Museum of Australian Democracy
at Old Parliament House
Strategic plan 2013–18
The Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House
It is timely to shape a fresh role for the Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament Housefor Canberra and the nation– as a new kind of town square built around the democratic principles of equality, freedom, justice and representation.During Canberra’s early years, Old Parliament House was the social, geographic and political heart of the new Australian capital. In its heyday, the building was like a town within the city of Canberra: it had its own library, post office, barber, carpentry workshop, bars and dining room. By the 1980s, thousands of people worked in the building including politicians, parliamentary staff, Hansard reporters, journalists, dining room and bar staff.
Since Parliament moved to its new and permanent home, an active and award-winning program to conserve the heritage fabric of the National Heritage Listed building has been undertaken, alongside the launch of dynamic exhibition galleries which explore Australia’s journey to democracy as the Museum of Australian Democracy. In addition to general public, over 75,000 school children visit the building each year, participating in a unique learning program that fuses technology civics and history to engage young people from around the nation.
Building on the success of existing programs, we now have an opportunity to broaden the range and volume of experiences tolink into more diverse communities, build new audiences, and provide myriad points of entry and opportunities to draw people together, as we explore the traditions, opportunities and challenges of democracy – in the broadest sense.
This strategic framework (2013–18) will guide and inform how we will realise this important, timely and exciting vision.
Daryl Karp
22 July 2013
Our vision:
Living democracy. Community building.
At a time of global political upheaval, we play a significant role in exploring and communicating the intrinsic value of democracy – the capacity for people to govern their own lives, to have their say. With an Australian perspective, in a country made up of over 200nationalities, the Museum provides a space not just to celebrate our democratic traditions, but also to truly collaborate with our audiences and stakeholders. We will embrace this opportunity to connect communities, encourage participation and value freedom.
Through the lens of living democracy, we will build a vibrant community through exhibitions, talks, festivals, artists, celebrations, tours, films, markets, concerts and memorials. We want to enrich the quality of Australians’ lives by providing a place to connect with family and friends, and offer unprecedented opportunities to make this iconic building a rich and central part of our civic and individual experience.
Catalyst for uncensored conversations
Our collection, events, exhibitions, interpretation and learning programs will tell stories and provoke conversations that inspire and help Australians to remember, reflect on, celebrate and value the spirit of democracy.
Empowered and engaged communities
Enhanced visitor experiences – onsite, online and through outreach activities – will be created for, by and about the people, community and democratic spirit of Canberra, the nation and the world. Our targeted activities will be timely and relevant, encouraging active engagement and dialogue.
A welcoming and vibrant meeting place
In this nationally significant place, we will create a vibrant and welcoming Town Square as a rich and central part of our civic and individual experience. Progress will be achieved in harmony with heritage values which recognise, preserve and communicate the spirit of place.
A sustainable and thriving future
Our organisational culture will enable the Museum and its valued staff to be nimble, courageous, democratic and efficient. Our actions and relationships will ensure ongoing relevance and financial sustainability, advancing the Museum and the building as a critical asset for diverse sectors.
BOLD│Catalyst for uncensored conversationsOUTCOME / STRATEGY
Recognised for agenda setting content, excellence and integrity /
- Broaden our engagement with democracy to embrace its spirit, freedom, and intrinsic value to communities in Australia and the world.
- Position ourselvesas anationally recognised conduit for comment,learning, research,ideas and conversations about democracyfrom a range of perspectives.
- Establish innovative, inspiringand flexible approaches to develop outstanding agenda setting content.
RELEVANT│Empowered and engaged communities
Dramatic engagement with diverse audiences /
- Build an audience-focused organisation.
- Create a multifaceted approach to programming for visitor and stakeholder engagement, which includes new models of programs for diverse audiences.
- Implement flexible strategies for audience research and development, to understand and meet visitor needs.
AUTHENTIC│A welcoming and vibrant meeting place
A thriving public space in harmony with heritage values /
- Ensure all activities reflect and support our purpose: what we care about is at the heart of what we do.
- Create a vibrant Town Square as a rich and central part of our civic and individual experience.
- Achieve progress in harmony with heritage values which recognise, preserve and communicate the spirit of place and support the broader mission.
DYNAMIC│A sustainable and thriving future
Contemporary relevance and financial sustainability /
- Strengthen the organisational culture to enable the museum and its valued staff to be nimble, courageous, democratic and efficient.
- Ensure ongoing relevance and financial sustainability by advancing the museum and the building as a critical asset for diverse sectors.
- Forge strategic partnerships to extend reach, relevance, research, visibility and viability.
Museum of Australian Democracy
atOld Parliament House
Living democracy. Community building.