Keys to Success:


  • Treat others with kindness and respect.
  • Work together.
  • Try your best.


  • Turn in all work.
  • Actively participate in class.
  • Learn from your mistakes.


  • Turn in work on time! Late work is not accepted!
  • Bring all supplies.
  • Be honest.

Class Procedures:

Follow all school rules in the T.B.M.S. Student Handbook.

Late work is not accepted!!!

Three “Free Excuse Coupons” are awarded every trimester. Redeem these coupons for:

–Turn in homework one day late on eligible assignments (not applicable on essays, notebooks, Progress Reports, or Agenda Checks)

–To get a drink of water

–To use the potty

Absences: It is your responsibility to make up your work missed when you are absent! The day you are absent, follow these steps so you don’t get behind in class:

  1. Find out what you missed!!

•Check Mrs. Binning’s Assignment Calendar and Student Resources at

Or call a friend!

2. Complete all classwork at home (before returning to class if possible), so you do not get any farther behind!!

  1. Check Mrs. Binning’s “Homework Binder” or Social Studies Notes before or after school the next day to get copies of any worksheets you need or to copy any notes you need!


–You have one extra day per excused absence to turn in your work for full credit.

–One day absent = one day to make up work!

–Three days absent = three days to make up work!

Being Responsible:

•You are responsible for your own success in middle school. Here are some tips for being successful:

•Fill in your Agenda with homework assignments for each class.

•Communicate with your parents – tell them how they can help you be successful. Plan ahead for your assignments! Be honest!

•Check TeacherEase at least once per week, so you always know your grades in all classes.

•Turn in all work ON TIME!

•When you are absent, make up your work! Plan ahead for personal days off and vacations!

•Check Mrs. Binning’s website for Announcements, Assignments, and Student Resources. Assignment worksheets and notes are frequently posted in Student Resources – print out your own copy if you need it!

•Read nightly to accomplish your Forty Book Requirement. You should read 20+ minutes every night!

•Rule of Three – Always have three independent reading books at school. You will have 15-30 minutes to read every day!

•Check the Book Whisperer booklist for the hottest titles in each genre! Enjoy lots of great books!

•Complete Reader Response assignments in your Reading Journal.

•Study your vocabulary words Monday – Thursday for at least 10 minutes per night, so you will pass your quizzes on Fridays!

•Ask Mrs. Binningquestions about assignments and grades. Before or after school is a great time to get extra help!

If You Are Naughty:

You are expected to be a positive contributor to the class. If you choose not to follow classroom or school guidelines, and you disrupt the learning environment, then you will earn a negative consequence. Consequences will be assigned in the following order, unless you earn a referral immediately due to your actions (refer to the T.B.M.S. Student Handbook):

•1st warning

•2nd warning

•3rd warning - Action Plan**

•Office with Administrative Referral and an Action Plan**

•Non-participation in class and/or grade-level activities

•**You must make a phone call home explaining every Action Plan that you have chosen to complete, and explain how you will solve your problem. Your parents or guardians may also assign a consequence at home based on your behavior.

Sample Action Plan: All Action Plans should be completed honestly, thoroughly, and in complete sentences. They should focus on your behavior, not the behavior of others! If the forms are not filled out properly, you will be asked to re-do the form. If you refuse to fill out the form, or make the phone call home, an Administrative Referral will be issued.

1. What did I do wrong?

I was disrupting the class by humming, whistling, and tapping my pencil. Mrs. McKinney gave me a warning, but I kept making noises anyway.

2. Why wasn’t my action acceptable?

I am being disrespectful towards Mrs. McKinney and my classmates. I am disrupting the learning in this classroom, and taking away my classmate’s learning time. My actions may cause others to have extra homework, because I took away their class time to complete their work.

3. What should I have been doing instead?

I should have been writing a paragraph, and following the “writing atmosphere” expectations.

4. What will I do in the future?

I will remind myself as I walk into the classroom that my job is to be a positive part of the learning environment. When I want to make noises and be silly, I will remind myself that those things should wait until after class. I will sit facing forward, pay attention to Mrs. McKinney’s instructions, and give my classmates the opportunity to be successful in class.


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