ALCOHOL and SELF-HARM Audit – Core Data Proforma

Family name: ______First Name: ______

Case note number: CHI number: Audit no:

  .

Alcohol & SELF-HARM Hospital code: Audit no: .
Postcode: Sex:1 = Male 2 = Female Age: 
Enter the ED Date: .. Time: . Seen in Resus:  0 = no 1 = yes
Referred by:  1 = Self 2 = GP 3 = NHS 24 4 = Police 5 = friends/family 6 = voluntary services 7 = school
8 = other specify: ______
Arrived by:  1 = Self 2 = SAS 3 = Police 4 = other specify: ______
ED Assessment
Grade of ED staff:  1 = Consultant 2 = SpR 3 = Staff Grade 4 = SHOIII 5 = SHO 6 = ENP
Type of Other Specialty in ED:  1 = Emergency Physician 2 = Medical Physician 3 = Surgical 4 = Ortho 5 = Anaesthetist
6 = Maxillo-facial 7= other specify: ______
Method of self-harm:  1= poisoning 2 = injury 3 = both poisoning and injury
Type of poisoning: 1 = drugs 2 = CO poisoning 3 = alcohol 4 = other chemical specify:______
Type of drugs:  1 = prescribed 2 = non-prescribed 3 = both
Method of self-injury:  1 = cutting 2 = traffic-related 3 = hanging 4 = drowning 5 = high fall 6 = burn/scald
7 = gun 8 = other specify: ______
Basic Mental State Assessment Have the following been assessed?0 = no 1 = yes
Behaviour  Speech  Appearance  Mood  Orientation  Physical health 
Preliminary Psychosocial Assessment Answer 0 = no 1 = yes
Is there physical risk of injury  Is there previous self-harm  Is there ongoing intention of self-harm 
Is there a history of the course of events  Is there recent major stress  Is there known mental illness 
Is there previous contact with Mental Health Services  Are there current drug issues 
Is there a family/social network 
Existing care package 
0 = not recorded 1 = none 2 = GP 3 = CPN/ALN 4 = Psychiatric OPD 5 = Community-based Addiction Team
6 = Community Mental Health Team 7 = Social Work 8 = Voluntary Agency 9 = other specify: ______
Drugs taken 
1 = paracetamol 2 = pure or combination of salicylate 3 = anti-depressant 4 = NSAID 5 = other analgesic
6 = major tranquilliser & anti-psychotic 7 = mild sedative 8 = benzodiazepine 9 = Other : specify ______

ToxBase consulted  Antidote indicated  Antidote given  0 = no 1 = yes 2 = not documented
Referred for Specialist Psychosocial Assessment 0 = no 1 = yes 2 = telephone advice
Where was the assessment carried out? 1 = ED 2 = Ward 3 = refused 4 = irregular discharge 5=discharged with OPD
Date of assessment: ..

Use of Alcohol

Was alcohol used around the time of self-harm?  0 = no 1 = yes 2 = not documented

Was alcohol a contributory factor in the patient’s presentation?  0 = no 1 = yes 2 = not documented

Had the patient consumed alcohol in the previous 24 hours?  0 = no 1 = yes 2 = not documented

Are alcohol-related problems documented in the patient’s PMH?  0 = no 1 = yes 2 = not documented

Was a screening tool used in the ED?  0 = no 1 = yes ______

Discharge Management from the ED

Referred to Specialty:  Alcohol Liaison Nurse:  Psychiatric Services:  0 = no 1 = yes 2 = not known

Detained under Mental Health Act: 0 = no 1 = yes

Leave ED date: .. Leave ED time: :

Disposal from the ED: 

1 = Home 2 = SSW 3 = Assessment/CDU 4 = Medical 5 = Surgical 6 = Ortho 7 = GI 8 = ICU 9 = HDU 10 = Maxillo-facial

11 = Neurosurgery 12 = Irregular discharge 13 = Police 14 = Mortuary 15 = Psychiatric Unit 16 = Specialist NHS treatment

17 = Community non-NHS counselling service 18 = did not wait

If irregular discharge, are the following documented?

Mental capacity:  Willingness for further assessment: 0 = no 1 = yes

Discharge Ward discharge date:.. Total in-patient days: Outcome: 0 = dead 1 = alive

Discharge Care Package (from ED or Ward) Discharge plan: 

0 = not recorded 1 = none 2 = GP 3 = CPN/ALN 4 = Psychiatric OPD 5 = Community-based Addiction Team 6 = Community Mental Health Team 7 = Social Work 8 = Voluntary Agency 9 = other specify: ______