1 Summary of highlights
MeteoSwiss deploys a vast palette of tools for fulfilling their forecasting, monitoring, and warning duties as the necessary information needs to cover the very broad temporal range from the recent past to two years into future. MeteoSwiss-run observation-based systems monitor (past few hours) and nowcast (next 0-6 hours) the current weather situation, while nowcasting and NWP systems cover the very short range (0-12 hours) and the short range (out to 72 hours) forecast. The NWP model used at MeteoSwiss is the COSMO model, jointly developed in the COnsortium of Small scale MOdelling. For the medium range (out to 10 days), the extended range (out to 30 days) as well as for the long range (out to 2 years) MeteoSwiss bases their products mainly on the ECMWF, but performs significant post-processing of the model output. Probabilistic forecast products are derived for the extended short range (out to 5 days) from the COSMO ensemble prediction system (EPS) run at ECMWF by a COSMO partner, while for the medium range the ECMWF EPS is mainly used.
The following highlights reflect recent progress at MeteoSwiss:
• Considerable attention has been given to precipitation estimation through the MeteoSwiss high-resolution rain gauge network applying advanced geostatistical methods to the rain gauge network alone and in combination with the radar precipitation estimates.
• Nowcasting capabilities at MeteoSwiss are mainly based on observations, but are complemented by heuristic or numerical models of various kinds. Hereby radars play a central role, contributing to object-based thunderstorm tracking, quantitative areal precipitation estimation (deterministic and probabilistic), nowcasting of precipitation by Lagrangian persistence including a treatment of orographic rain. MeteoSwiss made a major investment in renewing their weather radar network and extending it to better cover the two inner-alpine valleys. Resulting from a recently terminated EUMETSAT fellowship at MeteoSwiss, probabilistic information on convection initiation and evolution to allow early detection of severe storms is assessed from satellite imagery.
• The state-of-the-art high-resolution NWP model COSMO is exploited for nowcasting, very short range and short range forecasting in various configurations for a number of years. A project is underway to further increase the spatial resolution of both the deterministic model (mesh size 1 km) and the probabilistic model (mesh size 2-3 km). The model output statistics (MOS) is currently being adapted for the COSMO model. The powerful fieldextra toolbox is a MeteoSwiss developed software, which has been adopted as official COSMO software.
• Recently nowcasting has additionally been complemented by the INCA, as system developed by the Austrian weather service ZAMG and run at MeteoSwiss.
• Data assimilation is key in improving the very high-resolution NWP skills. The relatively novel assimilation of temperature, humidity and wind retrievals from atmospheric profiler (e.g. microwave radiometers, LIDARS, ceilometers) is, therefore, one focus of the data assimilation research at MeteoSwiss.
• Recently, a COSMO extension for dispersion modelling, COSMO-ART, is used for detailed pollen forecasts and as an emergency tool in case of nuclear power plant accidents. The latter relies on the frequent assimilation of wind profiles into the high-resolution model in order to calculate the dispersion of radioactive substances released. Also, a model is deployed which relates solar UV radiation at the surface to human UV exposure and accounts of the indirect radiation components.
• Finally, in order to leverage future supercomputers, current weather prediction codes have to be adapted. To this end a specific project is underway with the aim to reengineer the COSMO code to run efficiently on both massively parallel scalar machines as well as heterogeneous systems with GPUs (Graphical Processor Units).
• The main forecast products undergo an objective quality control procedure since the 1980ies. Requiring significant manual input the method has recently been automatized. Also, an index-based verification measure has been chosen following the examples implemented in the UK and Germany.
2 Equipment in use
Authors: Martin Schäfer
MeteoSwiss decided for a server strategy which prefers Linux for application servers, and Windows for both office based server applications and Clients.
Windows 7 SP 1 / Office 2010 based HP desktops and Dell laptops are therefore used as PC clients, with a an increasing trend towards laptops. A few remaining Solaris based workstations are being replaced and virtualized in data centers, and, where feasible, migrated to Linux. Access to Solaris and Linux machines from client PC’s is accomplished via X-Windows, using Xmanager and/or X2go.
The server Hardware consists of SPARC Enterprise M-Series servers, and HP Blade servers for both Linux and Windows based servers. Virtualization of servers continues, using VMware for Linux and Windows, and a Hitachi based SAN/NAS for storage. We focus on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS as preferred Linux distribution, and RedHat Enterprise Linux 6 to complement the Linux application server environment. Sun Solaris 10 is still in use for legacy applications, like e. g. the Data Warehouse, which is based on Oracle Database. Windows Servers are on 2008 R2 operating system level. Application middleware is mainly based on Oracle Weblogic, and we use Informatica PowerCenter as ETL tool. We just recently implemented Icinga as open source monitoring tool, and upgraded BMC ARS Remedy workflow tool to V. 8.0.
Network equipment is based on mainly Cisco products.
3 Data and Products from GTS in use
In 2012 the migration to Table Driven Code Forms could be finalized for all data types provided by MeteoSwiss.
At present nearly all observational data from GTS are used. Further in use are GRIB data from Bracknell, Washington and Offenbach as well as T4-charts from Bracknell and Washington. Additionally most of MOTNE and OPMET data are used as well.
The number of incoming messages of the majority of the different types has again increased in the last year. An enormous increase can be reported for DRIFTER and AIREP/AMDAR messages, while the number of METAR, GRIB, T4 has decreased slightly, BATHY even to a remarkable amount (~ 30 % less).
Typical figures on message input for 24 hours are:
SYNOP, SYNOP Ship 34972
TEMP Part A + B 4677
PILOT Part A + B 1508
METAR 157377
TAF short/long 50422
GRIB 36382
T4 (BUFR, FAXG3) 27529
4 Forecasting system
4.1 System run schedule and forecast ranges
Very short range
INCA: 24 runs per day (hourly), out to 6hrs forecast range; operated by MeteoSwiss
Short range
Medium and extended range forecasting are based on external NWP sources, but MeteoSwiss runs their own short-range forecasting system. The core of this system is the non-hydrostatic model COSMO (of the Consortium for Small-Scale Modelling, see section 7).
At MeteoSwiss, the model is running operationally at two spatial scales: The regional model COSMO-7 with a horizontal resolution of about is driven by the ECMWF global model IFS. The local model COSMO-2, having a horizontal grid spacing of about 2.2 km, is nested in COSMO-7. The nesting of NWP models is illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1 NWP system of MeteoSwiss
The primary aim of COSMO-2 is to provide forecasts from nowcasting to very short-range time scales, whereas COSMO-7 is used for the short-range time scale.
Both COSMO-7 and COSMO-2 have their own assimilation cycle, which is updated in intervals of 3 hours. Three daily 72 hours COSMO-7 forecasts are calculated, based on the 00, 06 and the 12 UTC IFS (main or boundary conditions) runs. One COSMO-2 forecast is computed every 3 hours in parallel to the computation of the necessary COSMO-7 boundary conditions. The lead time of the COSMO-2 forecast starting at 03 UTC is 45h, and 33h otherwise. The cut-off time for all forecasts is 45 minutes.
An on-demand mode can be activated, e.g. in case of incident in nuclear power plants. COSMO-2 is then computed hourly with at least 3 hours assimilation and 6 hours forecast.
A sophisticated set of scripts controls the whole operational suite, and allows for a very high reliability of the system, with less than 2% of the forecasts requiring manual intervention. This same environment is also used to run parallel suites, to validate proposed modifications to the system, and to facilitate experimentation by the modelling group.
The computing resources and expertise are provided by the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre (CSCS, see COSMO-7 and COSMO-2 are calculated on a Cray XE6 equipped with AMD Opteron 12-core processors, and achieve a sustained performance of 270 GFlops on 1079 computational cores for COSMO-2. Pre- and post-processing run on the service nodes of the machine. An additional machine same architecture and with 4032 computational cores is available for as fail-over and for R&D. A large multi-terabytes long term storage is used for archiving purposes and a 1 GBit/s link connects the MeteoSwiss main building with the CSCS (on the other side of the Alps!).
Medium Range
IFS: 2 runs per day (00, 12 UTC), up to 240 hrs; operated by ECMWF
Specialized numerical predictions
MOS: 2 runs per day (00, 12 UTC), up to 240 hrs; based on IFS and GME; operated by DWD
Kalman filtering: 2 m temperature based on IFS, COSMO-7 and COSMO-2; operated by MeteoSwiss
2m-dewpoint temperature based on COSMO-7 and COSMO-2; operated by MeteoSwiss
4.2 Medium range forecasting system (4-10 days)
4.2.1 Data assimilation, objective analysis and initialization In operation
None Research performed in this field
4.2.2 Model In operation
None Research performed in this field
4.2.3 Operationally available Numerical Weather Prediction Products
Even if GME and GFS are available in the medium range, ECMWF is the principal forecasting system at this range.
4.2.4 Operational techniques for application of NWP products (MOS, PPM, KF, Expert Systems, etc..) In operation
See section for Fieldextra. Research performed in this field
4.2.5 Ensemble Prediction System (EPS)
AUTHORS: André Walser In operation
MeteoSwiss does not run a medium range forecasting system, but contributes to the improvement of the limited-area ensemble prediction system COSMO-LEPS based on global ECMWF Ensemble forecasts (EPS) and on the COSMO Model. COSMO-LEPS has been developed at ARPA-SIMC, Bologna, and runs operationally at ECMWF (see section 7.1.1). It makes probabilistic high-resolution short to early-medium range (5.5 days) forecasts available at MeteoSwiss. Research performed in this field
See section 7.1.2. Operationally available EPS Products
COSMO-LEPS products are visualized in the form of probability maps, stamp maps and meteograms for various parameters. The maps complement the deterministic COSMO products, while the meteograms combine the output from both systems for a single point. In addition, the COSMO-LEPS forecasts are calibrated with a reforecast dataset including 20 years of forecasts (1 member) for the years 1989-2008. Calibrated products are available for precipitation, temperature and wind gusts in the form of probability maps for certain thresholds and return periods, meteograms and so-called warngrams which show for a given location the probabilities for a set of return periods for the 5-day forecast range with 24h sliding windows.
4.3 Short-range forecasting system (0-72 hrs)
4.3.1 Data assimilation, objective analysis and initialization In operation
Data assimilation of COSMO is based on the nudging or Newtonian relaxation method, where the atmospheric fields are forced towards direct observations at the observation time. Balance terms are also included: (1) hydrostatic temperature increments balancing near-surface pressure analysis increments, (2) geostrophic wind increments balancing near-surface pressure analysis increments, (3) upper-air pressure increments balancing total analysis increments hydrostatically. A simple quality control using observation increments thresholds is in action.
Currently, the following conventional observations are assimilated both for COSMO-7 and COSMO-2: synop/ship/buoys (surface pressure, 2m humidity, 10m wind for stations below 100 m above msl), temp/pilot (wind, temperature and humidity profiles), airep/amdar (wind, temperature) and wind profiler data. COSMO-2 additionally assimilates radar data, using the 2-dimension latent heat nudging scheme. An empirical quality function for radar quantitative precipitation estimates is in operation, which is based on the frequency of signal occurrence of a particular radar pixel (D. Leuenberger et al, 2010, and references therein).
MeteoSwiss uses its own snow analysis which is derived from MSG satellites combined with dense observations. A multi-layer soil model with 8 layers for energy and 6 for moisture is used. Finally, the vegetation and ozone fields are based on climatic values.
The MeteoSwiss Data Warehouse (DWH) is being used as the operational data base for conventional observations. Data from DWH is retrieved at CSCS in BUFR format, and converted to the NetCDF format with the bufrx2netcdf software of DWD. The number of assimilated conventional observations is monitored. Research performed in this field
4.3.2 Model In operation
A thorough description of the COSMO Model itself can be found on the COSMO web site (see section 7.1). It is a primitive equation model, non-hydrostatic, fully compressible, with no scale approximations. The prognostic variables both for COSMO-7 and COSMO-2 are the pressure perturbation, the Cartesian wind components, the temperature, the specific humidity, the liquid water content, cloud ice, rain, snow and turbulent kinetic energy. COSMO-2 furthermore uses a prognostic graupel hydrometeor class in the microphysical parameterization. COSMO-7 uses the Tiedtke scheme to parameterize convection, whereas in COSMO-2 convection is parameterized by a shallow convection scheme, and the deep convection is explicitly computed.
The model equations are formulated on a rotated latitude/longitude Arakawa C-grid, with generalized terrain-following height coordinate and Lorenz vertical staggering. Finite difference second order spatial discretization is applied, and time integration is based on a third order Runge-Kutta split-explicit scheme. Fourth order linear horizontal diffusion with an orographic limiter is active for wind in COSMO-7 only. Rayleigh-damping is applied in the upper layers. For the advection of the humidity constituents a symmetric Strang-splitting in all 3 directions is used at each time step.