Provider satisfaction surveys
Please take a moment to let us know how we’re doing by completing a short, 5-minute survey on our program services. Information like this helps us refine our services, and report outcomes to our state funders. Thank you in advance for your time.
Here’s to the start of a New Year!
As CPCP moves into its second full year of funding, we look back at the program consultations for July 2015 through June 2016. Although ADHD is the most common diagnosis of patients that CPCP staff hasprovided consultation for, PCPs have received consultation for patients with a wide diversity of diagnoses, including disruptive behavior, autism, and bipolar disorder.
WACPP mental health in primary care webinar series
One hour webinars for primary care providers on mental and behavioral health topics are available, presented by child and adolescent psychiatrists and pediatricians, including didactic, case studies and Q&A. To view the list of webinars visit:
Peds urged to routinely screen adolescents for risk factors in suicide
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) publishedupdated guidelinesto assist pediatricians and other child and adolescent health care professionals in identifying and helping adolescents at risk of suicide. The report, replacesrecommendations made in 2007.For the expanded article visit: Pediatricians Urged to Routinely Screen Adolescents for Risk Factors for Suicide
For consultation questions, contact us Monday through Friday, 8a.m. – 5p.m.
Emailfor a response within 24 hoursorcallfor a response within 30 minutes
A PEDIATRICIAN’S TESTIMONIAL:"The CPCP has been a wonderful resource for me as a primary care provider. The ability to have direct access to psychiatrists has helped me to treat and give resources to childrenI normally wouldn't have been able to help. The program helps to reassure me that my treatment decisions are appropriate and it guides me when complex patients walk in the door that I normally would be uncomfortable treating on my own. Without the program, I would have many patients who would not have access to proper mental health treatment. It is truly a great program!"
Thank you for participating in Wisconsin Child Psychiatry Consultation Program (CPCP)
We look forward to working together to improve mental healthcare for children in the state of Wisconsin. For more information and resources please visit the Wisconsin CPCP program website at:
“This project is funded through Wisconsin Act 127. The Charles E. Kubly family provided a generous donation to start a CPCP specifically in Milwaukee County prior to 2013 Act 127. TheKubly family provided an additional donation to augment the state funds for the CPCP.”