Ringing & Migration Volume 33 parts 1 & 2
Subscription Form2018
Ringing & Migration is the journal of the British Trust for Ornithology Ringing Scheme. It is published twice yearly, in June and December (NB it is included in the permit fee for ringers). One issue per year of the journal includes the annual report on bird ringing and nest recording in Britain & Ireland for the preceding year. The journal publishes high-quality papers on all aspects of bird ringing, migration, nest recording and other demographic studies. Its main function is to encourage volunteer ringers to analyse and write up the results of their work.
If you would like to receive Ringing & Migration for 2018, please complete this form
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R&M, Ringing Scheme, BTO, The Nunnery, Thetford, Norfolk IP24 2PU, UK
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Amount due
Individual BTO member (concessionary rate) £12.75
Individual (non-BTO member) £18.50
Library or subscription agency - please contact Taylor & Francis -
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£ sterling cheque/money order (we cannot accept Eurocheques).
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The data contained within this form may be held by the BTO within a database or filing system. This will be used for running the Ringing Scheme, and may be used for membership recruitment purposes, fund raising by the BTO and other purposes to promote the objectives of the BTO. Your data will be passed to an external mailing house for despatch of journals. All enquiries and requests for access to data should be addressed to the Director of Services, BTO, The Nunnery, Thetford, Norfolk IP24 2PU, UK.