WECC Standards Briefing
September 19, 2017
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
The WECC Anti-trust policy will be reviewed. This meeting is a Standards Briefing (Briefing) required by the WECC Reliability Standards Development Procedures (Procedures). The agenda is set by the Procedures requiring each project developed thereunder to be vetted during a duly noticed Briefing. A quorum is not required. Minutes are not taken; attendance is not kept.[1]
Procedural Overview
All new, revised, or retired Regional Reliability Standards (RRS) require approval by: 1) a Ballot Pool, 2) the WECC Standards Committee (WSC), 3) the WECC Board of Directors (Board), 4) the North American Electricity Reliability Corporation (NERC) Board of Trustees (BOT), and, 5) the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Approval, revision or retirement of an RRS shall not be effective in another jurisdiction until approved by the applicable governmental authority.
WECC Criteria need only be approved by a WECC Ballot Pool, the WSC, and the Board.
Procedural Calendar
Ballot Pool Open:August 30, 2017
Ballot Pool Closed:September 14, 2017
Standards Briefing:September 19, 2017
Ballot Open:September 21, 2017
Ballot Closed:October 11, 2017
WECC Standards Committee:Pending
Projects for Discussion
Request for Ballot
The following project(s) will be discussed during this meeting. Each project is proposed for ballot. Procedural Notices for each project were located on the specific Project Page at the Procedural Notices accordion. Document(s) for balloting were located on the specific Project Page at the Posted for Comment accordion.
WECC-0120 FAC-501-WECC-1 Project Page
WECC-0120 FAC-501-WECC-1 Transmission Maintenance - Clean
On July 27, 2017, the FAC Drafting Team agreed toforward the project to the WSC with a request for ballot. The WSC approved the project for ballot on July 31, 2017.
If approved, the project will: 1) conform the existing document to the newest NERC template and drafting conventions, 2) eliminate URLs, and 3) clarify Attachment A and Measure 3M.
WECC-0121B INT-007-WECC-CRT-2.1 Project Page
WECC-0121B INT-007-WECC-CRT-2.1 Clean
On April 6, 2017, the WECC-0121B INT-007-WECC-CRT-2.1 Processing of Emergency Requests of Interchange, Five-year Review Drafting Team agreed by majority vote to forward the document to the WSC with a request for ballot. The WSC approved the project for ballot on July 6, 2017.
If approved, the project will: 1) eliminate the Purchasing-Selling Entity (PSE) from the Applicability section, 2) include generic language in WR1 filling the PSE void, and, 3) add language to the Guidance Section directing the reader to the WECC Process for Monitoring and Enforcement for information regarding adherence of PSEs.
WECC-0121C INT-016-WECC-CRT-2 Project Page
WECC-0121C INT-016-WECC-CRT-2 Clean
On May 19, 2017, the WECC-0121C INT-016-WECC-CRT-2 Data Submittal Drafting Team agreed by majority email vote to forward the document to the WSC with a request for ballot. The WSC approved the project for ballot on July 6, 2017.
If approved, the project will: 1) eliminatethe Purchasing-Selling Entity (PSE) from the Applicability section in favor of the Balancing Authority, 2) deleteWR2/WM2, and, 3) includea Guidance Section entry explaining the generic use of the term “interchange software.”
WECC-0125 PRC-001-WECC-CRT-2 Project Page
WECC-0125 PRC-001-WECC-CRT-2 Clean
On June 13, 2017, the WECC-0125 PRC-001-WECC-CRT-2 Governor Droop Drafting Team agreed by majority email vote to forward the document to the WSC with a request for ballot. The WSC approved the project for ballot on July 6, 2017.
If approved, the project will: 1) shortenthe Purpose statement, 2) updatethe Effective Date, 3) addFacilities 4.2.2 to incorporate new technologies, 4) movethe Background section to the Guidance section, 5) updateWR1/WM1 replacing “governor” with “Frequency Response”, 6) updateM1 to reflect current drafting conventions, 7) addthe “Equipment Installation” section indicating the no requirement to install equipment, and, 8) correcta typo in the April 1, 2016 row from 2.1 to 1.2.
WECC-0127 VAR-002-WECC-2 Project Page
WECC-0127 VAR-002-WECC-2 Clean
On July 25, 2017, the VAR Drafting Team agreed toforward the project to the WSC with a request for ballot. The WSC approved the project for ballot on July 6, 2017.
If approved, the project will be forwarded to the Board with a request for full and immediate retirement, subject to required regulatory approval.
Public Comment
The drafting team for each of the projects covered was invited to attend the Briefing. Each project was queued separately and attendees were invited to comment on each project and ask questions accordingly.
Review Upcoming Meetings
To be determined.
Adjourned by consensus
[1]Because the content of each Briefing draws a discrete audience, there is no expected continuity of attendance from one Briefing to the next. Lacking that continuity, there is no expectation that future attendees will have the institutional memory necessary to approve minutes from previous Briefings.