March 18, 2015
Davis County Administration Building
Meeting Chair: Mayor Len Arave, North Salt Lake City
Members present:
1 | March 18, 2015 Davis County COG
Mayor Randy Lewis, Bountiful City
Mayor Paul Cutler, Centerville City
Mayor Mark Shepherd, Clearfield City
Mayor Mitch Adams, Clinton City
Mayor Don Carroll, Fruit Heights City
Mayor Steve Hiatt, Kaysville City
Mayor Bob Stevenson, Layton City
Mayor Len Arave, North Salt Lake City
Mayor Tammy Long, South Weber City
Mayor Terry Palmer, Syracuse City
Mayor Erik Craythorne, West Point City
Mayor Jim Talbot, Farmington City
Mayor Rick Earnshaw, Woods Cross City
Colonel Ronald Jolly, Commander HAFB
Angie Osguthrope, Chamber of Commerce
Gordon Eckersley, Davis School Board
Commissioner Bret Millburn, Davis County
Commissioner Jim Smith, Davis County
1 | March 18, 2015 Davis County COG
Members excused:
1 | March 18, 2015 Davis County COG
Mayor Beverly Macfarlane, Sunset City
Mayor Ken Romney, W. Bountiful City
Commissioner JP Petroff, Davis County
1 | March 18, 2015 Davis County COG
Staff present: Barry Burton, DC Planning
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Marlin Eldred, DC CED
Annette Hanson, DC CED
1 | March 18, 2015 Davis County COG
Janel Woolley, DC CED
Visitors: Isa Perry – Davis Co. Health, Jennifer Somers – Rep. Bishop’s office, Rhonda Perkes – Rep. Stewart’s office, Kerry Doane – UTA, Nathan Jackson – Senator Hatch’s office, Col. Wade Lawrence – 75 ABW/CV, Wayne Bennion – WFRC
1. Welcome to COG/Introductions – Len Arave
Pledge: Colonel Jolly
Prayer: Mayor Palmer
2. Welcome to Hill Air Force Base/Update – Colonel Ron Jolly
Colonel Jolly welcomed the members of COG to Hill Air Force Base (a.k.a. Team Hill) and thanked COG for participating in the HAFB tour, COG meeting, and for supporting HAFB.
The Air Force Base is well known as one of the very best military bases in the nation. The 75th Air Base Wing is responsible for the operating support of all units at Hill AFB, including the 388th and 419th Fighter Wings, the 84th Combat Sustainment Wing, the 309th Maintenance Wing, the 508th Aerospace Sustainment Wing, and 25 subordinate units, as well as the Ogden Air Logistics Complex.
Team Hill is experiencing a significant software maintenance division workload. Software maintenance employees write code for fighter aircraft. The F-4 required about 20,000 lines of code compared to the F-35 which requires 20,000,000 lines of code. These lines of code will continue to increase as HAFB moves from Initial Operational Capability (IOC) to Full Operational Capability (FOC). HAFB is enlarging current hangers and making other accommodations to be fully prepared as the date for FOC moves closer.
The 388th is scheduled to receive a total of 72 F-35s. Coordination for arrival of the F-35s, maintenance personnel, support, pilots, etc. during the transition period for Team Hill is very important. What will ultimately be more than $100 million worth of construction associated with theF-35 hasHill Air Force Base in a major transitional phase; however Colonel Jolly reports that this has not affected the bases readiness for duty. When the call comes for combat, HAFB is the very best at what they do. The training and deployment at HAFB is a critical and continuous process.
3. Business Items
Minutes from February 2015 were presented for approval.
Motion: Mayor Shepherd made a motion to approve the minutes from the February 2015 COG meeting as distributed via email. Mayor Adams provided the 2nd and the motion was unanimous.
4. Community Health Improvement Plan Update – Isa Perry
Isa Perry, representing Davis County Health Department, presented a report entitled Celebrating 1 Year of Progress; this is a one year update for the Community Health Improvement Plan for Davis County. (A booklet of the presentation was distributed to each member of the board.) The action plan was determined through a series of community partner meetings. Many of the cities were involved in determining the most important issues to address in this plan. The four-part plan for progress is as follows; 1) Prevent and Reduce Suicide, 2) Prevent and Reduce Obesity, 3) Improve Access to Behavioral Health Services, and 4) Improved Air Quality. This Community Health Improvement Plan update reports progress made during the first year of implementation. It also acknowledges partners for their contributions and recognizes the community’s progress toward improving health in the county. For more information, please refer to the booklet that was distributed or visit
5. Legislative Update and Discussion– Commissioner Millburn
Commissioner Millburn spoke of a few highlights from the 2015 legislative session. (See attached documents for details) Discussion by COG ensued.
· Gas Tax Reform and Increase: H.B. 362, a comprehensive approach to addressing part of the funding shortfall for Utah’s transportation system was passed just before the session closed. This took significant effort. Commissioner Milburn expressed gratitude to COG and reiterated the importance of letting your voice be heard on issues; every voice makes a difference.
Effective January 1, 2016 the current 24.5 cents per gallon state gas tax will be converted to a 12 percent tax rate; this is equivalent to an immediate 5 cents per gallon. To limit potential price volatility, there is a fixed floor and ceiling. (Approximate range 29 – 40 cents)
· Local Option Transportation Sales Tax & Benefits of H.B. 362: Counties are authorized to enact a .25% general sales tax for transportation after voter approval. (This refers to the ‘fourth quarter’ cent tax; Davis County has not yet enacted the ‘third quarter’ cent tax.)
It is important for the cities and county to be united in the approach to this tax. There was some dialogue on the timing and process for putting this issue on the ballot. This discussion will be continued at the COG meeting in April.
· H.B. 321 Substitute Vote by Mail Revisions: Further discussion will take place at the next COG Meeting regarding vote by mail revisions.
6. Adjourn
Motion: Commissioner Millburn made a motion to dismiss. Mayor Adams provided the 2nd and the motion was unanimous.
Meeting adjourned at 6:10 pm
Future Agenda Items: Send Future agenda items to Annette Hanson ** **Must be received at least 48 hours prior to the meeting**
1 | March 18, 2015 Davis County COG