some of the superscripts in the above paragraphs.

Cited References

1.Unctuation, P. Paper-Writing Journal2001, 1(2), 2-22

2.Writesalot, S.; Wontshutup, M.; Soboring, H. The American Journal of Pointless Papers 2000, 188(32), 1-999

3.Mouse, M.; Duck, D. Modern Animated Life1954, 2(33), 5-7



1.Title page – Centered on page, must contain: Title of Proposal, date, your name, university name. This must be on a separate page. No page number.

2.Abstract – 250 words max. describing the entire paper: introduction, proposal, conclusions etc. The abstract is like a mini version of your proposal. This must be on a separate page. (Page 2)

3.Main Body of Paper – Maintain logical structure throughout paper: introductions, main points, proposed ideas, conclusions. (Page 3-?) Pictures, diagrams, etc. are encouraged, but cannot make up main body of paper. If pictures are abused to fill space, this will be reflected in the grade.

4.Cited References – As shown above. This must be on a separate page. (Page ?)

Each page must have a number centered on the bottom line of the page. The page number is a number ONLY, no names, dates, etc. The title page is page number one, but no number should appear on the title page. The abstract page will then be page number two, with this number appearing centered on the bottom of the page.