Katherine Venturoso

East Asia Spring 2015

Unit of Study

May 31,2015

Fine Arts Unit

Japanese Literati Paintings and Haiku


Students will learn about the Edo period Literati Paintings and will examine the characteristics of the painting style. The students will produce their own paintings. In addition the students will study the use of Haiku and the template for producing them. We will examine some examples and then will combine the painting with a Haiku poem. I found a powerpoint that actually has examples of different types of Edo Period artwork.

Materials: Watercolor paper, watercolors, black ink or paint brushes and sketching paper and pencils.

Day 1:

I will show examples of the Literati paintings. One example “The Fishing in Springtime” by Ike no Taigo (1747). (Slide 21 from powerpoint )I will ask them to describe the painting in writing. Students will write describe what they see to a partner. Then we will share out as a class on a chart and see what similarities we see regarding colors, topics, medium, and details.

Day 2:

I will show other examples and use the same strategy. First Think, Write and Share strategy. Continuing with the charting.

Day 3: Show them part of the power point slide 7 and about the Literati paintings, their characteristics and the history. I would then compare those details to our chart.Justifying and expanding on our observations. At this point, I would show other examples of the style from other websites.

Day 4: This is the day we will start drawing our sketches. I will choose one example and it will be put up for the students to see. I will try to get copies for each student if possible, but we will start with the first one together.

Day 5 thru 7..Use paint to finishpainting. This particular artist liked to paint with his fingertips and fingernails. I am not sure if you wish to pursue this. I am using brushes , watercolors and black ink.

Second Week:

Exploration of another Japanese Literati painter TomokaTessai. I will focus on the painting Two Divinities Dancing. However I will show other works of his. If my students have access to the Ipads, I will let them choose their own piece of his art to reproduce.

Day One: Talk about TomokaTessai and his life as a painter. I will show examples of his work and talk about the characteristics of his work. What do the paintings convey in feelings etc. Think pair share strategy..

Day 2:

Will examine the painting of the Dancing Divinities in more detail and finish up with a Venn diagram about the similarities and differences between the two artists work we have studied. Tomoka was considered the last best artist of this period and style. Discuss how the work had changed over the period of time. We can also explore the differences in background and how it affected their work and perspectives.

Third Day- Seventh Day

Students will use Ipads to choose their work to reproduce using watercolors to produce their art piece.

Third Week:

Introduction to Haiku and what the parameters for the poetry style. My purpose is to ultimately have the students write a Haiku poem for the two pieces of artwork they have produced. I will examine Maosaoku Shiki. He is considered one of the four major Haiku masters. The others are Matsuo Basho, YosuBason and KobiyashaIssa. The poem structure is 5-7-5 Syllables.

Day One:

Introduction to Maosaoku Shiki and

This website has examples from all of the masters mentioned above. I would read the poems that are listed and put on the overhead. Talk about the structure and the characteristics of Haiku using descriptive words for the audience to feel the poem. I would then have the students choose a poem from Maosaoku and copy it. Either from the site or if you wish pick one and use that one.

Day Two and Three

My students would make watercolors to go with the Haiku poem they chose to copy.

Day Four and Five:

Students will share their work with their table partners and explain their work. I will pick some volunteers to talk about their work to the class. Students will write their own Haiku poems on whatever topics they wish. I would make up a silly example such as homework, school, sports..modern topics. After they are done, have them illustrate. I will let them choose watercolor or pastels to do their art pieces.

Day Six and Seven:

Have them choose their best Japanese Literati painting and write a Haiku piece for it.

Finished Products: Students will finish one to two Literati paintings with Haiku and a Haiku with a modern topic with an illustration.

California Common Core Standards Fifth Grade:


Understanding the Historical Contributions and Cultural

Dimensions of the Visual Arts

Students analyze the role and development of the visual arts in past and present cultures

throughout the world, noting human diversity as it relates to the visual arts and


Role and Development of the Visual Arts

3.1Describe how local and national art galleries and museums contribute to the conservation

of art.

3.2 Identify and describe various fine, traditional, and folk arts from historical periods


Diversity of the Visual Arts

3.3 Identify and compare works of art from various regions of the United States.

3.4 View selected works of art from a major culture and observe changes in materials and

styles over a period of time.


Responding to, Analyzing, and Making Judgments About

Works in the Visual Arts

Students analyze, assess, and derive meaning from works of art, including their own,

according to the elements of art, the principles of design, and aesthetic qualities.

Derive Meaning

4.1Identify how selected principles of design are used in a work of art and how they affect

personal responses to and evaluation of the work of art.

4.2 Compare the different purposes of a specific culture for creating art.

Make Informed Judgments

4.3 Develop and use specific criteria as individuals and in groups to assess works of art.

4.4 Assess their own works of art, using specific criteria, and describe what changes they

would make for improvement.