63rd Zonta International District 7 Conference

Airport Hilton, Kansas City MO

September 18-20, 2015

First Business Session – Friday Evening, September 18, 2015

Welcome and Call to Order

District 7 Governor Polly Holten welcomed International Vice President Susanne von Bassewitz, Past International Director Kerry Dixon, Past District Governors and fellow Zontians.

Polly called the 63rd Conference of Zonta District 7, “Serving Women Through...Conviction, Commitment and Courage,” to order at 6:37 pm. The national anthem of Germany was played and the national anthem of the United States was sung by Alexis Swope.

Zonta's Code was led by Lieutenant Governor Mary Reed.

Introduction of the Head Table: Governor Polly introduced

Susanne von Bassewitz, Zonta International Vice President and District 7 Liaison

Mary Reed, District 7 Lieutenant Governor

Pam Phillips, District 7 Parliamentarian

Brigid Langseth, District 7 Secretary

Susan Voeltz, District 7 Treasurer

and, seated directly in front of the head table,

Jane Austin, Area 1 Director from Jamestown

Judy Jensen, Area 2 Director from St. Louis

Shelley Schultz, Area 3 Director from Mankato

Cheryl Kohr, Area 4 Director from Topeka

Welcome to Kansas City was extended by Theresa Loar on behalf of Mayor Sly James and the City Council.

Welcome to Conference

Janet Kannard welcomed attendees and recognized the Area 4 clubs whose hard work made this conference possible: Kansas City I for printing, hotel coordination and registration; Kansas City II for entertainment and Saturday favors; Johnson County for centerpiees and hospitality; Topeka for the memorial service and credentials, and Atchison for the Amelia Earhart favors and registration.

Welcome to the Airport Hilton was given by Kathy Easley.

Invocation was said by Dr. Lillian Pardo from the Kansas City II Club.

Introductions: Polly introduced District 7 committee chairpersons in attendance:

Advocacy – Cheryl Retterath from Austin

Historian – Sharon Carmody from St. Louis

Finance – Susan Voeltz from St. Cloud

Foundation – Kay Moss from St. Louis

Membership – Mary Reed from Jamestown

Nominating – Sue Keirstead, Minneapolis; Barb Thorsen, Bismarck; Kerry Dixon, e-club of USA1

Public Relations – Sherri Brown

Past International Director:

Kerry Dixon, e-club USA1

Past District 7 Governors in Attendance:

Sharon Carmody

Barb Thorsen

Kerry Dixon

Carol Pasanen

Janet Kannard

Linda Jacobsen

Linda Daws

Zontians present with over 30 years of membership:

Laurel Haroldson, Jamestown – 32 years

Jane Miller, Kansas City I – 33 years

Jerre Wiggans, Kansas City II – 37 years

Sharon Stark, Topeka – 35 years

with special recognition to

Sharon Carmody, St. Louis – 45 years

Roll Call: District 7 Secretary Brigid Langseth called the roll.

Aberdeen A

Atchison Area P

Austin P

Bismarck P

Brainerd P

Breckenridge-Wahpeton A

Cape Girardeau P P

e-ClubUSA1 P

Fargo-Moorhead P

Jamestown P

Jefferson City P

Johnson County P

Kansas City I P

Kansas City II P

Mankato P

Minneapolis P

St. Cloud P P

St. Louis P P

Topeka P

Report of Credentials Committee

Credentials Chair Sharon Stark reported:

District Board – 7

Registered Delegates – 20

Registered Proxies – 0

Total Present and Entitled to Vote – 27

The report of the Credentials Committee was adopted. The voting number for the first business session was 27.

Presentation and Adoption of the Conference Standing Rules

District 7 Parliamentarian Pam Phillips presented the proposed Conference Standing Rules as printed on the back of the conference program.

Area 1 Director Jane Austin moved to adopt the Conference Standing Rules as read. The motion was seconded by Area 2 Director Judy Jensen. Motion carried.

Presentation and Adoption of the Conference Program

Conference Co-Chair Janet Kannard presented the conference program with no corrections needed. Area 3 Director Shelley Schultz moved, seconded by Treasurer Susan Voeltz, to adopt the proposed 63rd Conference program as presented. The proposed conference program was adopted.

Report of the Nominating Committee

Governor Polly thanked the Nominating Committee: Sue Keirstead, Barb Thorsen and Kerry Dixon. Nominating Committee Chair Sue Keirstead reported the following nominations:

Governor – Mary Reed, Jamestown

Lieutenant Governor – Shelley Schultz, Mankato

Treasurer – Susan Voeltz, St. Cloud

Area 1 Director – Laurel Haroldson, Jamestown

Area 2 Director – Shannon Daniels, Cape Girardeau

Area 3 Director – Gayle Borchert, St. Cloud

Nominating Committee:

Jane Austin, Jamestown

Janet Kannard, Kansas City II

Kay Moss, St. Louis

Mary Nimmerfroh, St. Cloud

Alice Smith, Brainerd

Nominations from the Floor

Jane Miller nominated Susan Adolphsen, Kansas City I for the position of Area 4 Director.

Candidates' Introductions and Questions

Each candidate was given an opportunity to introduce herself and answer a question posed by the nominating committee.

Voting Instructions

Voting will take place Saturday morning. Tellers Committee Chair Peggy Jensen, Jefferson City, provided the delegates with voting instructions.

Message from International President

International Vice President Susanne von Bassewitz extended a warm hello from International President Maria Jose Landeira Oestergaard before introducing Maria Jose's video message.

President Maria Jose spoke of the importance of planning for future success, explained our relationship with the UN and reviewed Zonta's international service projects. She encouraged leadership to help clubs move from awareness to action.


The second business session will resume at 8:45 Saturday morning.

Second Business Session – Saturday Morning, September 19, 2015

Call to Order:

Governor Polly called the second business session of Zonta District 7's 63rd Conference to order at 8:45 am.

Roll Call: District 7 Secretary Brigid Langseth called the roll of clubs.

Aberdeen A

Atchison Area P

Austin P

Bismarck P

Brainerd P

Breckenridge-Wahpeton A

Cape Girardeau P P

e-Club of USA1 P

Fargo-Moorhead P

Jamestown P

Jefferson City P P P

Johnson County P

Kansas City I P

Kansas City II P

Mankato P

Minneapolis P

St. Cloud P P

St. Louis P P

Topeka P

Report of Credentials Committee

Credentials Chair Sharon Stark reported:

District Board 7

Registered Delegates 22

Registered Proxies 0

Total Present and Entitled to Vote 29

The report of the Credentials Committee was adopted. The voting number for the second business session was 29.

Approval of Minutes of 62nd District Conference

Minutes of the 62nd District Conference held in St. Louis were approved by the District Board. They were distributed to club presidents and district officers. There were no corrections to the minute and they were approved as printed.

Presentation by Vice President

Governor Polly introduced International Vice President Susanne von Bassewitz, recognizing her as the initiator of “Zonta Says No.”

VP Susanne spoke of the power of Zonta: We are nearing our centennial with 30,000 individuals in 67 countries, and have donated $27 million to international projects. This year District 7 has donated $51,000 to ZIF, ranking 6th among all districts.

Susanne spoke of Zonta as a brand which is built at every point of customer contact with every member and every club. While remaining true to our core values we must adapt to changing circumstances and continue to form reliable partnerships.

Report of Treasurer, Report of Auditor's Review and Presentation of Budget

Treasurer Susan Voeltz presented the treasurer's report which will be filed for audit.

Treasurer Susan presented the auditor's review/financial review for the period of June 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015, and moved to accept it. The motion was seconded by Area 3 Director Shelley Schultz. Motion carried.

Treasurer Susan presented the 2016-2018 proposed budget and moved to accept it. Susan's motion to accept the proposed budget was seconded by Area 4 Director Cheryl Kohr. Discussion of the proposed $4 dues increase included in the proposed budget focused on the fact that without a substantial increase in membership, $4 would not cover expenses and we would need to continue drawing from our reserves. District dues have not been raised in ten years.

Sharon Carmody, St. Louis, moved to amend the amount of dues increase to $9. Kerry Dixon of e-club USA1 seconded the motion. The amendment to the original motion to increase dues by $9 instead of the originally proposed $4 was passed with a vote of 23 in favor, 5 opposed, and 2 abstaining.

Susan Voeltz moved that the proposed 2016-2018 budget be adopted as amended. The motion was seconded by Area 4 Director Cheryl Kohr. The budget was approved as amended, with 23 yes, 5 no, and 2 abstaining.

District Project Update

Cheryl Kluepel, Cape Girardeau, presented an update on the District 7 Haiti project. Zontians have partnered with the Haitian American Caucus to provide three dental or medical missions annually. Zontians have donated over $3,200, all of which goes toward the purchase of supplies (over 10,000 pounds to date). The goal of the project is to increase the emphasis on empowering women. Medical and dental care has been provided, along with school lunches, education on breast feeding, skill building and employment opportunities. $400/year provides sponsorship for one girl. There are currently ten sponsorships.


The third business session will commence at 1:15 pm.

Third Business Session – Saturday Afternoon, September 19, 2015

The third business session of the 63rd Zonta District 7 Conference was called to order by Governor Polly at 1:20 pm.

Roll Call: District 7 Secretary Brigid Langseth called the roll of clubs.

Aberdeen A

Atchison Area P

Austin P

Bismarck P

Brainerd P

Breckenridge-Wahpeton A

Cape Girardeau P P

e-Club of USA1 P

Fargo-Moorhead A

Jamestown P

Jefferson City P P P

Johnson County P

Kansas City I P

Kansas City II P

Mankato P

Minneapolis P

St. Cloud P P

St. Louis P P

Topeka P

Report of Credentials Committee

Credentials Chair Sharon Stark reported:

District Board 7

Registered Delegates 21

Registered Proxies 0

Total Present and Entitled to Vote 28

The credentials report was adopted The voting number for the third business session was 28.

Report of Tellers Committee

Tellers Committee Chair Peggy Jensen reported the following election results:

Mary Reed, Jamestown, was elected Governor with 29 votes;

Shelley Schultz, Mankato, was elected Lieutenant Governor with 29 votes;

Susan Voeltz, St. Cloud, was elected Treasurer with 29 votes;

Laurel Haroldson, Jamestown, was elected Area 1 Director with 3 votes;

Shannon Daniels, Cape Girardeau, was elected Area 2 Director with 8 votes;

Gayle Borchert, St. Cloud, was elected Area 3 Director with 6 votes;

Susan Adolphsen, Kansas City I, was elected Area 4 Director with 5 votes;

Jane Austin, Jamestown, was elected Chair of the Nominating Committee with 25 votes;

Janet Kannard, Kansas City II, was elected to the Nominating Committee with 24 votes;

Kay Moss, St. Louis, was elected to the Nominating Committee with 16 votes;

Mary Nimmerfroh, St. Cloud, received 13 votes;

Alice Smith, Brainerd, received 6 votes.

Rules of Procedure

Actions of the 2014 International Convention required changes to the District 7 Rules of Procedure revised in 2013. Changes reviewed by the District Bylaws Chair and the District 7 Board were presented by District Parliamentarian Pam Phillips. Kerry Dixon, e-Club of USA1, moved to accept the proposed Rules of Procedure. The motion was seconded by Janet Iwig, Topeka. With 28 yes votes and 0 no votes, the Conference approved the updated Rules of Procedure.


Foundation Ambassador Kay Moss, St. Louis, presented the Foundation report. Our goal for this 2014-2016 biennium is 5.3 million. At this halfway point we are at 49 % of that goal. To encourage 100% participation, Kay will begin including club presidents in updates from Foundation ambassadors' phone calls.

District Project

Governor Polly led discussion of the Haiti project. It was adopted as the district project in 2013 for the 2014-2016 biennium, to be reviewed in 2015. A district project must be self sustaining, and participation in the project by clubs or individuals is completely voluntary. Support has been excellent and, as no other project has been proposed for the 2016-2018 biennium, the District 7 Board, at its last meeting, recommended continuation of the project for the 2016-2018 biennium. The Board also recommended that proceeds from the sale of district pins continue to support this project.

Cheryl Klueppel, Cape Girardeau, moved to continue with the Haiti project for the 2016-18 biennium, with pin sale profits supporting the project. The motion was seconded by Sherri Brown, St. Louis. The motion passed with 28 yes votes and 0 no votes.

Best Practices

Clubs were asked at area meetings how they felt about the year end reports which have been used as the basis for awards. The majority of the clubs did not value or want to complete them and participation was minimal. What clubs requested was a means of highlighting and sharing best practices. The following clubs made presentations which will be posted on the D7 website:

Area 1 – Service: Brigid Langseth, Breckenridge-Wahpeton reported on the baby shower the club held for two local crisis centers during 16 Days of Activism. The shower is one of many of the club's ongoing activities which support the Three Rivers Crisis Center in Wahpeton and Someplace Safe in Breckenridge.

Area 2 – Advocacy: Peggy Jensen reported on the billboard the Jefferson City club sponsored to promote crisisaid.org's activities for the prevention of sex trafficking. The sign was first located on a highway between Kansas City and St. Louis and later moved to a different highway. It generated a great deal of interest in and publicity for both organizations.

Area 3 – Advocacy: Judi Leibbrand, Mankato reported on that club's “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” event, in which they partnered with the public safety sector and Mankato State University to raise money for a women's shelter. They had broad participation and were able to donate $1,500. The event generated great publicity.

Area 4 – Service: Johnson County's Pam Fellingham spoke of their club's activities which benefit the Keeler Women's Center, which focuses empowering women in the core of Kansas City through education, advocacy, personal and spiritual development. The club donates gift cards and toiletries, and also provide hands on help with resumes, interview, language and conversational skills.


The third business session closed at 3:55 pm. The fourth business session will commence Sunday morning at 9:15.

International Vice President Susanne remained for a question and answer session at the close of Saturday's afternoon session.

Fourth Business Session – Sunday Morning, September 20, 2015

Governor Polly called the fourth business session to order at 9:15 am.

Roll Call: District 7 Secretary Brigid Langseth called the roll of the clubs.

Aberdeen A

Atchison Area P

Austin P

Bismarck P

Brainerd P

Breckenridge-Wahpeton A

Cape Girardeau P P

e-Club of USA1 P

Fargo-Moorhead A

Jamestown P

Jefferson City P P P

Johnson County P

Kansas City I P

Kansas City II P

Mankato P

Minneapolis P

St. Cloud P P

St. Louis P P

Topeka P

Report of Credentials Committee

Credentials Chair Sharon Stark presented the report of the Credentials Committee.

District Board 7

Registered Delegates 21

Registered Proxies 0

Total Present and Entitled to vote 28

Clubs in District 19

Clubs Represented by Delegate 17

Clubs Represented by Proxy 0

Clubs Not Represented 2

The credentials report was adopted. The voting number for the fourth business session was 28.

Registration Report

Linda Jacobson presented the report of the Registration Committee. The report will be filed by the seretary.

District Board 10

International Representative 1

International Officers/Directors 0

Past International Presidents 0

Past Governors 7

Delegates 22

Other Zontians Registered 19

Total Registered 59

Membership Task Force Review

Lieutenant Governor Mary Reed presented the Membership Task Force Review. The North American Task Force is looking at why we're not growing, wha the barriers are, and why we are not chartering new clubs. Some of the challenges include: aging members, retention, the number of D7 clubs with less than 15 members.

Suggestions: keep new members engaged in local or district projects, mentors (not the person bringing in), e-mail, call, take to meeting, take to coffee, snail mail, get to know in personal way, come early 2nd meeting (orientation), expectations – theirs and ours, new members brochure, involve before joining, picnic, educate, bring children to meeting, day care, flexible dues payment, phone calls, will you participate?

Best Practices

Area 1 – Advocacy: Jane Austin reported on Jamestown's “March of Shoes,” a display in the mall representing victims of domestic violence which was up during the 16 Days of Activism. The display also included cutouts representing those who had died and notes with statistics about violence in the community.

Area 2 – Service: Sherri Brown from St. Louis spoke on how service projects are used to retain members. When the club receives an inquiry contact is made within two days and an application is e-mailed to them. When the club has a visitor every member welcomes her. A new member is assigned a mentor—not the person who brought her. New members are immediately assigned to the membership committee where they learn about Zonta and the expectation that they will serve enthusiastically, and are then quickly assigned to another committee. The club has a newsletter and a member is interviewed and profiled each month.

Area 3 – Advocacy: The Austin Club donated a peace sculpture to the city, which they have now moved to a spot between the courthouse and the Justice Center. The Zonta flag flies there below the American flag. Cheryl Retterath shared the club's 16 Days of Activism project, in which they add a yellow flag to the display on each of the 16 days. They have involved both the city and the county in this project.

Area 4 – Service: Dr. Lillian Pardo talked about Kansas City II's activities with Sheffield House, a residential facility which provides services to empower homeless mothers and their children. The facility's goal is to heal trauma and assist women in becoming self sufficient. The club supports them with donations of money and goods, as well as sponsoring a “mothers' day out” and hosting Thanksgiving dinner.

Report of the Governor

Governor Polly reminded attendees to review the conference at club meeting and to share Maria Jose's video on ZI projects.

Think of Zonta as a brand and prepare an elevator speech. Clubs can order cards from ZI that can be passed out. Cape has a bookmark with club information on it.