ERI Grant Application Guidelines 2015

Criteria for grant eligibility & conditions of funding

All grants:

  1. Applications for funding will be considered for research that will be performed primarily at Epworth HealthCare.
  2. Research must be performed under the supervision of an experienced researcher who holds an appointment at Epworth.
  3. Applicants must hold an appointment at Epworth or be affiliated with Epworth.
  4. Each Applicant may apply for 1x Large Grant and 1x Small Grant only.
  5. Study must be well designed and achievable within the grant period.
  6. Statistical validity must be demonstrated to show evidence of statistical review of study design.
  7. Submitted projects must seek Epworth Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) approval within the study timeframe submitted. Funds will not be released until HREC approval has been obtained.
  8. All eligible submissions will be assessed and reviewed by the Epworth Research Institute (ERI) Research Committee.
  9. All projects must acknowledge funding from the ERI in any external presentations, publications or other dissemination of the study plan or results.
  10. All funded projects undertaken at or under the auspices of Epworth, or involving Epworth staff, patients or resources, must acknowledge Epworth in the institutional affiliations.
  11. If external funding is gained for the study, the ERI must be notified immediately, and a revised budget will need to be submitted.

Large grants:

  1. Studies should form part of a thematic research program or be demonstrated to be a preliminary phase for a larger study, and should articulate a sound research hypothesis.
  2. Studies must seek to produce direct or indirect improvement in patient outcomes or organisational processes.
  3. Studies must describe timelines for presentation and/or publication of outcomes.
  4. Studies will be submitted to the ERI Research Committee for assessment and review.
  5. Studies should describe activities for acquiring external competitive grant funding.
  6. A comprehensive study budget must be provided. It should be completed according to the ERI template provided in section 4.

Small grants:

  1. Studies should demonstrate their relationship to the current Epworth thematic research program, or where this cannot be demonstrated, how the study will improve the outcomes of Epworth patients.
  2. Studies should directly relate to improved outcomes for patients or organisational processes.
  3. Studies should identify opportunities for internal or external presentation and publication if applicable.
  4. Studies should demonstrate skills the researcher will acquire through completion of the project and whether additional training is required to achieve the outcomes.
  5. Studies should include a budget summary that articulates the expenses entailed in the application.

Important dates

  • Applications open:Monday 2ndFebruary 2015
  • Applications close:5pm, Friday 27th March 2015
  • Results advised 18th June 2015, during Research Week
  • Agreements completed:July/August 2015

Funding begins after HREC approval is given and any required agreements are signed.

Application procedure

  1. Complete all relevant sections of the form below.
  2. Explain the aims, objectives, rationale and how the aims of the proposal will be achieved and measured by the project design.
  3. It is recommended that applicants seek statistical and/or peer review to discuss the study design and its statistical validity.
  4. Provide a proposed budget for the research proposal.
  5. Provide a timetable for proposal completion. Projects should be completed within 12 months or have clearly defined outcomes at 12 months.
  6. Completed application is to be sent via email to:

Applications that do not meet all of the above conditions may not be considered.

Linked Policies and Protocols

Conflicts of Interest and Research Related Activities Policy
Determining Authorship in Research Publications Protocol
Health Information - Health Records Management Protocol
Intellectual Property Policy
Investigator, Sponsor, and HREC Responsibilities in Research Policy
Monitoring Human Research Policy
New Interventional Procedure/Clinical Practice Policy
Research - Reference to Epworth Affiliation in Publications, Presentations and Papers Protocol
Research Policy
Research-related Complaints Protocol
Use of Human Tissue in Research Policy

2015 ERI Grant Application Cover Page

Email address:
Contact number:
Position at Epworth:
Epworth site: / Select Primary site:
Name of Epworth Supervisor (if applicable):
Names and positions of
Co-Investigators: / 1.
Grant Funding Amount Requested:
Briefly summarise the project you wish to undertake (150 words or less).
Office use only:
Date Received: / ERI Application number:

Research proposal

Background and Aim
Primary / secondary endpoints
Setting and participants
Study methodology e.g. observational, interventional, specify interventions
Recruitment Strategy
Data collection plan and techniques
Statistical and other analysis
It is recommended that applicants seek statistical and/or peer review to discuss the study design and its statistical validity.
Significance to professional development
Research findings / outcomes

Project status with HREC

/ Approved / Date: Click here to enter a date.
/ Submitted / Date: Click here to enter a date.
/ Not yet submitted

Proposed budget

Funding requested * / $
Expenditure: / Cost:
Total budgeted expenditure * / $

* Total funding requested and total budgeted expenditure should always match

Timetable for completion

Milestone / Prior to commencement / 1st Quarter / 2nd Quarter / 3rd Quarter / 4th Quarter

Curriculum Vitae for Principal Investigator

Title: / Name:
Phone: / Mobile:


Degree / Institution / Year
Other qualifications:
Appointments (previous 10 years)
Grants and Research funding
Conference and Meeting presentations
Peer reviewed publications
Professional associations
Committee appointments
Student supervision and mentoring (last 5 years)
Research profile (100 words)


Provide details of three professional referees. If applicable, include one reference from your present supervisor/manager.

Referee 1Name:
Referee 2Name:
Referee 3Name:

Curriculum Vitae for Supervisor
to be completed if Principal Investigator is a Student

Title: / Name:
Phone: / Mobile:


Degree / Institution / Year
Current Appointments (previous 10 years)
Grants and Research funding
Conference and Meeting presentations
Peer reviewed publications
Professional associations
Committee appointments
Student supervision and mentoring (last 5 years)
Research profile (100 words)
2015 ERI Grant Application Checklist
Complete and Action (as directed below) / 
Application meets all Criteria for Grant Eligibility and Conditions of Funding /
CV and references of Principal Investigator (and Supervisor if applicable) /
Research Proposal and associated Protocol /
Evidence of statistical review and/or peer review on study design and statistical validity
(if appropriate) /
Timetable provided /
Budget provided /
Statement on HREC status of project /
Statement on project’s significance to professional development /
Statement on how the findings will advance patient care/outcomes /
Application meets formatting requirements requested /
Application saved in the required format.
Note: All attachments are to be provided either in Word format or as a PDF.
All attachments must be submitted as individual files.
The naming format for any attachment provided is:
Applicant Surname, Initials,Document Name (eg. Cover page), ERI 2015 /
ALL requested documentation emailed to before 5pm on the closing date. /
Please refer to the ‘ERI Grant Application Guidelines’ to ensure a complete application is submitted.

Research Contacts

Name / Department / Contact details
Dr David Phillips / Research and Business Manager,
Epworth HealthCare /
Ph: 9936 8050
Mob: 0418 483 172
Xenia Sango / Business Development Manager,
Epworth Clinical Trials and Research Centre /
Ph: 9936 8067
Hilary Young / HREC Coordinator,
Epworth Medical Services /
Ph 9426 8806

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