Pre-Internship Expectations - Saskatchewan Urban Native Teacher Education Program (SUNTEP)
SUNTEP: EDST 213 Apply for EDST Placement (Survey will be available early Spring)
Use thePre-Internship Suggested Activities checklist, to focus your observations and add evidence to your online TECC Competencies Professional Growth Plan (PGP), found on this page underProfessional Growth Portfolio, as appropriate. In terms of lesson planning and delivery, follow these requirements:
- Co-plan and co-deliver at least three lessons in your placement classroom:
- Prepare written lesson plans and state the PGP sub goal related to how these lesson plans are an indicator of your learning.
- Lesson plans should include:
- curriculum outcomes and indicators
- necessary resources
- introduction/background building
- teacher directed activities (modelling)
- student directed activities (practice)
- conclusion/reinforcement of the lesson
- adaptations for students with exceptionalities
- related assessment procedures
- Teach the lessons and write reflections as part of your PGP.
- Ask for informal feedback from a peer coach, faculty member or partner teacher.
- When not acting as instructional leader in the classroom, be involved by assisting the teacher, tutoring individuals, and working with small groups
- Create an opportunity to observe in an unfamiliar teaching area.
- Complete any related coursework assignments in your partner school.
- Complete coursework assignments in your partner school.
SUNTEP: EDST 303/304 (103) Apply for EDST Placement (Survey will be available early Spring)
Use the Pre-Internship Suggested Activities checklist, found on this page under Pre-Internship, to focus your observations and add evidence to your online TECC Competencies Professional Growth Plan (PGP), found on this page under Professional Growth Portfolio, as appropriate. In terms of lesson planning and delivery, follow these requirements:
- Plan and teach a series of three to five sequential lessons per week to a large group (same class):
- Prepare written lesson plans and state the PGP sub goal related to how these lesson plans are an indicator of your learning.
- Lesson plans should include:
- curriculum outcomes and indicators
- necessary resources
- introduction/background building
- teacher directed activities (modelling)
- student directed activities (practice)
- conclusion/reinforcement of the lesson
- adaptations for students with exceptionalities
- related assessment procedures
- These lessons may be planned and/or implemented individually or with the co-operating teacher or colleague.
- Elicit feedback from a peer coach or co-operating teacher and record examples of "evidence" and "reflections" on your lessons as part of your online PGP.
- Discuss lesson feedback together in a post-conference.
- When not acting as instructional leader in the classroom, be involved by assisting the teacher, tutoring individuals, and working with small groups.
- Create an opportunity to observe/assist in an unfamiliar teaching area.
- Complete any related coursework assignments in your partner school.