Teacher Name : Ms. Giranda Subject : Reading Proposed Dates: September 2015
Grade Level (s) First Building : West Hazleton Elementary/Middle School
Unit PlanUnit Title: “Exploring Differences in Each Other and Our Community”
Essential Questions: What makes you special?
What do you do at your school?
What is it like where you live?
What makes a pet special?
What do friends do together?
How does your body move?
How does your community affect you?
How can you become involved in your community?
How does our culture and background affect your community?
Are we more different or alike?
Standards: PA Core Standards, PA Academic Standards/Anchors (based on subject)
CC.1.1.1.BDemonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features
CC.1.1.1.CDemonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds
CC.1.1.1.DKnow and apply grade level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words
CC.1.1.1.ERead with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension
CC.1.2.1.AIdentify the main idea and retell key details of text
CC.1.2.1.BAsk and answer questions about key details in a text
CC.1.2.1.CDescribethe connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text
CC.1.2.1.EUse various text features and search tools to locate key facts or information in a text
CC.1.2.1.GUse the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas
CC.1.3.1.ARetell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message
CC.1.3.1.BAsk and answer questions about key details in a text
CC.1.3.1.CDescribe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details
CC.1.3.1.EExplain major differences between books that tell stories and books that give information, drawing on a wide reading or rangeof texts
CC.1.3.1.FIdentify key words and phrases in stories or poems that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses
CC.1.3.1.GUse illustrations and details in a story to describecharacters, setting, or events
CC.1.4.1.AWrite informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas
CC.1.4.1.BIdentify and write about one specific topic
CC.1.4.1.FDemonstrate a gradeappropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling
CC.1.5.1.AParticipate in collaborative conversations with peers and adults in small and larger groups
CC1.5.1.DDescribe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly
CC.1.5.1.EProduce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation
Summative Unit Assessment :McGraw Hill Assessment Test, First Grade Report Card Testing/Rubric
Summative Assessment Objective / Assessment Method (check one)
Students Will- / ____ Rubric ___ Checklist __X__ Unit Test ____ Group
____ Student Self-Assessment
__X__ Other (explain) First Grade Report Card Testing/Rubric
Day / Objective (s) / DOK LEVEL / Activities / Teaching Strategies / Grouping / Materials / Resources / Assessment of Objective (s)
1 / *Students will recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (first word, capitalization, ending punctuation).
*Students will orally produce single syllable words by blending sounds(phonemes) including consonant blends.
*Students will decode regularly spelled one-syllable words.
*Students will recognize and read grade appropriate irregularly spelled words.
*Students will ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally through other media. / 1
4 / Activities:
*Text pages S64-S69 (Day 1 Week3 Smart Start)
Teaching Strategies:
*Direct Instruction
*Teacher Inquiry/ Q and A
*Teacher Modeling/Demonstrating
*Interactive Instruction
*Indirect Instruction
*Guided Practice
*Independent Work/Study
*Differentiated Instruction/Flex Group on Abilities
*Learning Centers
*Partner Check
*Read Alouds / W
L / *Teacher Manuel
*Practice Workbook
*Online Resources
*Teaching Posters
*High Frequency Cards
*Sound Spelling Cards
*Word Building Cards
*Photo Cards
*Supplemental Worksheets /Practice Papers / Formative-
*Thumbs up/down
*Teacher observations
*Red and green cards
*Popsicle sticks
*Respond on whiteboards
*Choral response
*Completed Workbook pages (SS25)
Student Self-Assessment-
*Whole Group Discussion and Checklist at the board
*Self -Check Papers/Partner Check Papers
2 / *Students will recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (first word, capitalization, ending punctuation).
*Students will orally produce single syllable words by blending sounds(phonemes) including consonant blends.
*Students will decode regularly spelled one-syllable words.
*Students will recognize and read grade appropriate irregularly spelled words.
*Students will ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally through other media. / 1
4 / Activities:
*Text pages S70-S75 (Day 2 Week3 Smart Start)
Teaching Strategies:
*Direct Instruction
*Teacher Inquiry/ Q and A
*Teacher Modeling/Demonstrating
*Interactive Instruction
*Indirect Instruction
*Guided Practice
*Independent Work/Study
*Differentiated Instruction/Flex Group on Abilities
*Learning Centers
*Partner Check
*Read Alouds / W
L / *Teacher Manuel
*Practice Workbook
*Online Resources
*Teaching Posters
*High Frequency Cards
*Sound Spelling Cards
*Word Building Cards
*Photo Cards
*Supplemental Worksheets /Practice Papers / Formative-
*Thumbs up/down
*Teacher observations
*Red and green cards
*Popsicle sticks
*Respond on whiteboards
*Choral response
*Completed Workbook pages (SS26)
Student Self-Assessment-
*Whole Group Discussion and Checklist at the board
*Self -Check Papers/Partner Check Papers
3 / *Students will recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (first word, capitalization, ending punctuation).
*Students will segment spoken single-syllable words into their complete sequence of individual sounds (phonemes).
*Students will decode regularly spelled one-syllable words.
*Students will recognize and read grade appropriate irregularly spelled words.
*Students will ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally through other media. / 1
4 / Activities:
*Text pages S76-S81 (Day 3 Week3 Smart Start)
Teaching Strategies:
*Direct Instruction
*Teacher Inquiry/ Q and A
*Teacher Modeling/Demonstrating
*Interactive Instruction
*Indirect Instruction
*Guided Practice
*Independent Work/Study
*Differentiated Instruction/Flex Group on Abilities
*Learning Centers
*Partner Check
*Read Alouds / W
L / *Teacher Manuel
*Practice Workbook
*Online Resources
*Teaching Posters
*High Frequency Cards
*Sound Spelling Cards
*Word Building Cards
*Photo Cards
*Supplemental Worksheets /Practice Papers / Formative-
*Thumbs up/down
*Teacher observations
*Red and green cards
*Popsicle sticks
*Respond on whiteboards
*Choral response
*Completed Workbook pages (SS30)
Student Self-Assessment-
*Whole Group Discussion and Checklist at the board
*Self -Check Papers/Partner Check Papers
4 / *Students will recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (first word, capitalization, ending punctuation).
*Students will segment spoken single-syllable words into their complete sequence of individual sounds (phonemes).
*Students will decode regularly spelled one-syllable words.
*Students will recognize and read grade appropriate irregularly spelled words.
*Students will ask and answer questions about key details in a text read aloud or information presented orally through other media. / 1
4 / Activities:
*Text pages S82-S87 (Day 4 Week3 Smart Start)
Teaching Strategies:
*Direct Instruction
*Teacher Inquiry/ Q and A
*Teacher Modeling/Demonstrating
*Interactive Instruction
*Indirect Instruction
*Guided Practice
*Independent Work/Study
*Differentiated Instruction/Flex Group on Abilities
*Learning Centers
*Partner Check
*Read Alouds / W
L / *Teacher Manuel
*Practice Workbook
*Online Resources
*Teaching Posters
*High Frequency Cards
*Sound Spelling Cards
*Word Building Cards
*Photo Cards
*Supplemental Worksheets /Practice Papers / Formative-
*Thumbs up/down
*Teacher observations
*Red and green cards
*Popsicle sticks
*Respond on whiteboards
*Choral response
*Completed Workbook pages (SS35)
Student Self-Assessment-
*Whole Group Discussion and Checklist at the board
*Self -Check Papers/Partner Check Papers
5 / *Students will recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (first word, capitalization, ending punctuation).
*Students will decode regularly spelled one-syllable words.
*Students will recognize and read grade appropriate irregularly spelled words.
*Students will identify basic similarities in and differences between two texts on the same topic. / 1
4 / Activities:
*Text pages S88-S93 (Day 5 Week3 Smart Start)
Teaching Strategies:
*Direct Instruction
*Teacher Inquiry/ Q and A
*Teacher Modeling/Demonstrating
*Interactive Instruction
*Indirect Instruction
*Guided Practice
*Independent Work/Study
*Differentiated Instruction/Flex Group on Abilities
*Learning Centers
*Partner Check
*Read Alouds / W
L / *Teacher Manuel
*Practice Workbook
*Online Resources
*Teaching Posters
*High Frequency Cards
*Sound Spelling Cards
*Word Building Cards
*Photo Cards
*Supplemental Worksheets /Practice Papers / Formative-
*Thumbs up/down
*Teacher observations
*Red and green cards
*Popsicle sticks
*Respond on whiteboards
*Choral response
*Completed Workbook pages (SS35)
Student Self-Assessment-
*Whole Group Discussion and Checklist at the board
*Self -Check Papers/Partner Check Papers
6 / Students will review the skills presented throughout the week. / 1
4 / Teaching Strategies:
*Direct Instruction
*Teacher Inquiry/ Q and A
*Teacher Modeling/Demonstrating
*Interactive Instruction
*Indirect Instruction
*Guided Practice
*Independent Work/Study
*Differentiated Instruction/Flex Group on Abilities
*Learning Centers
*Partner Check
*Read Alouds / W
L / *Teacher Manuel
*Practice Workbook
*Online Resources
*Teaching Posters
*High Frequency Cards
*Sound Spelling Cards
*Word Building Cards
*Photo Cards
*Supplemental Worksheets /Practice Papers / Formative-
*Thumbs up/down
*Teacher observations
*Red and green cards
*Popsicle sticks
*Respond on whiteboards
*Choral response
*Completed Workbook pages
Student Self-Assessment-
*Whole Group Discussion and Checklist at the board
*Self -Check Papers/Partner Check Papers