This Tournament Goes to Eleven 2007
This Packet Has Gone to the Dogs (theme packet)
Written by: Delaware (Bill Tressler)
Every question will mention a dog somewhere, but answers need not be specifically a dog's name or breed.
1. One character by this name was a son of Zeus and Niobe who succeeded Apis as king of Phoronea. Another had the labors of freeing Arcadia and killing Satyr, while a thirdis seen "lying neglected on the heaps of mule and cow dung" and could not get up to greet those entering.After one of those figureswas slain his 100 most famous attributes were placed on thetails ofpeacocks, as Hera had previously entrusted him towatch Io with his many eyes. The brother of Cerberus and the dog of Odysseus share, For 10 points,what namesake with the builder of Jason's ship?
ANSWER: Argos or Argus
2. The First Battle of Acentejo occurred here in 1494 and was a setback for Fernández de Lugo's attempts at colonization, which were begun when the 1474 Treaty of Alcáçova hadceded this place to Isabel of Castile. Antonio de Viana wrote an epic ode to the aboriginal natives of this place, and one of his works provides the name of Mount Teide, which is the highest point in its entirecountry. Secondary landmasses here include * Lanzarote, Fuerteventura,Gomera, andLa Palma, while its largest component is named Tenerife. Their name is in fact derivedfrom a fierce breed of dogsknownas the Presa, and not from their famous yellow avians. For 10 points, name these Atlantic islands located westofMorocco.
ANSWER: Canary Islands (or) Islas Canarias(prompt on "Tenerife" before *)
3. A 2003 Timothy Pennings paper asked "Do Dogs Know" this. The Umbral type is the study of Shaffer sequences, while Mallivin is an infinite-dimensional one on the Wiener space and is also called the"stochastic one of variations". Church and Kleene developed a formal logic known as the lambda one. In old literature it was known as infinitesimal analysis, due to the presence of quantities getting very small. For 10 points, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and Sir Isaac Newton independently developed what branch of mathematics that utilizeslimits, derivatives, and integrals?
ANSWER: calculus [the dog was very close to minimizing his travel time on most trials]
4. Thisindividual wrote the 1922 work "Investigations of a Dog", about the day-to-day life of a canine. Groups of twenty workers are assembled to construct sections and children are taught to make miniatures with pebbles in his workThe Great Wall of China. Another of his stories concludes with a large needle going through a character's forehead and has characters called TheTraveler, The Solider, The Inscriber, and The Condemned. The latter endures a torture device that carves into the skin of prisoners before they die.In the Penal Colony was written by, For 10 points, what author of Amerika, The Trial, and The Metamorphosis.
ANSWER: Franz Kafka
5. He composed the lines "Youth will have needs dalliance / Of good or ill some pastance" in the song "Pastime with Good Company", and railed against Martin Luther in the treatise Assertio Septem Sacramentorum. In a skirmish sometimes called the Battle of Branxton, his forces defeated and killedScotland's James IV. The five wounds was the emblem of an insurrection against him known as thePilgrimage of Grace. A dog named Urian may have caused him more trouble by biting Pope Clement VII on a 1525 trip to Rome byCardinal Wolsey, who returned to Englandwithout an annulment to his sonless marriage with an Aragonese princess. For 10 points, name this Tudor king of England famed for his six wives.
ANSWER: Henry VIII Tudor
6. The narrator discusses Jospeh Addison's advice that readers will be more interested in what the author wears than what he thinks, while the title comes from a Robert Louis Stevenson work about a Donkey in the Cévennes. The narrative begins on September 23 in Sag Harbor,from whence the protagonist goesnorth to see his sons at the Eaglebrook School in Massachusetts. Following the northern border, he then journeysto Salinas Valley and the Deep South for a total of about ten thousand miles. Subtitled "In Search of America", For 10 points, name this workin which the namesake poodle is accompanied by John Steinbeck.
ANSWER: Travels with Charlie
7. A 2006 film by this title includes the characters Vaguely Hot Old Chick, Insufferable Prick, and Poseur, and features Keira Leverton administering some deserved smack downs. In a 1995 Connie Chung interview, Newt Gingrich was politically embarrassed after his mother used thisword during a Hilary Clinton question. Big Fat and Super King Kamehameha are the kinds that Sheila Broflovski demonstrates in a song by Eric Cartman. For 10 points, name this term whose definitions include "an unpleasant person" and "a female dog".
ANSWER: bitch
8. Alcatel-Lucent historically describes it as "of unusual simplicity, power, and elegance", a manta repeated by devotees. Some say a dog living near U.C. Berkley who barked when the mail arrived provided the inspiration for its mail notification known as biff. A Y2K-like problem will occur for those using its "time", which measures nanoseconds since 1970. Other utilities include "tty" [T-T-Y], "pwd" [P-W-D] and "chmod" [C-H-"mod"], used to change permissions. Its name originally ended with a "c" but now uses "x". For 10 points--name this operating system developed by Ken Thompson at Bell Labs, the namesake of a family of systems including GNU, OpenSolaris, and Linux.
9. He calls himself a householder, a pretty piece of flesh, and an ass, dramatic effects written with the actor Will Kemp in mind. At one point, he suggests ignoring a crying child and allowing its noise to wake the night nurse. He lists the sixth crime of belying a lady before the third crime of verifying unjust things. When George Seacoal arrives, they hide and see the offer of a thousand ducats between Borachio and Conrade. His name refers to a bush or shrubbery. For 10 points, name this partner of Verges and chief of the Messina citizen police in Much Ado About Nothing.
ANSWER: Dogberry
10. His family tree doesn't quite branch as both father Arsames and mother Sisygambis were descended from Queen Parysatis and a namesake ruler. A military commander attempted to poison him but the administrator Bagoas was forced to drink it himself. A dog named Peritas foiled one of his elephants, and it is said that a dog stayed by his side after he was murdered by Bessus. He had to flee to Ecbatana after losing the battles of Issis and Gaugamela. For 10 points, name this final Achaemenid ruler of Persiawho was repeatedly defeated by Alexander the Great, the third ruler of his name.
ANSWER:Darius III or DariusCodomannus (prompt on "Codomannus", prompt on "Darius" before end, accept "Darius" at end)
11. He was the first to use gold chloride to stain nerve tissues and did early research on cocaine's potential anesthetic use. His first published paper dealt with eels, and later he published Clinical Study on the Unilateral Cerebral Paralysis of Children. His dog Lun was initially quarantinedby the British in 1938,while a Chow-Chow called Jo-Fi attended many of his sessions with patients such as Herbert Graf and Bertha Pappenheim. Sandor Ferenczi and Otto Rank were among the original followers of, For 10 points, what author of Moses and Monotheism, Beyond the Pleasure Principle, and The Interpretation of Dreams who founded psychoanalysis.
ANSWER: Sigmund SchlomoFreud
12. During this time, a pilgrimage of 33 Kannon was established that started and ended at so-called eleven-headed temples. A title meaning "tent government" was created for administrators. The warrior families loyal to Go-Toba rebelled against one of its rulers, and after quashing the insurgency it created the Joei code. Dogs were allowed to satisfy taxation obligation under its final (*) Shogun- Hojo Takatok. After the bakufu and the Hojo family's downfall, the Emperor Go-Daigo attempted to reestablish control in the Kemmu restoration. For 10 points, name this Japaneseshogunate that lasted from 1185 to 1333, preceded by the Heian period and followed by the Ashikaga shogunate.
ANSWER: Kamakura shogunate (or)Kamakuraperiod
13. In the final section Suleiman-bin-Daoud is married to a thousand wives who continually fight, but learns from a diminutive creature to put his foot down even if it will barely bend grass. Parts are addressed to Best Beloved, as the author's daughter Josephine died of influenza in 1899. In another part, the Yellow Dingo Dog is sent by the god Nqa to chase after a kangaroo with four legs. Including the sectionsThe Beginning of the Armadilloes,How the Alphabet was Made,The Butterfly that Stamped, and How the Leopard got his Spots, For 10 points, identify this collection of children's stories by Rudyard Kipling.
ANSWER: Just So Stories for Little Children
14. This location is a primary setting of a Roberta Angeletti work subtitled A Journey Through Time, and was a leading inspiration forartist Alfred Levitt. A 2001 outbreak here of Pseudomonas fluorescens bacteriaand Fusarium fungushascaused a significant sanitation effort.Sections of it are named for Bulls and Felines, as well as the Lateral Passage and the Shaft of the Dead Man. In September 1940 a localdog named Robot went missing, leadingto its discoveryby his master Marcel Ravidat. Believed to date from the Aurignacian period, this site near Montignac features nearly two thousand images of things such as stags and aurochs.For 10 points,identify this French cave.
ANSWER: Lascaux caves
15. A plaintiff who had previously sued Skittles Candy and the Magna Carta also sued this man for sixty three quintillion dollars for hurting the plaintiff's feelings. In October 2007 the Royal Bank of Canada sued him for $2.3 million to prevent real estate defaults, and an Indiana bank sought repayment of loans for rental cars. In 2005, Sonya Elliot sued him, claiming he gave her genital herpes and used the alias Ron Mexico in treatment. The cover athlete for Madden 2004, he is a second cousin of Aaron Brooks. For 10 points, name this founder of Bad Newz Kennels and current resident of Northern Neck Regional Jail in Warsaw, Virginia,a formerquarterback for the Atlanta Falcons.
ANSWER: Michael Vick
16. The final chapter of this biblical book, in a warning against idol worship,states "he that sacrificeth a lamb, as if he cut off a dog's neck...delighteth in their abominations". It is known that its author was the son ofAmoz, and that he was a contemporary of Amos. The book's seventh chapter discusses foreign threats againstKing Ahaz of Judah, while its 66 chapters repeatedly discuss Hezekiah's fateful alliance withEgypt. "They will beat their swords into plowshares" is a famous verse from, For 10 points, what longest prophetic book of the Old Testament that traditionally appears between SecondKings and Jeremiah.
17. One version of it,denoted SWS, focuses on fluorine, while a total version of it uses solutions with low strength. IUPAC uses, as a reference point, an aqueous solution of potassium hydrogen penthalate at a molality of 0.05, and then defines it in terms of the Faraday constant, molar gas constant, and the natural log. It was proposed after work at Carlsberg Laboratory via studies intothe effect of ion concentration on proteins, and in the original paper this "ion exponent" was denoted with a subscript by its developer S. P. L . Sorenson. In their blood, dogsmaintain a value for this between 7.32 and 7.42. For 10 points, name this scale that measures acidity.
18. One of his characters is described as having "A mind at peace with all below, / A heart whose love is innocent", which he wrote about after seeing Anne Wilmot Horton in mourning clothes. Another work describes Courage without Ferocity and Strength without Insolence, and is inscribed on the tomb of a Newfoundland Dog at (*) Newstead Abbey. After being ridiculed for Hours of Idleness, in 1809 he took a seat in Parliament and laterstarted Child Harolde's Pilgrimage. For 10 points, name this father of Ada Lovelace and author ofDon Juan.
ANSWER: George Gordon Byron (or) Lord Byron
19. Its not anthrax, but its toxinis a sequence of 535 amino acids, consisting of two polypeptide chains joined by a disulfide bond. In rare cases it can infect the eye, and the cutaneous type involves lesions on the skin. It was once known as the "strangling angel of children", as breathing is difficult when its hallmark sign develops- a thick, gray covering in the back of the throat. The dogs Togo and Baltowere among those who traveled eleven hundred miles to deliver medicine after an 1925 outbreak of it in Nome, a trek that the Iditarod commemorates. For 10 points, name this disease that is treated along with Pertussis and Tetanus in the DPT vaccine.
ANSWER: Diphtheria
20. A rap song by M.I.A. using this word as its title says "I took my eye off the ball" and "now I'm hitting the 6". In You Don't Know Jack, this type of question involves buzzing in when the parts of a five-letter answer light up. One character by this name appears on Cracker Jack boxes, whileScrabble players use this term to refer to using all seven tiles in one play.With 100 players, a standard game of this will take about fifteen turns, but non-standard versions allow the big and little diamonds, crazy "V", and the postage stamp. For 10 points, name this word that also refers tothe "name-O" of adog owned by a farmer in a children's song.
ANSWER: bingo
21.Their creator also wrote an opera about a New Jersey mosquito epidemic, and created similar scenes depicting an argument in court and a tea dance. One shows seven individuals in front of a clock at 1:10 and a painting of sailboats, while in the bottom center agift is passed from right to left. In February 2005, two of the paintings were sold by the New York Doyle house for $590,400. Desired by the Minnesota Brown & Bigelow company to sell cigars, entries include Stranger in Camp, Ten Miles to a Garage, The Reunion, Sitting up with a Sick Friend , A Friend in Need, and Pinched with Four Aces. For 10 points, name this set of sixteen paintings by C. M. Coolidge that feature canines gambling.
ANSWER: Dogs Playing Poker
1. The Egyptians based their calendar on its rising, which occurred just before the Nile's flooding and Summer Solstice. For 10 points each:
[10] What is this brightest star in the night sky, part of Canis Major and known as the "Dog Star"?
ANSWER: Sirius or Alpha Canis Majoris
[10] The three stars Sirius, Procyon, and Betelgeuse together constitute what asterism of the northern hemisphere?
ANSWER: the Winter Triangle (do not accept "Winter Circle" or "Winter Hexagon")
[10] This German astronomer first deduced that Sirius was a binary star system.He was also a mathematician whogeneralized Daniel Bernoulli's solutionsto certain second-degreedifferential equations, producing the functions "of the first kind" that now bear his name.
ANSWER: Friedrich WilhelmBessel
2. Its first chapter is called "The Trail of the Meat", where a wolf pack lures sled dogs away from Bill and Henry. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this work in which a wolf-dog hybrid explores the Yukon territory.
ANSWER: White Fang
[10] Jack London'sWhite Fang is set during this gold rush of 1898, which began when the Skookum party discovered alluvial deposits in the Bonanza Creek tributary of its namesake river.
ANSWER: KlondikeGold Rush
[10] This character from White Fang, a wolf said to be "grizzled and marked with the scars of many battles" watches as a lynx attacks a porcupine but withdraws after tasting quills. He is later killed by the lynx while hunting.
3. It is joined with the island of Newfoundland in the name of one of Canada's ten provinces. For 10 points each--
[10] Identify this Canadian peninsulathatborders Quebec and shares its name with a breed of retrievers.
ANSWER: Labrador Peninsula
[10] Labrador is separated from Newfoundland by this narrow strait, which is named for a small island. Like the Cabot Strait, it connects the Atlantic with the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
ANSWER: Strait of Belle Isle
[10] Labrador's retrievers were originally named for this provincial capital on the Avalon Peninsula, the easternmost city in North America.
ANSWER: Saint John's (do not accept "Saint John")
4. Nick Abadzis has written a fictionalized account of her, in which she survives a negligent master and becomes a stray on the Moscow streets. For 10 points each:
[10] Identify this first living organism launched into space.
[10] Laika was sent into space on this Soviet spacecraft in November 1957.
ANSWER: Sputnik II (prompt on "Sputnik")
[10] Sputnik II had a value of 132 miles for this quantity, the point in its orbit closest to the center of gravitational attraction.