Part – A: General Information
1. Name :
2. Date of Birth:
3. Department :
4. Current Designation &
Grade pay:
5. Date of Last Promotion:
6. Application for the post of :
7. Date of eligibility for Promotion:
8. Address for Communication
Email ID:Mobile No:
9. Details of the posts held at this University / other Institution
Sl.No / Name of the Post / Scale of Pay / Institution Worked / Nature of Duty10. Details of Orientation / Refresher Courses attended
Sl.No / Name of the Course / Institution Offered / Period11. a) Total No. of Publications in your career:
b) Total No. of Publications during eligible period(Reference period) (Provide with details of Name of Author(s), Name of Journal(s), Title(s), Volume No., etc.
Part – B: Academic Performance Indicators(API) of the Applicants
1. CATEGORY – I: Teaching, Learning and Evaluation related Activities during assessment period
1.1Details of Lectures, Seminars, Tutorials, Practical handled during Assessment period (Attach proofs)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8Sl. No. / Academic Year / Semester / Lectures, Seminars, Tutorials, Practical allotted (No. of hrs.) / Total Contact Hours handled / Percentage of Hours Engaged (5/4 x 100) / Average % during assessment period / No. of Points (Max.50)
(For office use)
1. / Odd
2. / Odd
3. / Odd
4. / Odd
5. / Odd
NB.: Cut off is 50% ; 1 point will be given for each percent accrued over and above 50%
1.2 Lectures or Other Teaching Duties in excess of UGC Norms during assessment period: (Attach proofs)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5Sl. No. / Academic Year / Semester / Number of projects/dissertations/theses / No. of Points (Max.10)
(For office use)
UG / PG / M.Phil / Ph.D. / Others
1. / Odd
2. / Odd
3. / Odd
4. / Odd
5. / Odd
NB.: Maximum of 10 points (UG project - 0.5 per batch, PG dissertation - 1.0, M.Phil dissertation - 1.5 and Ph.D. thesis - 3.0 per candidate)
1.3 Details of Contribution in Imparting Syllabus-oriented Knowledge (like preparation of Instruction Manual / Lecture Notes / Learning Materials during assessment period - (including Soft & Hard Copy) - (Attach proofs)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6Sl. No. / Academic Year / Nature of the Activity / Significance of the Activity / Points / No. of Points (Max.20)
(For office use)
NB.: @ 5 points per course or per material prepared to the maximum of 20 points
1.4 Participatory and Innovative Teaching, Learning Methodologies, Updation of Subject Content, Course Improvement etc. during assessment period (Attach proofs)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6Sl. No. / Academic Year / Details of the Activity / Significance of the Activity / Points / No. of Points (Max.20)
(For office use)
NB.: 5 points for each such activity to the maximum of 20 points
1.5 Details of Examination-related Duties Discharged during the assessment period: (Attach proofs)
Sl. No. / Nature of Duty (in hours) / Academic Year / Points / No.of points (Max.25) (for office use)Odd / Even / Odd / Even / Odd / Even / Odd / Even / Odd / Even
1. / Answer Sheet Evaluation (No.of subjects)
2. / Question Paper Setting (No.of Subjects)
3. / Invigilation Duty (No.of sessions)
4. / Evaluation of UG Project work
5. / Evaluation of PG Dissertation work
6. / Evaluation of M.Phil dissertation (Nos.)
7. / Evaluation of Ph.D. thesis (Nos.)
N.B. 1. Answer sheet evaluation - 0.5 per subject
2. Question paper setting - 0.5 per subject including Internal Assessment Exams
3. Invigilation duty - 0.5 per session including Internal Assessment Exams
4. Evaluation of UG - 0.5 per project
5. Evaluation of PG - 1.0 per dissertation
6. Evaluation of M.Phil dissertation - 1.5 per M.Phil
7. Evaluation of Ph.D dissertation - 4 per Ph.D.
Total Maximum Score in Category – I / 125 PointsMinimum API Score required / 75 Points
CATEGORY – II: Co-curricular, Extension and Professional Development related Activity
2.1 Student-based Co-curricular activities during assessment period
Sl. No. / Type of Activity / Position held / Contribution made / Points / No. of Points (Max.20)(for office use)
AcaYear / AcaYear / Aca
Year / AcaYear / Aca
1. / NSS
2. / NCC
3. / Shanti Sena
4. / Gurukula / Counselling
5. / Sports
6. / Cultural Activities
7. / Clubs / Associations
8. / Community Outreach Programmes
9. / Others if any
N.B.: 2.5pointsperevent to the maximum of 20 points
2.2 Contribution to Corporate Life during throughout the career
Sl. No. / Type of Activity / Position held / Contribution made / Points / No. of Points (Max.15)(for office use)
AcaYear / Aca
Year / Aca
Year / Aca
Year / Aca
1. / Syndicate / Senate / Academic Council / Finance Committee / Research Advisory Committee
2. / Board of Studies
3. / HoD
4. / Discipline Committee
5. / Sports Committee
6. / Cultural Committee
7. / Warden / Dy. Warden / Resident Warden
8. / Director / Coordinator / Programme Officer / Organiser-Shanti Sena
9. / Organization of Refresher Course / Training Programme / Short-term courses
10. / Other academic or Institutional responsibilities if any (e.g. Chief/Deputy Superintendent of Exams, Chairman / Member Question Paper Board / Membership in other committees
NB.:2.5 to each year to the maximum of 15
2.3 Professional Development Activities organised during assessment period
Sl. No. / Type of Activity * / Number of Events / Membership / Points / No. of Points (Max.15)(for office use)
AcaYear / Aca
Year / Aca
Year / Aca
Year / Aca
1. / International Seminar (Organised)
2. / National Seminar (Organised)
3. / International Conferences / workshops (Organised)
4. / National Conferences / workshops (Organised)
5. / International Training Courses (Organised)
6. / National Training Courses (Organised)
7. / Seminars / Workshop – Regional / Local (Organised)
8. / Membership in National Associations/Professional bodies/Advisory/Planning committees
9. / Membership in International Associations/Professional bodies/Advisory/Planning committees
10. / General / Popular Articles published (Nos.)
11. / Journal referring/peer reviewing/editorial board
12. / Jury/Chairman of a Tech. session in a conference / Seminar
13. / Membership in National Committees including selection committee, advisory committees, etc.
* include only those which are not covered under category III in Sl. No. 1 to 6
i) Seminars/Conferences/Training Programmes organised
a. International : 2
b. National : 1
ii) Membership in Association
a. International : 2
b. National : 1
iii) General / popular articles: 2
iv) Journal referring/peer reviewing
/editorial board : 2 per activity
v) Jury/Chairman of a
Tech. session in a conference: 1 per conference
vi) Membership in National Committees
including selection committee,
advisory committees, etc.: 2 per committee
Total maximum Score in Category II / 50 PointsMinimum API Score required / 15 Points
CATEGORY – III: Research / Academic Contribution (throughout the Career)
3.1. Details of Research Papers Published (Attach photocopies as proof)
3.1.1 Refereed Journals (throughout the career)
Sl. No. / Title of the Article / Author / Co-Authors / Name of the journal Vol.No.& pp / International / National / Impact Factor / No.of points (for office use) / Total pointsNB.: Indexed journal (5 points),refereed journal (15 points), paper with impact factor 0.1-0.9(5 points), 1.0-1.9(10 points), 2.0-4.9 (15 points), 5.0-9.9 (25 points). 60% to the first author and remaining 40% will be shared equally by co-authors.
3.1.2 Non-Refereed Journals with ISSN / ISBN (throughout the career)
Sl. No. / Title of the Article / Author / Co-Author(s) / Name of the journal Vol.No.& pp / International / National / ISBN / ISSN / No.of points (for office use) / Total pointsNB.:10 points per publication – 60% of points to first author, and remaining 40% will be equally shared by co-authors
3.1.3 Full paper published in the proceedings of Conference / Seminars / Symposia, etc.(throughout the career)
Sl.No. / Title of the Article / Author / Co-Author(s) / Name of the programme / Organiser / Date / ISBN / ISSN if any / No.of points (for office use)
NB.: 10 points per publication – 60% of points to first author, and remaining 40% will be equally shared by co-authors
3.2Research Publications(Attach proofs)
3.2.1Text or Reference Books by International Publishers(throughout the career)
Sl.No. / Title of the Book / Author / Co-Author(s) / Name of the Publisher / Month, Year / ISBN / ISSN / No.of points (for office use)[ (i) 50 points per book for sole authorship and
(ii) 60% of points to first author and remaining 40% will be equally shared by co-authors]
3.2.2 Subject books by National level Publishers / State and Central Govt/ Institutional/UniversityPublications with ISBN / ISSN number (Throughout the Career)
Sl.No. / Title of the Book / Author / Co-Author(s) / Name of the Publisher / Month, Year / ISBN / ISSN / No.of points (for office use)(i)25 points for sole authorship and
(ii) 60% of points to first author and remaining 40% will be equally shared by co-authors
3.2.3 Subject Books by Other Local Publishers with ISBN / ISSN numbers (Throughout the Career)
Sl.No. / Title of the Book / Author / Co-Author(s) / Name of the Publisher / Month, Year / ISBN / ISSN / No.of points (for office use)[ (i) 15 points for sole authorship and
(ii) 60% of the points for first author and remaining 40% will be equally shared by co-authors]
3.2.4 Chapters Contributed to Edited Vol. Published by International Publishers (Throughout the Career)
Sl.No. / Title of the Book / Name of the Editor / Chapter contributed / Author / Co-author / Name of the publisher / ISBN / ISSN / No.of points (for office use)[(i) 10 points per chapter and
(ii) 60% of the points to first author and remaining 40% will be equally shared by co-authors]
3.2.5 Chapters in National Level Publishers with ISBN / ISSN and with numbers of National and International Directories (Throughout the Career)
Sl.No. / Title of the Book / Name of the Editor / Chapter contributed / Author / Co-author / Name of the publisher / ISBN / ISSN / No.of points (for office use)[(i) 5 points per chapter and
(ii) 60% of the points to first author and remaining 40% will be equally shared by co-authors]
3.3 Details of Research Projects (Attach proofs)
3.3.1 Major / Minor Research Projects (throughout the career)
Sl. No. / Title of the Project / Funding Agency / Grant sanctioned / Duration / Project Status: completed/on-going / Project Type: Research/Consultancy/Action Research / Policy Document / No.of points (for office use)From / To
[(i) Major projects of over 30 lakhs in science / engineering and above 5 lakhs in social science and languages will get 20 points (ii) projects of 30-5 lakhs in science / engineering and 5-3 lakhs in social science, etc. will get 15 points (iii) major projects of 5 lakhs – Rs.50,000 in science / engineering and 3 lakhs – Rs.25,000 in social science, etc. will get 10 points (iv)Projects of Rs.50,000 to Rs.10,000 in Science & Engineering and projects of Rs.25,000 to Rs.5,000 in Social Sciences(including Arts and Languages) will get 5 points (v)consultancy mobilized for more than 10 lakhs in science and engineering and 2 lakhs in social science, etc. will get 10 points and (vi) patent and technology transfer in science and engineering with assigned number and major policy document in social science 30 each for national and 50 points for each international]
3.4 Research Guidance (Attach proofs) (throughout the career)
3.4.1 Details of Ph.Ds Awarded / Submitted
Sl. No. / Name of the Scholar / Title of the Thesis / Submitted / Awarded / Name of the University / Month and Year / No.of points(for office use)
[(i) 10 points / each candidate awarded and (ii) 7 points for Ph.D submitted]
3.4.2 Details of M.Phils Awarded
Sl. No. / Name of the Scholar / Title of the Thesis / Name of the University / Month and Year / No.of points(for office use)
[3 points / each candidates]
3.5 Training Courses and Conferences / Seminars / Workshop Attended (Throughout the Career)
Sl.No. / Event / Organiser / Place / Period / Duration / No.of points (for office use)1. / Refresher Courses / Training Programmes
2. / Methodology Workshop
3. / Conferences / Seminars / Workshops
4. / Teaching – Learning-Evaluation Programme
5. / Soft Skill Development
6. / Faculty Development Programme
[(i) more than 2 weeks duration – 20 points and (ii) one week duration – 10 points each (iii) Less than one week – 5 points]
3.6 Details of Papers Presented in Seminars / Conferences, etc., which are not covered (papersnot published in any form) under Category III A. (Attach proofs)
Sl. No / Title of the Article / Author / Co-Author(s) / Name of the programme / Organiser / Date / Level: International / National / Regional / Local / Points / No.of points (for office use)[(i) International 10 points each (ii) National – 7.5 points each and (iii) Regional / State/Local level – 5 points each.
3.7 Details of Invited & Special Lectures / Presentations in Conferences / Seminarsetc.
Sl. No. / Name of the Programme / Organiser of the programme / Level: International / National / / Topic / Date / Points / No.of points (for office use)[(i) 10 points for International (ii) 5 points for National event and (iii) 3 points for Regional/State/Local.
Part – C Additional Informations
1. Awards / RecognisationsReceived
Sl.No / Name of the Award / Year / Organisation / Level (National / International)International – 15 points, National – 10 points and others – 5 points
2. Publicationwithout ISSN / ISBN number
Sl. No. / Title of the Book/Article / Author / Co-Author(s) / Name of the Publisher / Month, Year / No.of points (for office use)[(i) 5 points for each chapter/ article , 60% of points to first author and remaining 40% will be equally shared by Co - Authors]
3. Publication of Journals
Editor and Associate Editor of Journals.
International: 5
National: 3
Regional: 2
I ______, hereby declare that the particulars furnished above are true to my knowledge.
Signature of Candidate
Date :
List of Enclosures
- sdfvh
- The applicants should have completed the minimum eligibility period of service and other requirements as per UGC regulations.
- The filled in applications for Assistant Professor (from Stage-1 to Stage-2 & from Stage-2 to Stage-3) and for Professor (from Stage-5 to Stage-6) are needed 3(Three) copies and they should be sent to this office through proper channel.
- The filled-in applications for promotion from Assistant Professor to Associate Professor and from Associate Professor to Professor are needed 9(Nine) copies and they should be sent to this office through proper channel.
- If a teacher is considered for CAS promotion in 2009, one year API scores (2008 or 2008-2009 as the case may be) will be required for assessment. In case of a teacher being considered for CAS promotion in 2010, two year average API scores (2008 and 2009 or 2008-2009 / 2009-2010as the case may be) will be required for assessment and so on leading progressively for the complete assessment period.
- The required number of assessment year for each category will be considered before the date of eligibility. So the applicants may have to provide details accordingly.
- Number of publications and API score will be adjusted correspondingly depending upon years taken for assessment period.
- Minimum Academic Performance and other requirements are applicable as per UGC Regulations.