Issue 189______February 6, 2017

The 189thmeeting of the Holy Trinity Parish Pastoral Council took place on Monday February 6, 2017 in the meeting room of the Parish Center. Deborah Dioncalled the meeting toorder at6:33 PM.The opening prayer was read by all Council members present. The Mission Statementwas read by Deborah Dion.

Theminutesof the previous meeting were reviewed.The motionto acceptthe minutes of the January9, 2017 meeting, was made byStephenOleksak Sr,and seconded by LucynaLewinski.

Inattendancewere:Deborah Dion, BozenaJaworowski, KrzysztofJaworowski, Sandra Kielbasa,LucynaLewinski, MaureenNomakeo,StephenOleksak Sr,Fr. René Parent, M.S.,JeanettePetrettiand WandaPluciennk, Deacon Charles Wainwright

Absent:Dennis Hamel and WadeBrunelle.

Guest: Mary Jane Stec (refreshments)

Committees Reviews:

Ministry & Worship:

- Fr. René Parent reportedthat Fr. Thaddeus will probably introduce the Lenten Mission during the weekend Masses of March 25/26. The Mission would be bi-lingual,2 nights in Polish, probably on Wednesday and Thursday and 2 nights in English, most likely on Monday and Tuesday.

Building & Maintenance:

-StephenOleksak Sr.stated that there is not much to report.

- Still trying to find someone to remove the oil tank.


-Lucyna reported that the“Winter Dance”was a success. A donation was made in the amount of $1,000 toward the church.

- Steve is asking for suggestions, ideas and any assistance, in finding a band for the Fall Fest, which will take place on Sunday, September 17, 2017.

Religious Education:

- Deacon Charles Wainwrightreportedthatthe High School Religious Education 11th grade will attend a Catholic Retreat at Our Lady of Blessed Sacrament on Monday, from 5-9 PM.

- All Religious Education classeswill participate in a Child Safety program, to provide a safe environment for children in school and church. This program is required by the Diocese. The date for the class is up to the teacher.

- Confirmation is scheduled for April 30. Fr. René Parent reported that there might be a change in the location for the Confirmation. He’s still waiting for the answer from the diocese.

Social Justice:

- Deborah Dion reported that she got in touch with the Bethlehem House and got the list of items that they need the most. She made about 150 tickets for the Giving Tree. Will start collecting items during Lent, maybe for about 4 weeks, till the end of March.

Sick & Homebound:

- MaureenNomakeo already received donations for Easter, which she deposited into the account.

Youth Ministry:

-JeanettePerettireported that the next movie night is planned for February 17 at 5:30 movie “Robots” will be shown.

- Jeanette said that she has some extra money left over from the movie nights, which she would like to use to purchase some books and crayons for little kids, for Easter.

Finance Council:

-Fr. René Parent reported that financial report for the last 6 months looks very favorable.If we continue in this direction, it will be very good.

Old Business:

-Calendar Raffle: Is going very well.

- Jeanette Peretti stated the she needs type something for the bulletin about the Braided Pastry Fundraiser.

- Stephen Oleksak Sr.is planning the coffee hour to take place on February 26, after the 10:30AM Mass

- Fr. René Parent wanted to know what happened to the idea of the “Greeters” at the door with the name tags, for the 10:30 AM Mass.

New Business:

- Deacon Charles Wainwrightsuggested that it would be a good idea to recruit a new deacon to our Parish family.

Closing prayer was offered by Stephen Oleksak Sr.

Meeting adjourned at 7:19 PM.

Closing prayer for next meeting:LucynaLewinski

Next meeting is Monday, March6, 2017 at 6:30pm

Respectfully submitted byWanda Pluciennik