XXXVI Dec. I 2013 (Antarctica)
- The Purpose of this Act is to recognise claims to the Antarctic continent claimed by countries already recognised by the Empire, to recognise the claims of the Flandrensisian Commonwealth over otherwise unclaimed Antarctic territories, and to ensure that Austenasia is not bound by the Antarctic Treaty System and holds full autonomy in deciding which claims over Antarctica it will recognise.
- The Empire of Austenasia hereby denounces its former ratification of the Antarctic Treaty and gives notice of its renunciation of the terms of said treaty. Austenasia shall be considered to have no longer been bound by the Antarctic Treaty from when Act 74, Law 5 - ratifying the aforementioned treaty - was repealed by Act 126, Law 8 on 10 September 2010.
- The Empire of Austenasia hereby recognises:
- The sovereignty of the United Kingdom over the British Antarctic Territory, that is, British sovereignty over all land which is south of the 60th parallel south, east of the 80th meridian west, and west of the 20th meridian west.
- The sovereignty of Norway over Queen Maud Land, that is, Norwegian sovereignty over all land on the Antarctic continent which is claimed by Norway and is east of the 20th meridian west and west of a line of longitude running 44°38' east, as well as over Peter I Island.
- The sovereignty of Australia over the Australian Antarctic Territory, that is, Australian sovereignty over all land which is south of the 60th parallel south, east of a line of longitude running 44°38' east, and west of a line of longitude running 136°11' east, as well as over all land which is south of the 60th parallel south, east of a line of longitude running 142°02' east, and west of the 160th meridian east.
- The sovereignty of France over Adélie Land, that is, French sovereignty over all land which is south of the 60th parallel south, east of a line of longitude running 136°11' east, and west of a line of longitude running 142°02' east.
- The sovereignty of New Zealand over Ross Dependency, that is, New Zealander sovereignty over all land which is south of the 60th parallel south, east of the 160th meridian east, and west of the 150th meridian west.
- The sovereignty of Chile over all land which is south of the 60th parallel south, east of the 90th meridian west, and west of the 80th meridian west. Austenasia does not recognise claims of the Chilean Antarctic Territory which were already claimed by other states when it was established, that is, Austenasia does not recognise Chilean sovereignty over land in the British Antarctic Territory.
- The sovereignty of the Community of Landashir over Steventon Island and Farwell Island.
- The sovereignty of the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis over Siple Island, Cherry Island, Maher Island, Pranke Island, and Carney Island.
- Subsection 1 of the second part of the Fifth Imperial Decree of HIM Emperor Declan I is hereby repealed. The Grand Duchy of Flandrensis is hereby recognised as a sovereign state. In accordance with Paragraph 3, Subsection H of this same Act, Flandrensisian sovereignty is recognised over the Antarctic claims listed in said subsection. The sovereignty of Flandrensis is furthermore recognised over any land both claimed and controlled by the Grand Duchy.
- The Principality of Arkel is hereby recognised as a sovereign state. Arkels sovereignty is recognised over Dean Island.
- The Principality of Campinia is hereby recognised as a sovereign state. Campinian sovereignty is recognised over Moody Island and any land both claimed and controlled by Campinia.