Religious Education Meeting – August 14, 2013 - Minutes
Attending: Father Steve, MaryAnn Olson. Theresa Kiel, Joyce Rondorf,Gabe Yurkovich, Barb Gawlik, Diane Perko and Janet Boh
Meeting called to order at 7:45
We will celebrate Catechetical Sunday, Sat or Sunday at all parishes, each separately.
Holy Family, Sept. 14 @ 4:00 p.m.
St. Mary’s, Sept. 15 @ 8:30 a.m.
St. Anthony’s, Sept 15 @ 10:30 a.m.
Joyce will let her Catechists know and Barb will gather information for prayer service for Catechists.
Catechists in-service will be scheduled at the school multi- purpose room on Sept. 4, 2013. Soup at 6:00 p.m. and in-service from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. LuAnn Rueth has volunteered to make and recruit women to serve bread and soup.
The theme will be Who Do They Say I AM?
A Post Card will be sent to all families with students in our faith formation classes informing them of a registration night and information evening. The evening selected is August 28th at 7:00 p.m. at St. Anthony’s and 7:30 p.m. at St. Mary’s. All parents are required to attend or risk not having their children attending classes.
A Parent Handbook is being revised for all parents in our cluster parishes and will be in packet given at registration evening.
October 7/8 will be our net retreat, held in Greenwood. Father will track down information and Theresa will put it together.
Tuition assistance is available for all students at St. Anthony’s if there is a need, contact Maryann or Margie.
Father has asked Chris Lindner if the public school would be willing to provide bus transportation for all Loyal K – 6 students on Wed. after school to St. Anthony’s Faith Formation classes, the school has agreed.
In October Father Frank Corradi will be speaking at all our masses about coming together in unity to help ourcluster parishes work well together.
Things we are looking at for our committee is:
General Family Education, Joint Curriculum, Family Educational Classes and perhaps intergenerationalactivities after masses.
Father Corradi will has be conducting a parish mission Feb.1 thru 5 for Lent, a mission will be held a night in each parish.
A rough time line for working on a joint curriculum for our Cluster parishes, first meeting is scheduled for Tuesday Oct. 15, 2013. Two members from each parish, so far we have Joyce Rondorf, Barb Gawlick, Theresa Kiel and Maryann Olson. Joyce will look for two more members. A selection should be chosen in time for the 2014-2015 Faith Formation classes. We are also asking school principals if they would like to attend.
Next month’s agenda:
Ann Langford – Director of Catechist and Evangelization, Diocese of LaCrosse
Nov. 5th meeting at St. Mary’s @ 6:30
Certification and Curriculum
9:20 – Father Steve Prayer
9:22 Meeting adjourned
Respectfully Submitted by Janet Boh – Approval Pending