High School
Table 1: Collection Maintenance & MarketingHosts: Amanda Lanza & Alex Wolf
- How have you engaged inContinuousReview, Evaluation and Weeding(CREW) to maintain the quality of your collection?
- How have you marketed books & eBooks topromotetheir use by students and teachers?
- How do you use circulation data for strategic marketing, weeding and selection?
Rotation 1 /
- Book Trailers
- Flat Screen Monitor- PPT on loop showcasing books, trailers, etc.
- Student artwork incorporated into displays
- Books face out
- Bookmarkers created by students to advertise
- Bookmark with Top 10
- Genrefication
- Props to articulate theme or genre of book
- Acrylic display- ebook promotion along with physical copy of book
- Cardboard shelfholder on shelf with QR Code, ebook title, etc
- Light up board with changing messages
- Summer Reading Project- eBook copies available and marketed
- Weeding- by Dewey #, when books are returned
Rotation 2 /
- eBooks- personal contact and recommendation
- Teacher link on a tile
- Frames to advertise eBooks
- Infusing eBook options on shelf
- Weed during genrefication- not checked out, worn
- Started with bigger NF sections
- Created a plan for the year- Break Fiction into sections and use NF Dewey- put on a chart
- eBook marketing- NO OVERDUES!
- Run a spot on the morning announcements to fill out a request form (print or online) for a book
- Create a form for student recommendations
Rotation 3 /
- Genrefication of Fiction Section- weeded during the process
- Updating age of collection- pull all books 2000 or older, LMS would review for use- projects and data from Destiny, make final selections
- Make a list of books that were weeded to update
- Aggressively weed Reference
- Kids will use eBooks if LMS recommends
- NF eBooks sell more than fiction
- Purchases ABC Cleo for History
- Emotional response to weeding from classroom teachers
- Book trailers for eBooks- put on announcements
Rotation 4 /
- Bulletin board with QR codes to eBooks from Destiny and Public Library- QR code to OverDrive
- LMS to student recommendation
- Weeding- large purchase 17 years ago and now it needs to be weeded
- Book look, age, student input, multiple copies of the same title
- Scared to weed
- Removing shelves once books are weeded
- Look at state standards
- Print picture of eBook and put on the shelf
- NF and reference works the best- new science curriculum- multi-user ebooks
- eBooks in resource list
- Parents would like students to interact with physical books
Middle School
Table 1: Collection Maintenance & MarketingHosts: Amanda Lanza & Alex Wolf
- How have you engaged inContinuousReview, Evaluation and Weeding(CREW) to maintain the quality of your collection?
- How have you marketed books & eBooks topromotetheir use by students and teachers?
- How do you use circulation data for strategic marketing, weeding and selection?
Session1 /
- Weeding a replacing 900 section- country books, remove dated titles and replace with newer titles
- Teacher requests on topics- weeded what was currently available and added new titles
- TitleWise analysis- gutted 300s and 600s- ordered some new titles based on data about checkout in the past 10 years
- Weed multiple copies of the same title in Non-fiction = average age of collection to be 5 years newer & face out displays on shelves
- Focus resources on getting new materials and connected to curriculum
- Teacher newsletter- directions to link to eBooks
- Poster- eBooks
- Displays-
- Worked with department chairs to order specific titles to support curriculum
- Split NF into the core 4 and market directly to content areas- SS, Science, Math, ELA
- Interfile marketing for eBooks on the shelf
- Work with students to download books on their device
Session 2 /
- Lots of weeding reference section (1500-1800), fiction- not circulated in the past 10 years- asked why?
- Monthly genre display- September is a good month for …
- Weed as shelving books or as items come back
- Action plan- co-created with Kelly
- No new books without taking one away
- eBook SLO Use- surveyed 6th graders about eBooks, then used the data to create SLO
Session 3 /
- Prepping for a move- weed prior to moving into a new location- Go through each section- condition, copyright, Destiny and TitleWise reports
- Previously scared to weed- TitleWave guidelines, yellowing, pictures outdated or too childish in books,
- Pressure from other LMS to weed- dated titles, newer content available online, met with department chairs to discuss changes in curriculum
- Moved reference books which allowed NF to flow- students now notice books they didn’t previously
- Suggested weeding schedule
- Use open space to market NF
- Devices have impacted checkout- show how to checkout, how to download app
- Provide list to students that connect to current studies
Session 4 /
- Make fiction the first thing students see when they walk in the door
- Touch everything- helps to identify what needs to be
- Weeded state and country books heavily- push students and teachers towards databases
- Weeding = space to do more with and makes the library more visual and students browse more
- Book store model has impacted book checkout
- Genrefication has supported student independence
- Shelf markers to advertise ebooks on the shelf